
Find out what a dart is

Wars in the history of mankind - a phenomenon, unfortunately, very frequent. Since ancient times, the perfection of weapons, which was used in their course, went constantly. One of the most ancient examples are spears and darts. In fact, they appeared even at the time when the ancient human ancestors came up with the idea of imprisoning a stick to increase its "killing" in terms of food production. By the way, what is a dart? Many people know the concept of "spear," but not all can decipher this word.

Decoding of the basic concept

Drootik - a special spear, the length of the shaft of which does not exceed one and a half to two meters. Its specificity is expressed in the optimal balancing balancing. Darts, unlike classic combat copies, could not be used to fight against heavily armed opponents, but they were convenient to throw light infantry and cavalry. In the Slavic tribes, these spears were called sulites. In some places in Africa darts are used to this day, and not only for hunting purposes. That's what a dart is.

Other meanings of the word

In addition, the so-called projectiles for darts, as well as heavy arrows, issued from ballista and other throwing devices. In short, the meaning of the word "dart" is quite similar, since it means, in most cases, a heavy arrow or a light throwing spear.

What was the purpose of this weapon?

But what is a dart in terms of combat effectiveness? Why did our distant ancestors generally need short spears, which with all their desire it was impossible to break heavy armor? First, darts were very cheap in production. Each soldier of the regular army had a stock of at least two or three such missile projectiles. And intended darts are not always to defeat enemy soldiers.

They could easily be repulsed by taking on a shield ... It was only after a couple of such copies fell into it that it was very difficult to keep it. In fact, releasing an avalanche of darts before the offensive, the warriors pursued only one goal - to deprive their opponents of protection in the form of shields. If everything went well, then usually a volley of bows was used, the arrows of which thinned the rows of enemy soldiers, so that the attack on their ranks became much safer.

We learned what a dart is. But was it only used for war? Of course not. The range of their application was much wider.

Hunting affairs

Of course, to go with a dart to a bear was, let's say, somewhat frivolous ... But among our ancestors there were no suicides, and therefore they were used exclusively for hunting medium game: boars, roe deer, sheep and mountain goats - these are suitable targets for light weapons . Since the darts were light and cheap, any hunter could have a good stock with them. If the beast broke its tip or shaft, the replacement was done in the field, carving out a new weapon from any suitable tree.

So you learned about what the word "dart" means. We hope that the material given in the article was sufficiently cognitive.

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