HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dysplasia of the hip joint: the nature of the pathology and the prognosis for the future

Hip dysplasia is a congenital anomaly of the structural structure of the skeleton, which is characterized by underdevelopment of the components of the hip joint, accompanied by a violation of the spatial proportions of the acetabular cavity and the head of the femur. It is important to note here that this pathology prevails in girls much more often than in boys, in addition, the pelvic presentation of the fetus in first births increases the risk of progression of this disease. In order to understand the seriousness of such anomaly, as dysplasia of the hip joint, it is necessary to track the dynamics of the prevailing pathological process. First of all, let us clarify that the hip joint is structured by means of a ligamentous apparatus, bone-cartilaginous tissue, as well as a number of muscles that make up the joint. Violation of the location of at least one of these elements and provokes the progression of the above pathology.

In modern orthopedics, subluxation, prefusion and dislocation of the hip are distinguished. In the first case, a kind of "slip" symptom is observed, in which the dislocation is elementarily set in the cavity. The subluxation is characterized by the displacement of the femoral head to the top and to the side, but within the cartilaginous area of the acetabulum. With a dislocation, the femoral head is located outside this cavity, and the cartilaginous plate is displaced into the joint. It is important to remember that the treatment of hip dysplasia completely depends on the type of dysplasia and age of the young patient.

Dysplasia of the hip joint has a number of characteristic symptoms, from which vigilant parents can in time find out in their child a suspected pathology of the joint. This may be an explicit limitation of the dilution of the lower limbs, bent at right angles in the knees, as well as visual asymmetry of the skin folds on the legs. In addition, you can often hear a "click" when you turn the legs of a baby, the visual difference between the lower limbs is extremely rare, but it is also a characteristic sign of a disease such as hip dysplasia.

Productive treatment of dysplasia occurs with the timely detection of a pathological phenomenon, as well as all the requirements of a leading orthopedist. Here it is a question of using special orthopedic adaptations, and also intensive massage therapy. There is a conservative and surgical treatment, each of which has its own "clinic".

Conservative method involves the use of pillows, stirrups, tires and panties. The main goal of this treatment is to fix the position of the toe in the diluted state. The most common orthopedic adaptations are the pillow of Freik, the stirrups of Pavlik, the bus of Vilensky and Volkov. As a preventive measure, a wide swaddling is also prescribed , but this method is appropriate up to the age of three months of a small patient. It will not be superfluous and therapeutic gymnastics, providing circular and retractive manipulations of the hip joints, as well as a massage of the gluteal muscles and lumbar region.

The surgical method of treatment is more radical, since dysplasia of the hip joint requires surgical intervention. Typical indications are the age of the patient and the predominance of a characteristic hip dislocation (dysplastic, congenital or teratogenic). Here, the expert selects the most appropriate method, which entails a minimum of undesirable consequences in the future.

If dysplasia of the hip joint has not been treated in a timely manner, the consequences can be irreversible, because, in the absence of treatment, the joints suffer from changes in limb support and mobility, as well as deformation of the pelvic position, curvature of the spine and progression of coxarthrosis and osteochondrosis.

With the right approach and timely treatment, it is possible to completely restore the natural working capacity of the pathological joint.

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