HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cones on the penis. Causes of occurrence.

Almost all representatives of the male sex can be exposed to various sexual diseases. Points, pimples or bumps can appear both on the penis itself and on the scrotum. The cone on the penis may have a different origin, but behave differently.
Most often with the appearance of densification on this organ in life there is only discomfort from a cosmetic defect, which disappears with the cone after some time without the use of medicines. But it also happens that the cone is painful, and, in addition, swells or itch. These symptoms can be triggered by a large number of factors, both internal and external, including disorders of the skin structures. It should be borne in mind that the cone on the penis is already a deviation from the norm and may indicate a certain disease. In order not to cause harm to the body, it is necessary not to engage in self-medication, but to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the compaction, and there are several of them.

Allergic reaction

This option is checked first. Before further testing, make sure that this seal is not a normal manifestation of an allergic reaction. It can occur in the case of dermatitis or any other skin reaction that is associated with an internal or external provoking factor. If a lump appears on the penis, which itches and flakes, this indicates an allergy. It can be caused by an individual negative reaction of the body to perfume or cosmetics, which is used for body care. Also, household chemicals can also provoke an allergic reaction. For example, washing powder or rinse aid. One of the most common causes of allergies is sex using condoms or intimate lubricants. Under such circumstances, several inflamed knots may appear on the penis immediately.


It happens that the compaction on the genital of the man appears as a result of atheroma. Atheroma is a blockage of the sebaceous ducts on the penis. This creates a bump under the penis, on the scrotum or on the head itself. This seal has a rather unusual form. Most people are frightened by the dense structure of atheroma. In the case of ignoring this ailment, the size of the cone may increase significantly, which may end up being rather deplorable. You can get rid of atheroma only surgically. Do this as soon as possible, when its dimensions are still small.

Peyronie's disease

This disease is another, which must be treated with the first symptoms in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. With this disease on the penis, there is a condensation, before which the tissue of the penis becomes inflamed. The illness does not make itself felt from half a year to a year, but sometimes it resembles a swelling on the penis. After a certain time, the male organ may bend or bend under an erection. With this disease, not only does a lump appear on the penis, but the skin on it loses its elasticity and begins to sag. In this case, it is important not to ignore the disease, so as not to run it to chronic form, since then this state of the sexual organ remains forever.


The cone that appears on the penis may be caused by even a slight injury. A man may not pay attention to a minor blow to the groin area. One careless movement can provoke internal bleeding, because of which there is a condensation on the sex organ of a man or in the inguinal zone. From such damages more often there is a red lump on the penis, as the blood can be baked under the skin after the impact. Determine the trauma can be through ultrasound or X-ray examination of the male sexual organ. Under such circumstances, surgery or conservative treatment is necessary. What exactly - the specialist determines after conducting the specified studies.

Non-venereal lymphangitis

With this disease, there is probably no cone on the penis, but a swollen vein on the head, but it is a seal. Such ailment is rather unstable. The cone may disappear for a while, and then reappear. The emergence of this problem often leads to frequent masturbation or an active sex life.

Malignant tumor

This disease is the most terrible cause of cones on the penis. Cancer occurs after cell mutation. With this disease on the penis may be observed various ulcers, and during the emission of urine - bloody discharge and pain. Also, with this disease, lymph nodes can become inflamed, because of which there is a lump at the base of the penis, on the scrotum or even on the head. But even these symptoms do not say exactly about the presence of a malignant tumor. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a large number of examinations to be sure of the correctness of the diagnosis.

It is clear that the causes of cones on the penis may be several, both simple and harmless, and very serious. But in any case, the doctor must apply. Often men do not want to go to a specialist, relying on the fact that everything will go well, but just so nothing passes, many diseases come back again. Do not be ashamed and wait until everything goes by itself, it is better to visit the doctor several times and get rid of the ailment forever.

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