HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hiccups in newborns. Causes.

Today we waited with special impatience for the arrival of our nurse (after she was discharged from the hospital she came to us twice a week): the baby suddenly started to hiccup after eating. After each feeding. The hiccup lasted about half an hour. Sometimes more, sometimes less. And this caused concern, although the kid himself did not feel any discomfort, apparently. Our complaints about this phenomenon caused a smile at the nurse: "Do not worry, it's okay, hiccups for newborns - a normal phenomenon."

It turns out that there is really no cause for concern. At least in most cases. Although you can not ignore hiccups. I will try to share with the readers the information received. Why does hiccups occur in infants? There are many reasons, and you must find them. This will help to determine the future actions and will tell what to do.

Why does hiccups occur in children? The reasons are different.

Pay attention, do not overeat the baby. Because of the large amount of food, the stomach stretches, the contraction of the diaphragm occurs. These are the abbreviations we observe. Hiccups in newborns can be caused by thirst, swallowing air (for example, if your baby eats with greed). In addition, hiccough may be caused by cold. For such reasons, hiccups in newborns really should not cause cause for concern. Eliminate the cause in such cases is not difficult. If the child is cold, provide him with warmth: transfer to the room warmer, dress warm clothes (to warm up more quickly), give him a drink warm water (in many cases, the hiccups stop immediately, especially if it is caused by thirst).

If your baby eats with greed, take a break for a few seconds. Then you can continue feeding. If the child is breastfed, pay attention to the size of the hole in the nipple. Every mom is happy when a child eats quickly and a lot. But that's just for the kid it's not entirely useful. In addition, the child may choke. Do not be tempted by such a temptation. Do not make wide holes in the nipple and feed, according to the norm. And after each of the feedings, be sure to hold the baby in a "column" (vertically) until the air comes out. This will help to save the child and from regurgitation after eating, and from hiccups.

Hiccups in newborns can occur as a result of nervous shocks. A crumb can react to a sharp, loud sound, to the arrival of someone else's person. These are neurotic manifestations, although they also occur in children with a healthy nervous system. They are just very sensitive. Therefore, try to protect the child from sharp sounds, very bright light, the arrival of strangers in the house. Refuse (well, at least for the first time) from noisy guests, from loud music and even, no matter how difficult it was to do, family scenes. Little children on an intuitive level feel the state and mood of their mother. That's why they can suddenly cry without a reason.

Hiccups in infants can be caused by helminthiases, but this is very rare in newborns.

Another cause may be the dysfunction of certain nerve centers caused, for example, by hypoxia during childbirth or during pregnancy. This can already be attributed to neuroses. If the hiccups of newborns are constant, not stopping (or with small interruptions, but frequent, which also can be attributed to a permanent), examine the baby urgently. Such hiccough may well be caused by a severe lesion of the central nervous system, or signals a pneumonia. And here you will not be able to get off with a quiet, domestic atmosphere. For such a child, a persistent, long treatment with appropriate care and even with possible hospitalization will be necessary.

I hope this information was useful. Health to you and your baby!

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