HealthDiseases and Conditions

Why the labia is swollen: possible causes

Recently, you began to notice that your labia is constantly swollen? Perhaps they hurt, they itch, change color from gently pink to inflamed-scarlet? All these symptoms can indicate a variety of diseases, and not even necessarily associated with gynecology. Many women are embarrassed to go to the doctor because of such seemingly insignificant reasons. "What am I going to tell him?" What do my labia swell up? "They ask. Yes exactly. After all, who knows what causes the swelling. In some cases, the lack of timely treatment can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Below we will consider the most common factors that can provoke swelling.

Anatomical structure

Before explaining why   There can be an edema, let's remember together, how this part of a female body is arranged. As you know, the large labia are two folds of the skin, the main purpose of which is to protect the vagina from mechanical damage and adverse environmental effects. In addition, they maintain the necessary thermal regime in the genital area . In the field of the labia there are a lot of veins, bertholin glands and fatty tissue. The edema can also affect the labia minora: their device also differs in complexity, including arteries, nerves, venous vessels, muscle fibers and nerve glands, as well as a large number of nerve endings. Swelling of the labia? The reasons can be as follows.


Any gynecologist will explain to you that this period in any woman is characterized by a tide of blood to the genitals. In the abdomen and labia majora, fat reserves are deposited. Physiologically this is quite understandable: the body is preparing to protect the child, creates for him a special environment. In this case, swelling is not worth it - it's perfectly normal


If you are sure that in the near future you will not get offspring, but you have swollen labia, be sure to show your doctor, and as soon as possible. This can be a sign of a number of diseases - from infectious to cardiovascular and endocrine. In addition, edema can be triggered by an allergic reaction - for example, latex, synthetic underwear or cosmetics. In this case, gynecologists recommend for a while to give up all sorts of gels for intimate hygiene and to resemble simple cotton panties. It is likely that after some time the puffiness will fall off by itself. However, if symptoms such as severe itching, unpleasant odor, or discoloration of the skin are added to the symptom, make an appointment with a specialist.

Female diseases

Swollen lips, and for a long time already? Self-medication is unlikely to help you. All sorts of "grandmother's remedies" like chamomile trays and washing with potassium permanganate only exacerbate the problem. Be sure to take all the tests - it is possible that your body has an inflammatory process - vulvovaginitis. It can be caused by infection, mechanical trauma or friction about too tight underwear. In any case, it can be treated only under the supervision of a doctor.

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