Self improvementPsychology

Destructive and constructive conflicts

Most people consider the conflict a purely negative phenomenon, which leads only to quarrels, contradictions and destruction. Nevertheless, this is a mistaken opinion. In addition to destructive, there are also constructive conflicts that lead to the resolution of many hidden problems.

Definition of concepts

Conflict is a certain contradiction or confrontation that arises because of the incompatibility of the interests of the parties. Can arise between individuals or their groups in the process of life.

In accordance with the nature of the consequences, psychologists identify destructive and constructive conflicts. In the first case there will be nothing but quarrels, negatives and strained relations. Sometimes destructive conflicts can go to the stage of physical violence. Often they arise on the basis of personal dislike, bias, the desire to extract benefits.

Constructive conflicts have an absolutely opposite meaning. They contribute to the resolution of obvious and hidden problems, the removal of tension in the team, the strengthening of friendly relations. If we are talking about enterprises, then managers sometimes deliberately provoke conflicts to defuse a tense situation.

Constructive and destructive conflict - complexity of evaluation

It is worth noting that the opposition between individuals or their groups is difficult to assess. Determining the variety is not always possible due to the following objective factors:

  • There are no clear criteria, according to which constructive and destructive conflict is distinguished. Most often, this can only be done after the confrontation has ended, when the consequences can be assessed (and even in this case the answer may not be unambiguous).
  • Most conflicts, regardless of the environment in which they occur, are characterized by both constructive and destructive functions at the same time.
  • Characteristics of confrontation can vary significantly depending on the stage at which it is located. Constructive conflict can become such only after an acute phase or, conversely, - go to the area of destruction.
  • When assessing the conflict, it is always worth taking into account the subjective side. So, one side can consider it constructive, and for another it will have a destructive character. In addition, it is important to take into account the interest of third parties, who may be the initiators of the confrontation.

Constructive functions of social conflict

Despite the general negative coloring of such a phenomenon as conflict, it performs a number of functions of positive significance. So, the constructive side of conflicts is as follows:

  • Conflict can reveal contradictions and problems at the very moment when they have reached the stage of maturity and need immediate elimination;
  • Can act as a mechanism for relieving tension in society and resolving the situation that is the source of stress;
  • In the search for ways out of the conflict, individuals can integrate, showing mutual assistance and mutual understanding;
  • As a result of resolving the disputed situation and removing its source, the social system becomes more stable;
  • A conflict that emerged in time can warn against more serious clashes and contradictions.

Thus, one can not unequivocally speak about the negative nature of the conflict. A constructive social conflict is not aimed at exacerbating, but at resolving problems.

Constructive functions of interpersonal conflict

Constructive interpersonal conflict performs the following positive functions:

  • Allows you to discover the real character traits of the opponent, as well as to reveal the true motives of his behavior;
  • Conflict situations contribute to the strengthening of character and the formation of personality;
  • Promotes the adaptation of the personality in the society, its self-realization and self-affirmation.

Destructive functions of conflict

The following destructive functions are typical for conflicts:

  • In view of the fact that confrontation can go from verbal to physical, there is a high risk of material losses, as well as human casualties;
  • Disorganization of society due to tension of relations;
  • Slowing down the pace of socio-economic development due to the disruption of interpersonal and inter-group relationships;
  • In the process of confrontation, new conflicts may arise that will be even more destructive;
  • Decrease in discipline and disorientation;
  • The deterioration of the psychological climate in the team or society;
  • From the point of view of an individual person, self-doubt may develop, disappointment in beliefs and values may ensue;
  • Negative evaluation of others;
  • In the course of the conflict, the protective mechanisms of the psyche can work, which can lead to destructive behavior or painful conditions.

Types of conflicting personalities

A constructive solution to the conflict is not always possible due to the individual characteristics of its participants. Psychologists distinguish six types of personalities, which most often come into conflict with others:

  • Demonstrative - like to be in the center of events, emotional enough, and therefore often are the initiators of disputes and confrontations;
  • Rigid ones - in view of overestimated self-esteem and resentment, they often neglect the opinion and interests of others, which causes serious conflict situations;
  • Uncontrollable - characterized by excessive impulsiveness and lack of self-control skills;
  • Super - accurate - too demanding of themselves and others, picky to trifles, distrustful;
  • Conflict - purposefully enter into confrontation with others, considering such behavior as a way of manipulating and achieving the set goals;
  • Conflict-free - are afraid of any disputes and confrontations, as a result of which they can provoke aggression and irritation of others, which leads to the opposite effect.

Conflict Behavior Models

There are three main models of conflict behavior, namely:

  • Destructive is characterized by the desire to exacerbate confrontation and increase tension. A person can try to involve even more participants in the conflict, expanding its scale. This model is characterized by the following:
    • Neglect of the partner in order to reduce his role in resolving the dispute;
    • Personal insult and negative evaluations of activities;
    • Open manifestation of distrust and doubt;
    • Deviation from the moral and ethical norms of communication.
  • Constructive behavior in the conflict is aimed at "as soon as possible" to extinguish "the confrontation and solve the problem by diplomatic means. If one of the participants is aimed at reconciliation, then he will show restraint and self-control, regardless of the opponent's behavior. It is important to behave openly and benevolently, keeping a laconicity.
  • The compromise model of behavior is aimed at finding an alternative solution, it is inherent in insecure individuals. They show themselves fairly passively and go away from direct answers to questions. Participants do not insist on respecting their interests and willingly make concessions.

Constructive development of the conflict

For the conflict to develop according to a constructive scenario, the following conditions must be met:

  • Participants recognize the existence of disagreements, try to understand their nature and recognize the opponent's right to respect his rights and defend his personal position;
  • Before starting to eliminate the causes of the contradiction, negative manifestations of the conflict should be completely excluded, such as increased tone, mutual insults, and so on;
  • If it is impossible to reach a consensus on its own, it is possible to involve a third uninterested party in resolving the disputed situation, which can give the problem an objective assessment;
  • The consent of all parties to the conflict with established rules of conduct, which facilitates effective communication.

Smoothing the destructive conflict

It is worth noting that a conflict that is destructive by its nature can have a completely favorable outcome. In this regard, the following constructive ways of resolving conflicts are singled out:

  • Elimination of the reason for confrontation by limiting the contacts of the parties. If we talk about managing the organization, then we can talk about the division of powers or personnel reshuffles.
  • Strengthening the interaction between the conflicting parties. If the confrontation does not concern the directly performed duties, it is advisable to set a common goal for them, which will lead the participants to search for a common language.
  • Stimulation to an independent search for an exit from a conflict situation. And it does not have to be about encouragement in the event of an early end to the confrontation. It is quite possible to develop a system of sanctions, which will operate in the event that the dispute is not exhausted.

Conflict Management

The management of constructive conflicts includes the following basic techniques:

  • A clear delineation of the subject of the conflict and its participants. It is unacceptable to criticize personal qualities or interests. Thus, all attention is focused directly on the problem.
  • Development of options that satisfy both sides. To reach a common solution, the participants in the conflict should direct all their efforts not to personal confrontation, but concentrate them on finding alternatives. It is worth to rally against the problem, and not to confront each other. Here the "brainstorm" method works well , to which you can also attract third parties.
  • The use of objective criteria implies an objective view of the problem irrespective of the interests of the parties to the conflict. In this case, a decision can be made that will be stable and neutral.
  • Exclusion of the influence of principled positions. First of all, each of the parties should determine what its rational interest is in this or that development of events. It is possible that the conflicting parties they will be common or, at least, will not exclude each other.

Ending the conflict

The conflict can end in the following forms:

  • Resolution - the parties to confrontation by joint efforts have reached a final decision that satisfies their interests to some extent;
  • Settlement - elimination of contradiction by the efforts of a third party;
  • Damping is a temporary or complete cessation of an active confrontation, which may be related either to the depletion of participants' resources, or to the loss of the urgency of the cause of the conflict;
  • The elimination of the conflict consists in the "liquidation" of its structural elements (the way out of the dispute of one of the parties or the long absence of contacts between the opponents, the neutralization of the problem);
  • In some cases, the current conflict can lead to the emergence of new confrontations around the objects that were identified when trying to resolve it.


Despite the fact that most people consider the conflict a purely negative phenomenon, this is not entirely fair. It may well be of a constructive nature. Moreover, in some cases it is simply necessary. For example, the leaders of some organizations deliberately provoke constructive conflicts in labor collectives. This helps to identify existing problems, relieve emotional tension and create a healthy working atmosphere. It is also worth remembering that with a competent approach to managing conflicts, even a destructive confrontation can have a constructive end.

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