
Ectopic pregnancy: surgery and treatment

Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology that is characterized by the implantation of a fertilized egg in the fallopian tubes, and not as expected - in the uterine cavity. There is also the development of the embryo. This pathology is observed in 3% of pregnant women. At risk are women who have chronic pelvic diseases of various etiologies and various kinds of inflammation, as well as disorders of the endocrine system.

Ectopic pregnancy: causes

What factors contribute to the emergence of ectopic pregnancy? This is a violation of the motor tubes and their obstruction. With such violations, a fertilized egg can not reach its ultimate goal - up to the uterine cavity - and begins to be implanted (fixed) to the wall of the uterine tube.

Tubular pregnancy has a different localization: cervical, abdominal and ovarian. The cause of ovarian and abdominal pregnancy is also a violation of the motor tubes of the fallopian tubes or their obstruction. But the cause of cervical pregnancy, as a rule, is the finding of a spiral in the uterus. In principle, this is the principle of contraception with the help of a spiral. But at some point, for some reason, the future embryo lingers in the neck, where it attaches itself and begins its development. So begins an ectopic pregnancy. The operation here is inevitable, unfortunately ...

What are the signs of an ectopic pregnancy?

Pregnancy in the tubes of the uterus is the most common form of pregnancy pathology, in which the embryo is fixed in the fallopian tube, and not in the uterine cavity. But no matter what the form of the ectopic pregnancy occurred, all the signs of pregnancy characteristic of the normal bearing of the baby will still appear:

  • Cessation of menstruation;

  • Toxicosis of different severity;

  • Pain in the mammary glands, their increase;

  • Mild pain in the lower abdomen.

To such symptoms in ectopic pregnancy often often arise strong painful sensations in the lower abdomen, as well as unusual discharges, which are not similar to the monthly ones.

Unfortunately, the embryo, developing not in the uterus, in the tube, has no chance of life, since the uterus can not stretch and grow in accordance with the growth of the child, therefore it can not replace the uterus.

What threatens an ectopic pregnancy?

Operation is the only way to save a woman and save, at least in part, her health. The consequences of an ectopic pregnancy are divided according to the time of their occurrence: early and late.

Early complications are characterized by rupture of the fallopian tube, which causes severe bleeding, hemorrhagic or painful shock due to a large loss of blood. In some cases spontaneous tubal abortion occurs. That is, the fetal egg exfoliates and leaves into the abdominal cavity or uterine cavity. This process is always accompanied by severe bleeding and intense pain. The consequences of this spontaneous tubal abortion can be the death of a woman. Internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity can become especially difficult, as it is very difficult to detect and the risk of losing a large amount of blood is very high. As a result of a large blood loss a woman dies.

If external bleeding occurs, than ectopic pregnancy is also characteristic, the operation is the only way to stop it and save the life and health of a woman.

Later complications appear after some time. The transferred ectopic pregnancy, the treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital, subsequently leads to difficulties with conception (and sometimes even infertility), since during the surgical intervention the tube is removed. Hemorrhagic shock, suffered by a woman, also affects poorly on further plans to have a child, and the probability of repeating an ectopic pregnancy is quite high - up to 15%.

Ectopic pregnancy: surgery and treatment

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is always performed with the participation of an operative intervention. If symptoms of rupture of the tube and internal bleeding are absent, laparoscopy is performed, due to which it is not necessary to cut the abdominal wall. In this case, the fabric of the pipe is always trying to preserve. If there is a suspicion of internal bleeding, then a hollow operation is performed, during which the uterine tube is removed.

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