Arts & EntertainmentLiterature

Features epic: composition and means of artistic expressiveness

Of great importance for the understanding of Old Russian literature is the question of what were the features of the epics. This kind of genre was very popular among our distant ancestors, so the consideration of the problem is still relevant. School lessons on literature should be preceded by a small explanation of the teacher on the topic, as it will help to understand their content, style, meaning and ideological load.

Literary tricks

Features epic can be easily traced on the basis of the most famous works of this genre. When reading at least several texts, one immediately catches the eye with such a technique as repetition. With their help, anonymous authors sought to strengthen the main idea and the main meaning. In addition, thus, the ancient storytellers achieved a special sound and buzz of works.

Here it should be noted that these ancient epic songs were performed in especially solemn occasions, so it was very important to adjust the listeners to a certain harmony. Proceeding from the foregoing, we can add that the features of the epic reflected the spirit of his time, when the military enterprises of the prince's squad became the object of respect and glorification.

The role of epithets

This means of artistic expressiveness plays almost the most important role in conveying the words of a visual picture of what is happening. Unknown authors did not spare colors, singing out the strength and power of ancient knights and warriors. The features of the epics are easily explained by the purpose with which they were created: the desire to praise and perpetuate the heroes' exploits.

To emphasize their glory and greatness, the singers used the same epithets, which, with constant repetition, created in the imagination of the listener an expressive and colorful picture of the battle. As a rule, epithets were applied to the characterization of the external appearance of the warrior, his horse, and also the enemy. Extraordinarily beautiful descriptions of ancient Russian cities: princely chambers, palaces, squads.


The artistic features of epic reflect the thinking of a medieval Russian man who was inclined to glorify the exploits of his favorite heroes. To this end, the authors used hyperbolas, which should have amazed the listener's imagination. In fact, the exploits of the knights are presented in unusually epic tones. For example, in ancient tales the heroes with one stroke and blow smash the enemy, from the impact of his horse's hoof the earth trembles and leaves fall from the trees. The same techniques apply to the description of negative characters. For example, the Nightingale the robber so whistles that all living around flies, a strong wind rises.


The artistic features of the epic reveal some features of the musical art of our ancestors. These ancient epic songs were built according to special rules, which gave them singing, dimensionality and a certain rhythm of sound. In the lines of these works several accents are used, as a rule, three. They were put on third syllables from the beginning and from the end.

This principle was not mandatory, but it was used quite often. This performance gave the epic a special sound expressiveness and epic. However, sometimes syllables sang like a single word to enhance the buzzing of the text, without separations and pauses.


No less important is the question of which features of the construction of the bylinas were used most often. All the works of the genre in question began with the beginning - the opening word that revealed the time and place of action. Here it is necessary to draw the attention of schoolchildren to a high degree of historical certainty: the legends always indicate the real city, they speak of the prince who ruled at the time when the described events occurred, sometimes the author mentioned specific places, which gave the narrative convincingness and truthfulness.

Then follows the setting and the culmination, which are revealed literally in one breath, without pauses, delays or retreats. Thus, the storytellers drew one picture of the event, preventing the listener from distracting for a single minute. Decoupling was, as a rule, rather quickly: it refers to those honors that the hero accepted as a reward for his feat.


Features of Russian epics reveal the inner world of the ancient Russian man. Thanks to these amazing legends, we can understand what exactly interested our distant ancestors. Of course, the most beloved story was stories about exploits and battle bogatyrs. However, in addition, there were also topics dedicated to the glorification of simple toilers-farmers. There were epics about the unusual adventures of heroes, for example, fairy tales about the merchant Sadko were very popular. In these epic glory is not glorified military valor heroes, but such traits of characters as cunning, daring, worldly wisdom, allowing them to find a way out of the most difficult situations.

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