Food and drinkRecipes

Fragrant chanah in pots, recipe

Georgian cuisine is full of recipes that have long been common in Russia and in eastern countries. To them can be attributed and chanakhi in pots, the recipe of which does not require special culinary skills, and as a result you get a very rich and aromatic dish.

For its preparation, vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, onions in approximately equal proportions with meat are taken, and are stewed for a long time in the oven in special clay pots, which makes a specific taste. There is no one-sided option on how to cook chanakh, as there are several recipes, each of which is good in its own way. In the Ukrainian version, for example, eggplants are replaced with beans and mushrooms, while the result is also quite original.

In order to make chanah in pots, the recipe can be taken next. Meat (it is recommended to take fatty grades, for example, mutton or pork) is cut into portions, salted. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes, onions shredded rings. Whole eggplants of small size are cut and chopped with chopped greens. In the prepared pots the ingredients are laid in layers: meat, eggplant, onion, potatoes, while vegetables are poured. Tomato paste is slightly diluted with broth, in it is put crushed garlic and chopped greens. The dish is poured into the mixture and placed for 2 hours in a preheated oven. Shortly before the end of cooking, peeled and peeled fresh tomatoes are placed here. If the liquid from the products evaporated ahead of time, it is worth adding a little more broth so that the dish does not dry out. Such chanakhs in pots, the recipe of which should not cause difficulties even for novice housewives, are served on the table in the same dishes that were prepared. They can be used both as a first and as a second course.

The following recipe will be slightly different both in the cooking process and in the ingredients. It will take meat, onions, carrots and beans. The meat is cut into thin strips and fried until golden. The onion is crushed, parsed for a while in sunflower oil, after which tomato paste is put here, diluted with boiled water and brought to a boil. The amount of sauce depends on how many portions are prepared.

Carrots and potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes. Beans are soaked for a night in cold water for swelling. In the pots laid out layers of meat, carrots, potatoes, beans, each layer is salted. The tomato sauce is poured in such a way that all the products turn out to be in it. In case it is not enough, you can add some water. The pots are put in a preheated oven, where they languish for about 1.5 hours, depending on the type of meat. Such a recipe can be approached by those who choose how to cook pork in pots, because in combination with vegetables it will acquire an original taste and become much more tender. Before serving, the chanakhi should be decorated with greens. In the pots they keep the heat for a long time, so it's worth to be more careful.

For those who love sharp Caucasian cuisine, the following recipe will do. At the bottom of the pots, a chopped onion is laid out, on top with diced potatoes and aubergines. The greens of dill and parsley are crushed, laid out the next layer. Tomatoes are peeled, cut into squares, mixed with garlic passed through the press and put on top. To vegetables, pork or beef meat is added, chopped in portions. Everything is filled with tomato juice. Each of the layers should be seasoned and seasoned. The pots are closed with foil and lid, put in the oven for a minimum temperature of 2 hours. When the potatoes in pots, the recipe of which suggests their long longing, will be ready, topped with crushed herbs with garlic. The dish is insisted for a few more minutes and is served on the table.

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