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Economic development of in the early 20th century: table. Socio-economic and political development of in the early 20th century. Peculiarities of Russia's Economic Development at the Turn of 19-20 Centuries

The economic development of Russia in the early 20th century was accompanied by the formation of capitalism. This was expressed in the growth of entrepreneurship, the improvement of production, the increase in the volume of wage labor, the technological re-equipment of enterprises. In the country there was a second technical revolution, which coincided with industrialization. In terms of output of industrial products, the state entered the top five with Germany, France, Britain and the United States.

Peculiarities of Russia's Economic Development at the Turn of 19-20 Centuries

During this period, the capitalist system entered a new, monopolistic stage. Large financial and production associations began to be formed. The economic development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, briefly, gave impetus to the merging of monetary and industrial capital. The production and financial groups occupied the dominant position in the economy of the country during this period. They regulated the volume of sales and manufacturing of products, set prices, divided the world into spheres of influence. The interests of industrial and financial groups were subject to the foreign and domestic policies of more developed countries.

Monopoly capitalism

He touched upon the socio-economic and political development of Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the country's own peculiarities of monopoly capitalism were formed. It was determined by certain factors. First of all, the state passed to this system later than many countries in Europe. Of no small importance were the geographical features of Russia. The country occupies a vast territory with different climatic conditions, which affected its uneven development. At the same time, the socioeconomic and political development of Russia in the early 20th century was extremely slow. The autocracy, landlordism, class inequality, oppression of certain strata of the population were preserved.

Economic development in Russia in the early 20th century: a summary

The capitalist industry and the financial system were combined with the lagging agrarian sector. In the latter, semicircular methods of farming and forms of ownership were preserved. Capitalist evolution in rural areas did not keep pace with the rather high rate of industrial progress. As a result, uneven economic development of Russia was noted in the early 20th century. Large enterprises concentrated in that period in five regions: the Transcaucasus, the South, the North-West, the Urals and the Central. Their condition contrasted sharply with the vast territories of the country that were not developed in industrial terms.


The autocracy, distinguished by its powerful bureaucratic structure, and the relatively weak bourgeoisie predetermined active state intervention in the formation of monopoly capitalism. This was expressed in the patronizing policy and legislative regulation of the process of creating monopolies, the financial support of the State Bank for large enterprises, and the distribution of state orders among them. Some state officials were in the management apparatus of powerful production and financial groups. The largest banks were under the leadership of the former highest state officials. These officials, as a rule, had relations with the military, commercial, financial departments. The economic development of Russia in the early 20th century took place with the support of the state of the interests of the landlords and representatives of the monopoly bourgeoisie.


It was an important feature of Russia's economic development of the early 20th century. Mnogoukladnost was formed mainly due to a late transition to capitalism. The peasants 'smallholders' land, as well as the preservation of patriarchal traditions in the minds of society, were of no small importance. Private capitalist way (banks and factories, kulak and landowner farms) was combined with small-scale (handicraft) and semi-natural (peasant production).

Export of capital

Unlike other countries, in Russia a small amount of money was exported from the country. This was due to the lack of the country's own finances and extensive opportunities for their internal relocation to the northern territories of the European part, to Central Asia, Siberia. Such priorities were determined by the desire to obtain superprofits due to the availability of huge resources and cheap labor. Foreign investments entered the country through domestic banks. On the territory of the state, they became part of its capital. Funds invested in economic development. In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, active financing was provided for the machine-building, processing, and extractive industries. This form of distribution of funds provided an accelerated pace of industrialization, prevented the transformation of the state into a raw material appendage of the Western powers.


It had a huge impact on the socio-economic development of Russia. The beginning of the 20th century was marked by a global crisis. It arose after the general upsurge of the 90s of the previous century. In Russia, the industrial crisis manifested itself most sharply. In the country, prices for basic goods fell, production fell sharply, mass unemployment began. State support for producers was insufficient. As a result, many enterprises became unprofitable and went bankrupt. The crisis affected not only the industry, but also the agricultural sector. The decline considerably complicated the situation in the society, provoked serious political upheavals.

Strengthening monopolization

In a crisis situation cartels continued to form. They appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century. Cartel participants agreed on the production volumes, the conditions for the sale of products and the procedure for hiring employees. Together with this, associations remained independent in their activities. In 1901, Bryansky, Putilovsky and a number of other locomotive-building factories merged into Prodparovoz. New monopolistic forms - syndicates - began to be formed. Such associations regulated the process of receiving orders, purchasing raw materials. Syndicates coordinated prices and carried out a centralized sale of goods. The enterprises that were part of these associations remained independent in the production sphere. In 1902, syndicates were formed in metallurgy. They became "Pipe Sale" and "Sell". After a while, associations were established in the extractive industry (Nobel-Mazut, Produgol).

Period of stagnation

In Europe since 1904 there was an industrial upswing. In Russia, in 1908, production began to decline. This condition was due to two factors. First of all, the sharp worsening of the financial and economic state of the state was due to large investments in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905. Negatively affected the production sector and the revolution of 1905-1907. Significantly reduced investment in industry, ruined agriculture.


He came in 1909-1913 years. The industrial recovery was the result of the strengthening of the purchasing power of citizens after the abolition of the redemption payments in 1906 , as well as the reform in the agricultural sector (1906-1910). Transformations significantly intensified the capitalist development of agriculture. The increase in military government orders due to the worsening situation in the world also contributed to the industrial boom. During this period, the process of monopolization began to intensify. New syndicates ("Electric Wire", "Wire"), as well as concerns and trusts, began to be formed. The latter were considered monopolies of the highest type. They regulated the extraction of raw materials, the production and sale of finished products. The subsequent development of concerns is connected with the formation of large financial and production groups. They united enterprises from various industries on the basis of bank capital. By the level of monopolization, Russia was keeping pace with the developed countries of Europe.


Despite the intensive development of industry, the agrarian sector was considered to be the most advanced in the country's economy in terms of its specific weight. Capitalist relations in agriculture were formed extremely slowly. This was due to the preservation of landed estates, agrotechnical backwardness, lack of plots for peasants, and community relations in the countryside. Along with this, the economic development of Russia in the early 20th century was accompanied by urbanization. Industrial centers began to grow, the urban population grew, the transport network developed. All this contributed to increasing demand for agricultural products in both the external and internal markets.

Forms of land use and tenure

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were several of them in Russia. Private landownership was still dominated by landowner latifundia (extensive estates). About half of the bread came to the markets. In most estates, a capitalist reorganization was carried out. In the estates wage-workers were used, the level of agrotechnical development increased. This contributed to increased marketability and profitability. Some landlords gave part of the land for rent and received payment in the form of workings. For half of the estates, semi-feudal methods were characteristic. These estates were gradually ruined. After the redemption of land by the monopolies, banks and a number of bourgeois dynasties (the Morozovs, Ryabushinsky, etc.), a new type of landholding has developed. Owners of such lands operated in a capitalist way.


By the level of urbanization, Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was a rural country. In the city lived about 30 million people. (18% of the total population). A third of the population concentrated in large centers. So, in St. Petersburg lived about 2 million, in Moscow - not much less. Most of the people settled in small trade and craft towns. These citizens were not connected with work in production enterprises. A large number of fishing and industrial population remained in the villages.

Financial system

It was determined by the private and state types of bank capital. The main place in the system was occupied by the State Bank. He performed two essential functions: credit and issuing. State Bank supported the monopoly, issued state loans to commercial and industrial enterprises. Joint-stock commercial banks actively participated in the development of the credit system. They concentrated 47% of their assets. On the basis of these banks, a financial oligarchy was formed, which was closely connected with the big nobility and bureaucracy.


The main directions in which Russia's economic development was carried out in the early 20th century were described above. The table below presents general information on all aspects.


The rise in the 90's of the 19th century. Was replaced by a recession in 1900.

1900-1903 - the crisis.

1904-1908 - Depression.

1909-1913 - the rise.

Formation of monopolies

Cartels, syndicates, and trusts were formed. By 1914 there were about 200 monopolies in the country.

Government intervention

The activities of the government contributed to the formation of monopolies.


The main forms of the way:

  1. Private capitalist.
  2. Semi-natural.
  3. Small-commodity.

Accelerated formation of industry

Russia was at 1 position in terms of production rates in Europe and 2 - in the world.

Backwardness of the agrarian sector

Semicircular methods in 20% of estates, preservation of redemption payment.

Inflow of foreign capital

Foreign investments accounted for about 40%

In the country as a whole, there was a connection between the processes of industrialization and monopolization. Government economic policy was guided by the accelerated pace of industrial development and characterized by a protectionist nature. The state acted in many cases as the initiator of the formation of capitalist relations. At the same time, the authorities introduced methods already used by other countries. By the beginning of the 20th century, Russia's lagging behind the advanced powers had substantially decreased, and economic independence was ensured. The state has the opportunity to conduct an active foreign policy.

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