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Discrimination against women in the workplace

Many leaders argue that the concept of "sexual discrimination" does not apply to their organization, and that in general in the modern world it is outdated. Let's see how relevant this issue is for today and whether there is discrimination against women in the 21st century.

It's no secret that first of all candidates are not interested in her skills and knowledge in a particular area, but about the presence of young children, status, age and other things. Indeed, most managers, if there is a choice between a woman who has a high level of qualifications, but who has a family and a small child, and a man less knowledgeable in the field, but not burdened with obligations, will choose a man. After all, he will be able to stay at work, ensure high productivity, as he will not be distracted by personal problems, but most importantly, he will not have to pay sick leave to care for the child. In this case, it is difficult to prove the absence of such a factor as discrimination against women.

According to a common misconception, a young beautiful woman is much easier to find a job than a woman with experience. After all, many people sincerely believe that young people everywhere are expensive, especially to women who have an attractive appearance. And if we look at the situation sensibly, how often do young inexperienced students or specialists manage to find a good, high-paying job without any special difficulties ? Here is another example of how discrimination works in the labor market.

According to statistics, it is more difficult to get work for women who have only recently married and have not yet acquired children, single mothers or divorced women with more than two children. It is believed that they all give free time to personal problems, and at work such women are not too productive. Young ladies also find it difficult to win the trust of management, because for an adult it is still a teenager who needs fun and celebrations, and such a person is not able to solve serious working moments.

Strangely enough, but divorced women without children are a real godsend for the organization. Such ladies are recruited with great pleasure, of course, with the required skill level. In this case, the situation is explained purely from the point of view of psychology. After all, a divorced woman remains lonely and defenseless, and therefore, will try to prove herself in the workplace, in order to avoid an early dismissal. Such an employee can significantly improve performance. In this example, you can understand how discrimination against women is based on age and status.

In addition, modern employers have introduced a new fashion. In order to facilitate their own lives, they introduced a special clause in the employment contract. According to this paragraph, a girl does not have the right to marry or bear children for the duration of the contract. It is incomprehensible to the mind - in a democratic country, the limitation of women's rights. And after that, can we say that there is no discrimination against women?

And how about the opinion of managers that a man copes better with any job? Of course, our men can do anything, and it's even nice. But a woman with higher education and good experience sometimes proves to be more useful for an enterprise. There are also situations where a woman's candidature is rejected only because there are so many women in the team, so it's worth diluting this friendly company with a man.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that discrimination against women does exist. This problem was present at all times. For a long time, the female half of humanity fiercely fought for their rights, for equality of the sexes. Of course, there have been tremendous changes in the modern society, but much remains to be changed and overcome.

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