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Honeydew honey - what is it? How to determine padego honey?

It turns out that honey bee is not always a recycled flower nectar.

There is also a drop. It is a sweet sticky secretion of insects that live on leaves and branches: aphids, leaf fleas, and chervets. From all this, the honey is obtained. What it is? This unusual product will be discussed in this article.

Types of padi

In order to determine and understand what pada honey is, first you need to understand its origin.

There are periods when there are no habitual most suitable honey plants for bees. In this regard, they begin to collect the sweet - sweet secretions, which can be both animal and plant origin.

In the first case, it is the allocation of insects (mostly aphids) that feed on plant juice. In the second - it's honeydew and sweet plant extracts formed on coniferous trees and deciduous trees (aspen, willow, oaks and linden).

In order to better understand how he gets honey, what it is and whether it is useful, one should consider its kinds.

Accordingly, the source of origin, padego honey is divided into 2 types:

1. A drop of animal origin.

Aphids, feeding on the juice of different plants, identifies a kind of "side" product with a high content of sugars. In the hottest weather, as noted above, bees begin to collect this sweet coating from the leaves. Most often there are collections mixed, when the pad contains a little pollen.

2. The fall of the origin of the vegetable.

In its composition there are carbohydrate secretions of some tree species. They are especially active in the heat, which enables bees, without stopping their work, to wait for some time these unfavorable conditions.

Characteristics of honey

How to determine padego honey? This is easy to do with the following characteristics:

1. By color, which varies depending on the source:

• Honeydew, collected from deciduous trees, gives honey a very rich brown color.

• Honey from coniferous trees has a greenish shade.

• A drop in the origin of the animal gives the product almost black color.

• Fall, mixed with pollen, forms a light golden color honey.

2. According to the aroma. There are products with a slight and hardly discernible smell, and some species are completely absent.

3. On the palatability - pleasant and sweet, with a little bitterness.

4. Consistency and crystallization. A special feature of honeydew honey is a thick and viscous consistency. When mixed with flower pollen, it becomes more liquid. Crystallization of this honey is slow. And many varieties do not crystallize at all, but just stratify or form an opaque mass, similar to a soap solution.

Structure of honey

Amazing pade honey. Its use is clear, even if you just look at its composition. It is very different from the usual products of beekeeping. For example, animal origin honey contains many products of protein decay, and plant origin contains a huge amount (more than 90%) of carbohydrates.

Pade honey contains, on average, more than 65% of glucose and fructose, about 15% of sucrose and a large number (about 11%) of polysaccharides, including dextrin and melitsitose, and 3% of proteins. In large quantities, mineral, nitrogenous substances, lipids, and organic acids are found in honey.

Honey paste: useful properties

A considerable content of elements of animal origin makes this honey useful for a person. On the body it has the following beneficial effects:

• Due to the high content of phosphorus and potassium, it perfectly strengthens the bone system.

• It is an excellent means of prevention of most of the "age" diseases, it rejuvenates the body perfectly.

• Prevents development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes faster recovery after strokes and heart attacks.

• Restores strength after increased mental and physical activity.

• It has a good preventive effect against colds, strengthens immunity.

• Good effect on intestinal peristalsis.

• Quite favorable effect on blood, and therefore used in anemia.

Here is such a wonderful pade honey. What is this we have learned. Below we will tell you how to store it.

Features of storage

The pad absorbs moisture from the air quite intensively. Therefore, to keep this product longer its properties, it must be stored in a carefully closed container (glass or ceramic), in a cool dry place (not in the refrigerator). Do not take this product in large quantities - you need to purchase only the necessary quantity for the coming months.

In connection with the unusual source of origin, this product of beekeeping, as noted above, contains some elements of protein origin. In addition, it lacks phytoncides contained in plants and in their pollen, which are able to protect people's habit of honey from different bacteria. And protein particles are a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. Although there is a small admixture of pollen of flowers in the honey of honey, the amount of these phytoncides for hindering the process is not enough. This is the reason that quickly sour padevy honey.

Benefit and harm

There is a positive moment: this honey, in comparison with other similar products, can be used for people with high body weight and suffering from diabetes. Although the content of carbohydrates in this honey is high, it contributes to the improvement and acceleration of the metabolic process, the removal of harmful compounds of cholesterol and toxins.

Honey can also bring harm. He, like other products of beekeeping, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before applying padehovogo honey should check the body's response to it, using the first time a small amount.

The healing properties of padem honey are detected only if it is properly used. It is advisable to apply it without mixing anything. The fawn honey can be added to tea on herbs, but it should be only warm (not more than 60 degrees), so that useful properties remain. Use it in food can not be more than one tablespoon per day.

In Europe, pade honey is the most valuable, in comparison with other similar products. In Russia, it does not enjoy such popularity because of its unusual taste and color. And yet, do not neglect such a valuable natural medicine.


As you can see, in addition to the usual, there is also a paddy honey. What it is, it became clear. And what is the difference between this product obtained in different territories of the country?

In the west of Europe bees take mainly honey dew, and in Russia, for the most part, it is the source of the dew, from which is obtained a not very high-quality second-rate product, which is not very popular.

It turns out that the place of origin affects the quality, value, composition of honey and determines its properties, both useful and harmful.

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