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Massage with pneumonia: technique of execution. Massage with essential oils

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. This disease is quite common and dangerous. Pneumonia can begin in almost everyone. However, the ailment is of great concern to children and the elderly, since their immune system is weakened and unable to cope with certain diseases on their own.

Signs of ailment

Treatment of pneumonia in the home in adults and children should begin with a visit to the doctor. The specialist appoints not only the reception of medicines, but also the holding of a massage. But first you need to find out the diagnosis. The signs of pneumonia are:

  1. There may be wheezing.
  2. Labored breathing.
  3. Pale, sometimes blue skin.
  4. Elevated body temperature (about 39 ° C), which is not knocked down by antipyretic drugs and lasts more than 5 days.
  5. Sputum is yellow.

Complex therapy

Inflammation of the lungs is a disease that can have varying degrees of severity and character. Much depends on the chosen therapy. If a severe degree of pneumonia is diagnosed, immediate hospitalization is required. In this case, the patient is obliged to comply with bed rest, and also to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor, which usually include taking antipyretics, multivitamins, as well as drugs with antibacterial effect.

However, the most common treatment is pneumonia. In this case, therapy is supplemented by various physiotherapy procedures, including massage. The patient may be assigned certain methods of electrotherapy, UHF, UHF and so on.

Why is complex therapy necessary?

Physiotherapy and massage with pneumonia facilitate the speedy recovery of patients, as well as:

  1. Improve the outflow of viscous sputum.
  2. They activate blood circulation and lymph circulation.
  3. Improve the ventilation of the lungs, and also normalizes the work of the respiratory system.
  4. Due to resorption of the main focus of the disease, prevent relapse.
  5. Allows to strengthen the respiratory musculature.

Types of massage

Massage with pneumonia is the most accessible and effective way to fight the disease, which is one of the components of complex therapy. It is worth noting that such a procedure can be carried out not only in a hospital, but also at home. In this massage for pneumonia can be:

  1. Vacuum.
  2. Pointed.
  3. Segmented.
  4. Honey.
  5. Aroma massage.

Vacuum and acupressure with pneumonia

Vacuum massage is performed with the help of special jars. In this case, the effect is on the subcutaneous layers. Thanks to this, blood circulation is greatly improved. The person starts to sweat and together with sweat out of the body all toxins go out. Most stagnant areas are eliminated. In addition, vacuum massage has a thermal effect, which is very useful for inflammation of the lungs.

As for the point action, such manipulations allow activating all resources, and then direct them to recovery and recovery of the organism.

Segment and honey massage

Segmental massage is a unique method of affecting individual parts of the body. In this case, all pain sensations are projected in those places that are remote from the affected organs. It is worth noting that such a massage with pneumonia allows a person to determine the state of his body. As a result of this procedure, the mobility of the chest considerably improves. In this segmental massage allows you to restore lymph circulation.

As for the honey procedure, honey is used for its carrying out. This product not only has a number of useful properties, but also absorbs well into the skin. It should be noted that honey in its composition is close to the plasma. Such a massage with pneumonia allows you to give the patient strength and vivacity.

Aroma massage

A similar massage is performed for pneumonia in adults and children. In this case, not honey, but essential oil of a medicinal plant is used for the procedure. The product should smell pleasant and positively influence the air in the room. It is best to use essential oils that have anti-edematous, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

It should be noted that the aroma massage can significantly improve the patient's condition. After all, people during the procedure will involuntarily inhale essential oils.

When to massage

Treatment of pneumonia in the home in adults and children should be comprehensive. Massage is a procedure that must be performed under certain conditions. It should only be performed at normal body temperature. If this figure is above 36.9 ° C, then the procedure should be postponed. In addition, the patient should have good health. Otherwise, massage will not be useful. If pneumonia occurs in mild form, the procedure may be short.

Features of massage

Massage in pneumonia in children and adults should create vibrations when performing. This is necessary for a better escape of sputum, as well as for restoring the basic functions of the lungs - breathing. Exactly the same massage is performed with emphysema, asthma and bronchitis. During the procedure, the effect is on certain parts of the body in the following sequence:

  1. The front of the chest.
  2. Neck.
  3. Back of the chest.

Only in this order and it is worthwhile to hold a massage. The impact on the front of the cell should not only be at the beginning, but also at the end of the procedure. After all, just behind it are the lungs. It is from them that sputum should be taken out.

How to carry out a chest massage

General classical massage can master almost everyone. The main thing is to know what to work on. The patient must lie on his back before starting the procedure, taking a horizontal position. The surface must be firm.

During the massage, special attention should be paid to the intercostal spaces. It is not recommended to massage the breast in women. The massage consists of:

  1. Squeezing and stroking. You need to move along the chest, starting from the bottom and gradually rising up to the axillary region. It is recommended to use massage oil or ointment. For aroma massage you can use a product made of mint, rosemary, fir, thyme, lavender, tea tree, pine, eucalyptus, cypress or sage.
  2. Grapple and comb-like grinding. Such an effect is on the intervals between the ribs. It is allowed to saw in the area of the large pectoralis and sternum. In this case rubbing should be alternated with stroking.
  3. After the above, it is worth to knead the clavicles, pectoral muscles, hypochondrium and sternum. It is recommended to use all the techniques described above, supplementing them with tingle.
  4. In the end, you should vibrate the front of the chest, using a shake, finger shower and percussive shocks. It is recommended to finish the massage by stroking.

How to massage the neck and back

General classical massage allows you to restore strength and improve the withdrawal of phlegm. It should be done carefully, observing all the rules. Neck and back massage is performed as follows:

  1. In the back area, it is recommended to start squeezing and stroking.
  2. You should gradually rub the tissues until they get a reddish tint. In this case, it is recommended to use the sawing method, rowing and combing, crossing and impacting the palm base.
  3. After this, it is recommended to stretch the long back muscles, trapezius muscles and the widest muscles. In this case, you should use a double grayling, comb-like, rowing, finger, ring and double grinding.
  4. To finish back massage follows vibration, and then stroking.
  5. Influence on the neck follows the same ways as on the back: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, stroking. Perform all manipulations recommended in the course of lymphatic canals. In this case, you need to move from top to bottom.

That's how the massage is done with pneumonia. If the actions are not performed correctly, the therapeutic effect is invisible.

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