Self improvementPsychology

How to learn to read thoughts? We destroy myths and become telepaths in one evening!

Can you learn to read other people's thoughts? On the one hand, life would be much easier if everyone could master the art of telepathy: no betrayal, deception, meanness ... Utopia? By no means. In any case, for those who know the language of gestures.

It so happened that even the most skillful liars ("lying and not blushing!") Are not in a position to 100% control their body and face. Let them in some small things, but they invariably betray themselves. How to learn to read thoughts? We will try to understand this together.


Human nature lies are disgusting. What is most surprising, this applies even to those cases where a person himself is lying. If you have doubts about the sincerity of your interlocutor, pay attention to the left half of his body: controlling it is somewhat more complicated than the right one. It is the left half that shows what the person is trying to hide. The right side is responsible for what he seeks to show to others. How to learn to read thoughts and recognize lies? There are several basic gestures, attention should be paid to:

  • The man covers his mouth with his hand (the thumb is at the cheek, the other four near the mouth). By the way, if you observe this gesture during the time when the interlocutor is listening to you, he may subconsciously not trust you.
  • Frequent blinking or rubbing of eyelids.
  • Movement of the left arm or leg (a person can make gestures that are not related to the spoken one, or draw some figures on the floor with his foot).
  • The interlocutor pulls the shirt collar or tie.
  • Constantly pulling the earlobe.


A sincerely interested person, as a rule, is stingy at gestures. However, you can see a slight inclination of the body towards the speaker. A half-open mouth and wide-open eyes - the degree of extreme interest in the subject of conversation.


Equally important to many is the question of how to learn to read a person's thoughts in order to understand that he is bored. Apathetic pose, slightly lowered eyelids and jaw. To at least something to occupy himself, the interlocutor can twist in the hands of some items, scroll through the magazines, draw. Also, alarms are constant glances toward the door or watch.


How to learn to read the thoughts of your object of sympathy? It's very simple: both men and women start to dress up next to someone who likes: dressing, checking hair, etc. A characteristic gesture for a man in this situation is to stand with his thumbs in the waistband. Women also tend to show open wrists.

"The Hand of Power"

To understand how to learn to read the secret thoughts and feelings of the interlocutor, it is important to pay attention to small things. For example, there is the concept of "the hand of power." With a handshake, a person can hold a hand over the person's hand (in this case, he positions himself as a leader) or under it (subconsciously puts himself below his counterpart), or on the same level (equality).

Of course, it is almost impossible to describe the complex art of reading other people's thoughts by gestures and facial expressions. Successes to you in this difficult undertaking!

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