HomelinessDo it yourself

Form for paving tiles with your own hands - open a fantasy place to fly!

To independently lay out in the courtyard of the track or tile decorate the site, you need a special form for paving slabs. It is very realistic to make it with your own hands, there would be a desire and patience. There are lots of options for such forms.

Metal form for paving slabs

With your hands, you can make a cover of tracks or grounds, without resorting to a separate casting of each tile. You can simply weld metal frames without a bottom, presumably rectangular or square. Inside the main frame there are partitions. They can divide the area not into geometric figures, but be curved. This style of work cancels many stages of laying paving slabs. You just need to clear and level the place, lay the frame and pour into the voids solution. After the concrete has hardened, the skeleton is removed and shifted side by side, close to the already completed section, if there is only one form for the paving slab. With their own hands to lay in this way the coating for a long time, so it is recommended to make several such forms. The method of "traces" is very popular with this method. This will require cut out of wood, polystyrene or fashioned from something: a human, a tiger, a fantasy. At the moment, while the solution has only just begun to grasp, you need to put a trace on the surface and hold it for a while - so that it prints well. After complete hardening, this pattern looks unusual and creative, especially if the footprint is left as if by a snowman or a huge fairy-tale beast.

Figured forms for the production of paving slabs

Usually people use the purchased forms for casting tiles. But the way of making similar forms at home is quite suitable. To do this, make a sample of the desired shape, lubricate it with vaseline oil and lower it into a container with a sealant made of silicone. After the sample is removed from the sealant, the master will have a silicone mold for the sidewalk tile. It is also not difficult to make a sample with your own hands. You can use the purchased tiles, which attracted attention. And you can make a sample, using as a raw material a wooden or foam plastic template. On it it is preliminary necessary to put the liked drawing executed by usual sculptural plasticine which children use. The received forms will not practically differ from those that the market offers the consumer.

Manufacture of molds for tiles for natural stone

Looks beautifully made for natural stone paving slabs. With its own hands, forms for it can be made from wooden planks, having built a box with a bottom from them. Inside the box, the wooden partitions are made in such a way that the dimensions of each compartment correspond to the future size of the individual tiles. At the bottom of each compartment, you can put stones or earth, giving the filler the necessary shape - this will be the top of the finished tile. The filler is covered with a polyethylene film. Then the solution is poured into each compartment. After the tiles grab, it is gently removed and left to fully cure. At this point it is recommended to repeat the fill. For beauty, you can add paint, expanded clay, crushed stone to the tile casting solutions.

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