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Summary of "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov": nothing remains without punishment

"Song ...", written in 1837, was stylized as folk epics, for which it was in M.Yu. Lermontov was highly appreciated by the Slavophils. Here it is - the long-awaited return to national roots. Here you can hear truly popular speech under the tunes of guslar.


"Song begins ..." with the appeal of the guslars to Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich with the message that she talks about her beloved tsarist oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov. The song, folded in an old fashion, was already heard by the people and the boyars. And the boyar Romodanovsky with his white-clad wife treated them, and they treated him with honey, and a towel, sewn not with anything but silk, was brought. In this tune only a hint is given of the short content of the "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov"

Chapter One: At the King's Feast

In his palace is not under the sunlight, not under the clear sky, and in the refectory the feast is at the terrible tsar, at Ivan's at Vasilyevich's. And around him are the apprentices, princes, and boyars, and oprichniks. The king rejoiced. Everyone orders us to pour the wine. Everyone drinks and praises the king, only one young oprichnik does not eat, does not drink, his head on his chest is lowered and the thought thinks strong. This terrible king noticed, looked strictly - the fighter does not notice, the king hit the stick with a stick - again he heard nothing. Here the king spoke threateningly, and the young soldier woke up. And the king asked if he had not planned what was wrong with his young servant Kiribeyevich, for it was indecent of the royal joy to escape from the banquet. And he is of a proud kind - from the family of Malyuta Skuratov. At the feast begins a story that in part will be a summary of the "Song of the merchant Kalashnikov."

Speech of the young oprichnik

"Though I cut off my slave's unworthy slave, but I do not have the joy, I'll ride on my horse and ride around in Moscow, as I'll dress up, your grace is not deprived, and with a sash beautiful and a sable hat, all the girls are at me, standing by Gates from the Tes, look. But one in my heart is fired, the one that does not look at me, turns away, closes with a veil of silk. There is no more such a beauty in Russia. Like a swan, he walks like a dove, looks, says that a nightingale sings. Her cheeks were pink, her cheeks glowed, the sunshine gilded the braids. Of the kind she is from the merchant, and her name is Alena Dmitrievna. Just look at it, and do not need me outfits Kamchaty, gold-silver is not necessary. Before whom am I to show off with panache? Before whom am I to boast of wealth? Tsar Sovereign, let me live on a free Cossack life and put up a violent little head in battle. "

Suddenly, a flash of love continues the short content of "The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov." The terrible king laughed, listening to penitential speeches. You need a matchmaker and gifts rich - so the king-sovereign decided. Kiribeyevich was deeply embarrassed: he slurred before the tsar, did not tell him that Alena Dmitrievna was already a married wife and would never get him. The summary of "Songs about the merchant Kalashnikov" is partly a woeful confession of a young oprichnik.

Chapter two: the young merchant Kalashnikov

A bad day happened to a Tarovite merchant. Buyers did not go into his shop. He closed it in the evening and came home. But did not meet his hostess, did not cover the table. Where is she at such a late time? By evening I went to church, but did not return. And it's night outside. And so, the beloved wife runs into the house - she is simply-hairy, with torn clothes, looking cloudy. She cries bitterly, throws herself at her husband's feet and complains: how he caught up with her on Kiribeyevich Street, embraced, promised gifts dear, and neighbors saw and laughed. "Take revenge for me, my dear husband, except for you, I have no protection in the world." Alena Dmitrievna cries with tears. And Stepan Paramonovich called for his younger brothers and told them that if he died in battle tomorrow, then let the brothers not be timid and also go to battle with the abuser. This chapter presents the humiliated feelings of an honest young family. About this narrates the "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov", the brief content of which will have an unfair continuation.

Chapter Three: Battle on the River in Moscow

The sun had not yet risen, only the scarlet dawn was played out, as the remote young men began to measure their strength with pugilistic power, to amuse themselves with each other. So the king of terrible came, and not alone, with all the faithful servants. He ordered me to surround the place for fighting fun with a silver chain. The call was to the good fellows, so that the tsar could be amused to go out without fear to the circle. The king will reward the one who will be the winner. The first was the young Kiribeyevich. The Tsar bowed to the belt, threw off his fur coat, pushed his handle to his right side, one walked around, and no one came to him. And he chuckles - I'll let him go, I'll have mercy. There was a crowd, and Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov came out. He bowed to the tsar, to the churches, to the Russian people. He straightened his shoulders and put on his mittens - he was a fine fellow. Kiribeyevich boasts, asks, for whom he will order the requiem. Stepan Paramonovich answers him that he does not dishonor anybody's wives, does not rob him at night. A requiem will necessarily be served, because he went out for one fight and will finish it to the end.

This is the way the guslar "The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov". The summary becomes more and more tense. Kiribeyevich's speech became poor. They parted silently, a ruthless battle began. Kiribeyevich was the first to strike, so much so that the blood from his chest was poured from a merchant boy. But Stepan Paramonovich gathered with power and struck a powerful blow to the enemy's head. Oprichnik died immediately.

The king, forgetting his promise, was angry. He summoned a fighter to himself and questioned him with all severity: he had killed, or involuntarily, the beloved servant of the king. And when he heard that the fighter did it on his own will, he promised him his royal favor: an ax sharp sharpened and a head on a frontal place to cut down. And the tsar will not leave his family behind. The brothers will trade without any duties, and the wife and children of the small will be granted money.


Here the hangman walks-wait, now the bell buzzes mournfully, and the young merchant and his brothers say good-bye forever and asks to bow to his beloved wife, and do not tell the children about bitter grief. And he asks the merchant-fellow of the brothers to bow to his own house, friends-comrades and pray for his sinful soul. The irresistible end is approaching. This is how the "Song of the Striking Merchant Kalashnikov" sounds, the brief content of which speaks of royal tyranny. And the merchant's head fell from the block, and was buried at the crossroads of three roads. And people pass by his grave. Who will cross himself, who will chide, who will sing the song.

His work was stylized under the folk epic Lermontov ("The song about the merchant Kalashnikov"). The summary and the full version justify the merchant's revenge for the mockery of his family.

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