Food and drinkTea

Green tea against electromagnetic radiation: benefits, protection features

With the development of technological progress, the human body became increasingly exposed to harmful influences. Electromagnetic radiation, even in small doses, can cause headaches and disruptions in the activities of various organs, all household appliances, especially television and computers, having such a negative effect. But modern man can not completely abandon technology, for many, work is associated with it. And in order to preserve one's health, one must look for ways to protect against electromagnetic radiation. We must try to shorten the time of interaction with especially harmful technology, remove appliances from the bedroom and turn them off from the sockets. In addition, some food can help. For example, scientists found that green tea against electromagnetic radiation is very effective. What is the reason for this?

What is the harm of electromagnetic radiation?

  • The magnetic fields of household electrical appliances interact with human bioelectric impulses and distort the normal functioning of many organs;
  • Under the influence of electromagnetic fields , the activity of the pituitary gland - the main endocrine gland of a person - is greatly reduced;
  • The magnetic field suppresses the production of an important hormone melatonin, under the influence of which other hormones are produced;
  • Many tissues and organs of man have the ability to conduct electrical impulses, and the effect of radiation from household appliances can disrupt the natural work of the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems;
  • All electrical appliances emit a small dose of radiation, which, accumulating in the body, leads to illness.

How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation

The most harmful devices for health scientists have recognized cell phones, a microwave oven, a TV and a computer. Most people can not abandon them, so you need to find ways to protect against radiation. If possible, you should turn off electrical appliances more often, try to stay away from them. There are biological methods of protection, for example, house plants that purify the air of toxins and enrich it with oxygen. In addition, you need more to eat foods that contain vitamins A, C and E and have antioxidant properties. Scientists have found out that green tea works very well against electromagnetic radiation. It is recommended to office workers and everyone who spends at least two hours a day at the computer, to drink two cups of this drink to neutralize radiation.

Features of green tea

Throughout the world, tea is the most popular drink. There are many types and ways of brewing. Both green and black tea are made from one raw material, but by different methods. Features of green tea is that it is not subjected to fermentation and long processing. Therefore, it retains a green color, it lacks a tea odor. The leaves are treated with hot steam to inactivate the enzymes and prevent oxidation. Thanks to this treatment, green tea retains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, that's why it is so useful for health.

What is the use of green tea?

  • It contains more than 10 different vitamins, with more vitamin C than citrus, and a lot of vitamin E and P. This explains the antioxidant properties of tea.
  • A large number of microelements is also good for health. For example, iodine normalizes the endocrine system, potassium - cardiovascular. This also explains the fact that green tea is effective against electromagnetic radiation: it not only improves the performance of various organs and systems, but also helps in the removal of toxins and toxins.
  • This drink is a rich source of antioxidants that improve immunity, help in the prevention of cancer and slow down aging.
  • More than in other products, green tea contains catechins - substances that have the property of neutralizing radiation. They protect the cells of the body from damage caused by its effects.

Why green tea protects against electromagnetic radiation

This is mainly due to the strong antioxidant properties of this drink.
The substances contained in it help in the regeneration of cells and the restoration of the functions of the organs. The main effect is on catechins, which are able to neutralize radiation and those changes in cells that occur under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. In addition, green tea has a cleansing effect and improves metabolism. All electromagnetic fields suppress the activity of the endocrine system, and the large amount of iodine contained in this drink improves its functioning.

Green tea against electromagnetic radiation is very effective, and it is believed that two cups of drink per day can neutralize the harmful effects of radiation from household appliances.

Without technology, a modern person can not imagine his existence, so you need to know how to protect yourself from its harmful effects. This is especially important for those who can not limit the time of interaction with it, as well as those who work in the office. Knowing that green tea protects against computer radiation, you can reduce the damage caused by electrical appliances.

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