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Reflections on the riddle "Without hands, without a hatchet built a hut" and guesses on it

Who watched the movie "Interns", probably gaily giggled at the dull Phil, when the American was surprised by Russian riddles. Or rather, the answers to them. Why "in the winter and summer in one color" can only be fir, when the right answer is the blood and the fence, and the eyes, and much more? But he had not yet heard the riddle "Without arms, without a hatchet, a hut was built." I wonder what would Phil find out for her?

Riddles for children in verse

Meanwhile, in addition to the riddle "Without hands, without a hatchet, a hut is built", on which a large number of answers can be found, there are many others, no less interesting. For example:

  1. Beyond the tree is a hillock, an insect town. (Anthill)
  2. A wooden path leads upwards, but if the foot gets between the steps, then the going will certainly fall. (Stairs)
  3. A roof with a handle for me, have a look!

From the rain all of us will save, come!

The rain will end - I will put down the roof,

Instead of a cane, it's mine. (Umbrella)

These Russian riddles give a fairly clear description of the subject, which serves as the correct answer. And often in verse lines the answer is hidden at the very end, prompted by rhyme. For example:

"Cotton!" - from candy, as if from a cannon

You'll hear a shot, because it's ... (clapper).

One riddle, and answers - the sea

But let us return to our many-sided puzzle, which reads: "Without arms, without a hatchet, a hut is built." It is interesting that even people who grew up in Russia do not always answer it correctly.

For example, some people think that it is a cucumber or melon. And in principle, they can be understood, if you recall the riddle about the room, which is full of people, but there are no doors or windows. If to argue from this situation, knowing that this "chamber" means a vegetable, then it is quite possible to take the same cucumber (or melon) and as an answer to our riddle. After all, the room, which, in fact, is a room in the hut, was "built" without a hatchet - the plant grew and yielded its own fruit.

Others are inclined to believe that this is a cave, an anthill, a hut of a beaver or a fox hole. And here it is difficult to argue with their logic - all these dwellings for living beings were built without the use of axes and human hands.

Correct answer

However, the correct answer is the "nest". Why is it a nest, not a burrow or an anthill, because the logical chain of answers shows a parallel? Yes, just because he decided the one who wrote this puzzle! Although you can argue, because modern nests for poultry are built by people, using not only wood and ax, but also casting them from plastic. But an anthill, like, people did not try to build ... And if they tried, then they really did not take an ax to help themselves.

As if to ridicule such a state of affairs, today witty writers come up with their own riddles with hard-to-understand answers. "Slippery, wet, hangs on the wall," - such an odd fellow thinks. And after everyone "surrenders", having touched a lot of various objects, proudly declare that it is a herring. On an indignant question, why the herring is hanging on the wall, the merry fellow retorts: "My herring, wherever I want, I'll hang it!"

So in this riddle: you can pick up more than one guess, and only one will be recognized as a nest. And why the nest is accepted as the only true answer is already a question to who was its writer.

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