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Demetrius of Volturi: biography, description and interesting facts

With the light hand of American Stephanie Meyer, who became the author of a series of books, a fashion for vampires all over the world. Living dead, who for centuries were afraid and hated, now became the favorite characters of millions of readers and viewers.

Among the many heroes of Mayer's works, some were particularly fond of the vampire Demetrius Volturi, performed by the British Charlie Bewley. He was not given much attention in books, and in the films of the saga - even less. But the fans of "Twilight", having composed several fanfics about the future fate of the character, corrected this annoying, in their opinion, omission.

Vampire Saga "Twilight"

The plot of most of the books in the Twilight series revolves around a girl named Bella Swan, who loved the vampire Edward Cullen. Throughout five novels the story of love of these heroes is told, and also their way to happiness and independence from vampiric foundations is traced.

Becoming the beloved Edward, and after learning about the world of ghouls, Bella faced a powerful clan of the Volturi. These vampires from Italy are the most ancient and strong of their kind. Thanks to this, they assumed the role of legislators and judges of all living dead on the planet.

Each of the clan has a special power, due to which he was elected, at one time, to become a Volturi.

Demetrius of Volturi: biography

This vampire has a unique flair that allows him to find any person anywhere, even on the edge of the Earth. He is able to find any creature, not only by smell, but also by catching his thought.

During his lifetime Demetrius Volturi was the son of a Greek merchant who lived in Athens in the middle of the XVII century. Together with his father, this hero traveled a lot of countries. Once, when the guy was already eighteen, his father sent him to Rome. Here he met a beautiful stranger and fell in love with her. Upon learning of her death, the young man was so upset that he stopped paying attention to what was happening around him. One day, wandering aimlessly through the night streets of Rome, he was converted into a vampire by a member of the Egyptian clan Amon (Amun).

The forces found did not bring him happiness. Developing his skills and traveling the world, he always felt that something was missing him. Over time, he began to hear the call of the head of the Volturi - Aro, who, upon learning of his hunter's gift, wanted Demetrius to join their clan. Soon it happened.

For the first time this character appears in the second book of the saga - "New Moon", and later participates in the events of other novels of the series.

Distinctive features of the hero

Demetrius Volturi by nature lonely wolf. He is very cold and closed, does not allow himself to come close to other beings, because he does not need it. However, sensing a serious opponent, able to compete with him, the vampire changes. He is excited by the excitement and thirst for struggle. In fact, the only thing that brings him real pleasure is the hunt for an interesting game.

Although this hero likes to kill, he prefers that his victim fought him, then this vampire can enjoy the hunt. Weak opponents are uninteresting to him and cause only disappointment and contempt. Demetrius has its own code, to which it follows rigorously.

Interesting facts about the character

  • In the book Demetrius Volturi - a long-haired guy with olive skin. And in the movies he is depicted, like other vampires, white-skinned. The color of the hair in his novels is pitch-black, whereas in the films - chestnut.
  • The height of this hero is 190 cm.
  • The color of the iris of the eyes of the ghoul is scarlet, which indicates that it feeds on the blood of people. When Demetrius was a man, his eyes were blue.
  • This character is present in three novels of the saga ("New Moon", "Eclipse" and "Dawn"), as well as in four films shot based on their motives.

Charlie Bewley is the performer of the role of Demetrius Volturi

Great popularity to this hero was brought by the British actor Charlie Bewley, who played the role of Demetrius in the movie adaptation of the saga.

This performer was born in the capital of Great Britain in 1981. However, his childhood was spent on a modest farm in Leicester. When Charlie grew older, he decided to become an actor.

Biewley made his debut in 2009 in the short film "Stuffed". In the same year he was approved for the role of Demetrius Volturi in The Twilight Saga: New Moon. Over the next years Charlie starred in all the other parts of the saga.

In parallel with "Twilight" Beouli played in other projects: "Like a Madman", "Soldiers of Fortune", "Hammer of the Gods", "Rules of the Game", etc.

Charlie also starred in the fourth season of the television series "The Vampire Diaries".

In early 2017, with his participation, the film "Lake" will be released.

Fanfics about Demetrius Volturi

The indomitable and lonely disposition of Demetrius, as well as his sad love story, appealed to many, so the fans began to devote to him the works of his own work.

In English-speaking countries became the hero of several amateur stories Demetrius Volturi. Fanfics, dedicated to his fate, are quite numerous. The most famous of them: "We hunt", "Butterfly in a cage", "Our little charmer", "Mystical devotion: The love story of Demetrius", "Cold blood", "Dangerous love", "Another", "Beautiful tragedy" and "Your worst enemy." More often than not, their authors are young girls, so it's not surprising that most of their creations are devoted to love.

As for the Russian-speaking fans of "Twilight", fans of the vampire named Demetrius Volturi, fanfics, and numerous, about his fate, too, often write. The most famous ones are "Journey", "Moment", "Eternity", "Dreams of a ghost", "Everything I need". By the way, the last work is devoted to a somewhat unusual relationship, according to the fans of this hero, a couple: Demetrius and Bella. The fact is that most fans who come up with a biography for their pet, see in the role of his lover Jane.

Demetrius Volturi, however, often happens to be "married" to other heroines.

Fanfics about Demetrius and Jane Volturi

Despite the fact that many readers see themselves in the beloved place of this vampire, most often his girlfriend is portrayed by Jane Volturi (actress Dakota Fanning). This narcissistic vampire with an angelic face and demonic essence in the events of the saga plays a rather important role. Like all the Volturi, she has a special gift. In her case, this is the ability to inflict infernal pain on a person or a vampire, just by looking at him. Being a strong and independent heroine, Jane is an example of an ideal friend for Demetrius. At least so it seems to the fans.

The most famous English fanfiction about Jane (and Demetrius Volturi in them, of course, is also present) - this is "Jane and Demetrius" and "Delusion of Demetrius."

As for the domestic authors, they dedicated a few lovers (fanfics with the presence of bed scenes): "I love and I hate", "The history of my life", "My eternity" and others.

Since the main characters of The Twilight saga were Edward and Bella, Stephanie Meyer did not have the opportunity to pay enough attention to the fate of other characters. However, many of them found their happiness in the writings of fans. But the most striking example - Demetrius Volturi, who, thanks to the fans, found his love in the face of the vampire Jane.

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