HealthDiseases and Conditions

Back pain, giving in the leg

Many people do not know why they have a low backache and what should be done in this case? The answer to this question depends on the specific situation, however, what exactly you should not do is listen to the experienced neighbor on the site and make attempts at self-treatment. It is worth remembering: what helped one patient, can severely injure another. In clinical practice there was no fact of two completely identical people, as a result of which the methods of treatment should be different. When there are pains in the lower back, giving in the leg, each patient tells about the nature of the pain in his own way, the specialist must accurately determine what exactly he is talking about. However, pain is not always a factor in the development of a certain stage of osteochondrosis, it is also very likely that a person could simply pull muscles.

If you suffer pain in the lower back, giving in the leg, then here we can talk about lumboschialgia. There are two reasons for this kind of pain: either it is a consequence of a strong physical load, or a result of banal hypothermia. Pain of this type is of a different nature. The pain can be strong, and aching, weak, burning or contracting. And the most severe manifestation of pain can be in the lower back and leg.

It is very important to distinguish the forms of this kind of pain, since any back pain that gives in the foot has its specific clinical manifestations.

One of the forms of back pain is muscle-tonic pain. For it, the following signs are typical: spasms in the muscles of the waist, various curvatures of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, hyperlordosis, etc.), as well as noticeable stiffness of movements in the lower back.

Another form of pain is vegetative-vascular, which is characterized by a feeling of burning pain accompanied by some numbness of the foot, most often feet. Even so, it can be pale and feels cold enough to touch. Possible manifestation of chilliness, heat, pain when moving to a vertical position.

And another form of pain, called neurodystrophic. With this form of the disease there is a burning pain in the leg and back, which at night becomes stronger. Thinning of the skin is also considered a characteristic feature.
The physician can establish participation in the cause of the appearance of pain of the radicular formations: the absence of the Achilles reflex, the sensitivity disorder. In this case, when the pulling pains appear even in early childhood, it can speak of congenital abnormalities. If the loin hurts, gives in a leg, it is required to undergo a medical examination as soon as possible. In addition, chronic pain can be observed if it is diagnosed: a narrowing of the spinal canal, a dystrophic change in the lumbar vertebrae, Bekhterev's disease.

For lumbosciagia is also characteristic that it sometimes combines several forms at once, continues a fairly long period, sometimes several years, exacerbations may alternate with remissions. There is also a disease that looks like lumboschialgia - is ischialgia. It manifests a little differently - pain is seen in the buttocks and thigh, and gives in the shin and foot.

When pain in the lower back gives in the leg, the most effective remedy for it is an anesthetic. However, because of the huge number of drugs available in pharmacies, it is difficult to find the right one.

To date, when there are pains in the lower back giving in the leg, the most effective means is recognized ibuprofen. On its basis, a huge amount of pain medication is being created.

The reasons for the appearance of pain in the back area also include: metastatic carcinoma in the mammary glands, lymphoma. Osteomyelitis can also be a factor causing pulling, aching discomfort. When suspected of this disease, the radiography of the bone tissue is performed. The neurofibroma also provokes pain. If the pain is periodic, you need to undergo a course of treatment.

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