HealthDiseases and Conditions

First Aid at High Pressure: Action Tactics

With hypertensive crisis people can face at any age, so everyone should know what first aid is needed at high pressure. This condition can occur in those who suffer from chronic hypertension (constantly high blood pressure). But ordinary people also face it after overwork or considerable stress.

Symptoms of the disease

As a rule, a bad feeling is indicative of a rise in pressure . But if a person first becomes involved with this problem, he may not understand the reasons why he became ill. To understand what happened, you can, if you know what symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure. What to do (first aid should be provided in a timely manner), everyone should know in order to normalize the patient's condition in time.

Symptoms of high blood pressure include:

- occurrence of a nausea, vomiting;

- Throbbing pain in the temples;

- discomfort in the heart;

- darkening in the eyes;

- dizziness;

- cardiopalmus;

- the appearance of weakness;

- a feeling of numbness in the limbs;

- a sensation of a rush of blood to the head.

But all these symptoms are relative, they can also testify about other disorders. Therefore, before you begin to provide first aid, it is advisable to measure the pressure.

Necessary tactics of actions

Before finding out how first aid can be given under high pressure at home, one must find a way to measure it. Best if everyone has a tonometer. It can be simple or mechanical. If you can not measure the pressure, then it's best to immediately call an ambulance. This should be done if the pressure is higher than usual. Anxiety should cause an increase in the indices to a level of 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

Before the arrival of doctors, the patient should be put in a position convenient for him. The best option - half sitting. All crushing clothing should be unbuttoned or removed. Also, we must ensure that fresh air enters the room where this person is located.

A little to alleviate the condition can be with the help of a foot bath with hot water. With her help, you can ensure the outflow of blood to the periphery of the head area. This is available to everyone first aid at high pressure. If a person first encountered such a problem, it is better to wait for the doctors to come and do not drink any medications on their own.

Selection of drugs

People suffering from chronic hypertension will not cause an ambulance every time they feel worse. They can always find drugs that can in a short time normalize the pressure. It can be such means as "Corinth", "Physiotenses", "Kapoten", "Clofelin", "Tonorma". But self-medicate and choose medication yourself is not worth it. Only a doctor can choose the most suitable drug taking into account the age of the patient, the state of his cardiovascular system and anamnesis. Also, a specialist can tell in what dosages it is necessary to drink the selected tablets.

First aid for high blood pressure should be given immediately. But it is worthwhile to understand that you should not count on the instantaneous effect. Usually, the drugs begin to act no sooner than 30 minutes later.

Assessment of the effectiveness of funds

With a sharp jump in pressure, people suffering from hypertension should take an extraordinary dose of the drug. Some mistakenly believe that it is better to drink a double dose at once to make the effect come faster. They believe that such first aid at high pressure will be more effective. But doctors categorically forbid it. Too sharp decrease in pressure can cause disorders of cerebral circulation. The consequences can become irreversible.

You need to know how the indicators should change. It is impossible for the pressure to drop more than 30 mm Hg. Art. For half an hour. At an o'clock, it should decrease by no more than 60 mm Hg. Art.

To assess whether the first aid was found to be effective at a high pressure is possible only with the help of a tonometer. If for an hour the pressure decreased even by 40 mm Hg. St., Then you can not drink additional funds. The only exception is sedatives, which can normalize the psychoemotional state.

Using recipes of traditional medicine

Some try to minimize the use of tablets and prefer methods that are recommended by traditional healers. So, you can use conventional methods, which even doctors recommend. These include ensuring the patient's complete peace of mind and hot foot basins.

But healers are not limited to just such methods. They recommend at a pressure jump to chew a few berries of viburnum. They also claim that tea from raspberry leaves also helps . They need to be brewed and drunk throughout the day instead of regular tea.

Some talk about how first aid can be given at high pressure with the help of potatoes. To do this, it must be grated and wrapped in a rag. Compresses attached to the temples can quickly alleviate the condition.

Problem prevention

People suffering from arterial hypertension should understand how to act so that they do not need to know how first aid is given under high pressure. Tablets prescribed by a doctor, they should drink regularly. But even this is not always able to help.

People suffering from hypertension should:

- Minimize consumption of salt and foods with increased content;

- to exclude from a diet fat and fried products;

- monitor your weight (obese people are more predisposed to the development of pressure problems);

- daily to carry out simple physical exertion;

- avoid emotional overload.

Compliance with these rules will reduce the likelihood of developing a hypertensive crisis and minimize blood pressure jumps.

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