HealthDiseases and Conditions

Diseases of internal organs. Atelectasis of the lung

Atelectasis of the lung (lungs) is a condition of "airlessness" of the lung tissue. In this case, the vesicles of the organ may not contain at all or contain air in a reduced amount. Atelectasis of the lung (lung) can be acquired or congenital. The mechanism of the development of the disease may differ depending on the nature of the disorder. Thus, atelectasis of the lung (lungs) can be caused by compression of the body from the outside. This is possible due to the accumulation in the pleural cavity of air, liquid or blood. The condition of "airlessness" can arise due to violations of bronchial patency. This can be caused by internal blockage of the bronchus or external compression.

Congenital atelectasis of the lung (lungs) is observed in weak, superficial breathing, nonviable and died after childbirth or stillborn children. This disease occurs due to damage to the respiratory center of the child in the process of birth or in the event of a clogging of the respiratory channels with mucus.

The acquired form of the disease is characterized by a decrease in the alveoli of the organ breathing before it. Most often it occurs in the case of exudative pleurisy, pneumothorax, hydrothorax, in malignant organ tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis caused by compression of the bronchus by greatly enlarged lymph nodes. Chronic pneumonia, bronchial blockage of foreign bodies is also the cause of the disease. The condition of "airlessness" in the lungs can be a consequence of the performed operations on the organs of the thoracic and abdominal region. Particularly heavy is the disease that arose as a result of trauma or injury, in which blood is squeezed into the pleural cavity.

In a number of cases there is a long asymptomatic course of the disease.

Massive atelectasis is accompanied by impaired external respiration. At the initial stages with percussion, the sound over the area of localization of the disease has a characteristic tympanic shade. Progression of the disease is accompanied by a change in sound - it becomes dull, and with a complete decline in the alveoli - blunt. The complication of the disease is often expressed by pulmonary suppuration and pneumonia.

When diagnosing the disease, radiographic examination with additional use of tomography, bronchoscopy and bronchography is of great importance. Doubtful cases involve the use of trial thoracotomy.

The state of "airlessness" in the lungs often accompanies children's whooping cough. It should be noted that the diagnosis of such cases is rather complicated. The diagnosis is made using an X-ray study.

Patients who have atelectasis of the lung, treatment is directed to eliminate its cause. In this case, the treatment regimen is selected depending on the patient's condition.

Acute atelectasis.

Treatment involves the use of sanative bronchoscopy. This is especially useful in case of obstruction (counteraction) of vomit or viscous sputum of the bronchus lumen. In case of detection of a foreign body, endoscopic removal is necessary. The therapy also includes adequate oxygenation, moistening of the respiratory mixture. In especially severe cases, positive positive airway pressure is created in patients with neuromuscular weakness or artificial respiratory ventilation with positive exhalation pressure. The treatment uses postural drainage (the head part of the bed is lowered so that the trachea is below the affected area), breathing exercises, massage, physiotherapy. From the first day of therapy, antibiotics with a wide range of effects are used.

In chronic form, also used ventilation, respiratory gymnastics, postural drainage, antibiotics. The affected segment or site with a recurrent infection or bleeding suggests surgical resection. In case the obstruction is a consequence of the tumor, the treatment method is selected depending on its nature, prevalence and general condition of the patient.

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