Spiritual developmentTarot

Tarot Lovers: value, combination

At first glance it seems that the Arcane Tarot Lovers discloses aspects of personal relationships. This is a typical mistake of beginning fortune tellers. In fact, the card Lovers (Tarot) has a deeper meaning. It is a challenge, or a crossroads, a necessity of choice, a dilemma. Its main point is that a person faced a turning situation. Let's see how to interpret this lasso in different hands.


The spatial meaning embedded in the map is transmitted on the image. Experts know that different schools modify the pictures a little, but the essence remains the same. Consider the Arcane Tarot Lovers. It depicts the figures of a man and a woman (Adam and Eve) next to an apple tree, in whose branches a snake of temptation hides. Practically Biblical story. The image pushes to thinking about the upcoming choice. Personality is invited to decide what is more important: the sweetness of sin or the burden of duty. This is the essence of the arcana. He talks about the fork, past which it is impossible to get through. It is necessary to choose from several mutually exclusive options. As you know, the value of Arcana Tarot is multifaceted. Consequently, the essence of the upcoming choice will have to be judged on the neighboring cards. The woman in the picture has angel wings. They say that there is a lesson in patience ahead. Something will provoke sharp actions. These factors will have to be comprehended and overcome.

Internal sense

Love requires openness from partners. Any person needs to be perceived and respected as he is. Tarot Lovers internally conveys this deep feeling. When a person is sincere, he does not give up responsibility, respecting the choices of others. And the same waits in return. Decipher the meaning of the map follows from the meaning of close relationships. Love is not only great joy, but sacrifice. It is the need for refusal in the hidden sphere that the tarot card hints. Lovers. Its significance, of course, varies depending on the issue, the problem under consideration. But this is always a stress associated with the transformation of personality. Something unnecessary has to die. In its place will be a new, no less valuable, but still unknown. A person is on the verge of development and is afraid to take the first step. And none of the directions is closed. The guesser itself needs to decide which way to go. Tarot Lovers says only about the upcoming choice, but can not do it. Have to think for yourself. In astrology, the arcana corresponds to the sign Gemini. This is a duality, constant doubts. Personality, it symbolized, mobile, flexible, sociable, but windy. It's easy to talk with her, but it's hard to get you to do anything.

Map of the day (direct position)

There is a dialogue with young immature people. They evoke a dual feeling. On the one hand, their antics are not malicious, non-aggressive, sometimes ridiculous. On the other hand, I want to scold the wretches for wasting my time. As a symbol of the day, the lasso Lovers (Tarot), whose meaning is the choice, this is how it should be interpreted. A decision must be made. It will most likely be true. In the forward position, the lasso is considered positive. Because directly look at the coming day. It is complicated, but in the evening you will find pleasant fatigue and pride in the ability to solve problems. Loving people, this map portends a temptation. Probably, someone will show interest in the partner. Of course, this is unpleasant. But is it worth it to be nervous because of fleeting flirting. Remember that the lasso speaks about openness and sincerity. Trust is part of true love.

Map of the day (inverted position)

This is a bad forerunner. In such a situation, the Tarot card has a negative value. Do not engage in serious, vital issues. Do not decide anything in the heat of the moment. Arkan warns against mistakes. Inverted position speaks about the lack of information, wisdom, leaving the right road. In addition, the person has not yet matured in order to lead his own destiny. It is necessary to consult the elders or to avoid harsh actions, leaving yourself the path to retreat. In a more mundane sense, the lasso speaks of minor troubles with colleagues at work. Gossip will prevent one from understanding each other well. In the financial sphere, do not expect success. Earlier, an incorrect step was taken, it is to pay for it. If the guessing had a specific question, then there is no answer to it yet. The likelihood of fulfilling the desire is small. Most likely, a person could not prepare a platform for its implementation.

Tarot. Divination: Lovers in the Relationship of Relationships

First consider the direct position. The appearance of this arcana in the scenario is favorable only when the relations have just begun to develop. This is the sign of the right choice of partner. In combination with deuce, Cups symbolize a partner for life. If the next direct Sun or the Empress, then there will be a wedding. The value of Arcane Tarot depends not only on the orientation of the guessing, but also on the specific situation in the scenario. In the past, Lovers talk about the choice that has already been made. It still affects the relationship. Probably, the partner remembers the past love. But these thoughts are not important. In the future, our lasso is unfavorable for couples with experience. This is a sign of betrayal or likelihood of such. There is a difficult choice, says the card Lovers (Tarot). The combination of it with the Tower or the Hanged is especially unfavorable for the fortune-teller. There is a gap that will leave an unhealed wound in my heart. If the lasso is in the "present" position, then the tragedy is happening right now. Asking question may not yet be suspected. But the partner has a completely different interest.

Inverted position

In this case, the card demonstrates all the negative of wrong decisions. It alters even the excellent prospects of positive arcana. I'll have to answer for old mistakes. From the past there will come problems, which the guessing does not have the strength, desire, or skill. Perhaps the partner regretted your connection. He wants to return to the one who was before. The combination with the three Swords in an inverted position - leaves no hope. If the Hanged man is near, then the guessing one himself will refuse the present relationship, which he will later regret bitterly. When there are many Pentacles in the scenario, it means that the gap will occur for mercantile reasons. But it does not change the essence. You will have to suffer and regret your actions. A more detailed analysis of the prospects of relations will help to guess the Tarot "The Pyramid of Lovers". The situation is quite simple. It involves four cards. Let's examine it in more detail.

The Pyramid of Lovers

It is necessary to shuffle the deck and pull out four lasso, spreading them with pictures to themselves. They determine what the prospects for relations are, whether there are problems, what hinders, and what, on the contrary, contributes to consolidation. Value of items:

  1. The fortuneteller. His attitude to the situation, the internal position.
  2. Partner. His thoughts and feelings, what he thinks of you.
  3. Relationships: what happens between people.
  4. The future: speaks about the prospects for relations.

If our lasso appeared in the first position, then the person is not sure of himself. He considers himself unworthy of a partner, doubts, suffers. In the second position, the appearance of Lovers is not a good sign. So far, relations have not developed. They are windy, not strong, fleeting. If in the fourth position the Empress, Hierophant, Peace, then all will end in a long alliance.

Influence on the business sphere

The appearance of the lasso in this case speaks of changes of a different order. In a direct position, he portends business negotiations, new projects, contacts. It will be necessary to think well of the proposals. They will prove promising, but they will have to give up something. For example, change the place of service. On the new, not everything will immediately turn out perfectly. But the guessworker has enough strength to succeed. In an inverted position, the lasso warns against excessive spending and empty hopes. The card can spoil even the most positive alignment. Lovers (Tarot) in any position predict a lack of energy. There is no prospect. Man squandered talent in vain, he could not realize the chances of destiny. I'll have to repeat the whole way from the very beginning. The combination with the Tower speaks of the loss of space or income. You will not find a new job soon. With the Hanged Man - predicts unprofitable investments, large losses due to his own fault. With a triple of Swords in an inverted form, suggesting to be more careful. An accident is likely.

In the hands of health

In this case, the negativity of the arcana is not so great. He is a sign of choosing a method of treatment, a hospital, a resort and so on. The operative intervention is indicated by the combination of our arkan with Ace of Swords. If both cards are in the forward position, then surgical intervention will lead to complete recovery. You should agree to it. When both cards are reversed, the risk of error is high. Do not hurry with the decision. It is better to use medicamentous or other types of treatment. If there is a moon nearby, then refer to folk techniques. They are more favorable than the scalpel of the surgeon. In most cases, lovers in the layout of health offer to combine exercise with diet. A dual approach to treatment or prevention is needed.

In the scenario of desire

It's pretty sad to see our lasso, when guessing at the realization of a dream. He is good only in the position of "the past," and then with a favorable environment. If Hierophant, World or Star is near, then there is hope, but it is necessary to work on the conceived. In other cases, there is no answer. Maps probably do not feel for the guessing man enough to digest the fulfillment of desire. This is a bad sign. It is necessary to engage in self-improvement. You see, a lasso often shows losses through its own fault. What you want is at arm's length, but the lack of something important prevents it from getting lifted. No one will help. Change yourself to be happy and successful, will have to yourself!

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