HealthDiseases and Conditions

Are genital warts dangerous?

In childhood, every person heard that if you touch a frog or a toad, warts will grow. In fact, this is an ordinary myth. It's all about HPV - the human papilloma virus. This skin disease, which is transmitted in various ways. There are many varieties of it, some of them are oncogenic. So, genital warts (of course, not all) can lead to malignant tumors.

The scientific name of this disease is warts. Most often, infection occurs through sexual contact, children get an ailment from their mother, passing through the birth canal. Therefore, this kind of warts is conditionally considered a venereal disease. Genital warts are located on the penis in men, in particular the head, frenum and foreskin are affected. In women, condylomas often appear on the labia, the clitoris, the pranal area and on the eve of the vagina. They can also grow inside the vagina. Their size and amount directly depend on the state of the immune system. Between the infection of HPV and the manifestation of the disease can take a long time.

Genital warts can be a symptom of cancer. To date, scientists have identified three groups of HPV - with a low, medium and high probability of cancer. The last two groups of the virus most often cause cervical cancer and dysplasia. According to medical statistics, almost half of the population is HPV carriers. Most often, infection occurs during the first sexual experience.

If you have genital warts, the treatment is prescribed by a doctor. Most often it is to increase the immunity. For this special medicines are used. What are genital warts? Photos will help you determine their varieties, with where they can appear and when they need to be deleted. To do this, use several different ways. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The most modern method of warts removal is laser therapy. Most often it is used to remove neoplasms in the groin. After the procedure, scars can form. Therefore, this is not the best way. You can also use cryodestruction. In this case liquid nitrogen is supplied to the wart site. This method is characterized by painlessness and good tolerance. Opposite characteristics have such a method of removing genital warts, such as electrocoagulation. It lies in the fact that the skin is given a high fever, and condyloma Are destroyed. But it requires anesthesia. There may be scarring.

How to choose a method for removing genital warts? To begin with it is necessary to address to the doctor. It is he who will determine the degree of the disease, the necessary treatment and the advisability of removing condylomas. There are times when they disappear on their own. Also, do not exclude the possibility of their new appearance, so do not use aggressive methods of treatment. Remember that removing warts does not save you from the HPV virus, so for several months you will need to see a doctor.

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