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How to start Oblomov's analysis? Sleep is the starting point

When studying the creative heritage of Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov, the question often arises: "How to begin the personal analysis of Oblomov?"

"Sleep - the starting point for a deep understanding of the protagonist", - answer literary critics. Why did it make such a profound meaning to the dream? Obviously, the classic with this technique immediately "killed two birds with one stone": firstly, the explanation presented to him in the dream was short, concise, capacious. Indeed, sleep does not last long. And secondly, Goncharov did not violate the dynamics of the development of the main plot in such a brevity-a consistent display of the self-destruction of the landlord, cherished by himself, before his hypertrophied dimensions, laziness. The subject of this article is Oblomov's dream. An analysis of the corresponding episode of the novel shows that the dream consists of three parts. What does not happen in the power of Morpheus?

Sleep. Childhood in Oblomovka

Having closed eyelids, 32-33-year-old Ilya Ilyich sees himself as a seven-year-old boy in the village family estate of his parents. He is surrounded by coziness and ... idleness. Around the old manor house in the middle of Oblomovka village - a lot of interesting things for an inquisitive boyish mind. It is the role of education that displays the analysis of the episode "Oblomov's dream". Parents do not let him play with their peers on the street and, of course, do not let them in. "Work is boredom, this is the destiny of Ivanov and Zakharov!" - since childhood he has been inspired by him. Around the child - a whole host of nannies and nannies. Every desire is anticipated. Just want to - and here it is! The child does not have to go anywhere, strive for something. What for? They all bring it and deliver it. Gradually, under the influence of this stupefying and suffocating tutelage, little Ilyusha loses the dearest - a child's lively sparkle in the eyes, his mischief becomes tense, he ceases to be interested in what the teenagers should dream of. It ruinously educates a man the whole family way, where in the morning everyone prepares for dinner, and having eaten, they slumber undefeated.

Fairy tales. Deception of poetic nature

The further episode continues Oblomov's personal analysis. Sleep takes him to the children's room, where he listens to the tales told to him by the great master of the narrative - the nanny. Ilyusha's bright, creative imagination turns him into a character of Pushkin's fairy tales, a folk epic. Tales of a nanny, like a computer for our peers, immerse him in a special virtual world, where he feels that he was an epic hero, then a sage "opening the eyes of mankind." It is doubly dangerous that these stories are "superimposed" on an absolutely passive pastime. As a result, the child is no longer interested in either peer games or the work that adults do. All this is boredom compared to the bright and magnificent fairy-tale world. The meaning of this scene is also evidenced by the Dobroliubov analysis of Oblomov. "Dream - a bright creative find of Goncharov," - says a brilliant literary critic.

Verhlevskaya Elementary School

This part of the dream is no longer in childhood, but in adolescence. All the same, a bumpkin must periodically leave a cozy, caring patrimony, leave a pleasantly passive, non-committal way of life. He has to leave his familial islet of idleness for a while. The reason is schooling. It is only unusual for a boy to communicate with a teacher - the German Bogdan Ivanovich Stoltz, demanding, energetic, meticulous. And the teacher's son is Andrey, not only that he "learns" his lessons, he also plays and fights with the village guys after them. They are wonderful people. However, young Oblomov calms down when he sees that Stoltsi are the only ones in his circle. He sees everything with an astute childish gaze: the entire village of Verhlevo lives in the same way as Oblomovka: they sleep for a long time, work a little, live their life in a drowsy state. "Laziness rules the world", - finally decides Ilyusha. On this conclusion, the personal analysis of Oblomov ends. The dream shows us the deep essence of the hero's personality, the very foundation of which is laid down in childhood.


Unquestionable is the key character of the episode of sleep for a general understanding of both the personality of Ilya Ilyich and the essence of the work. A negative example of Oblomov's education is an appeal for every person to actively and consistently build for themselves a bright, active and meaningful life.

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