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Child's day regimen at 7 months: table

When a child is born in a family, parents are little concerned about his regime of the day. The main task of mom and dad at this point is to organize the right nutrition for the baby, protect the baby, make his life as comfortable as possible, and so on. In most cases, newborn babies do not have a certain regimen. They sleep for 18-20 hours in essence and are awakened only for feeding. This article will tell you about what should be the regime of the day for a child in 7 months.

Do I need a sequence?

It is very important for parents and the baby to have a child's day regimen in 7 months. Komarovsky (the famous pediatrician) says that the observance of a certain sequence allows the crumb to be more confident. Also the kid, knowing the approximate schedule, will develop faster and feel much better. An important influence is provided by the established daily routine and by family members. Mom kid knows exactly when to feed the crumb, and at what point it appears a free minute.

If we weigh the pros and cons, figuring out if the regime of the day is necessary for the child at 7 months, then all the arguments will talk about the need for scheduling. This will also tell you the pediatrician, neurologist and other children's specialists.

The regime of the child's day in 7 months

At this age, the kid becomes more and more curious. Most of the children by this period already independently sit and begin to crawl. Do not get upset if your baby has not yet acquired these skills. Most likely, a breakthrough in development will occur in the coming weeks.

The regime of the child's day at 7 months is as follows. At night, the baby needs 9 to 11 hours. In this case, the baby can wake up to eat. During the day, the waking hours of the crumbs increase. The child sleeps 2 to 4 times. The rest time can vary. The average duration of one day's sleep is 1-2 hours. It is also worth mentioning about eating crumbs. The regime of the baby's day at 7 months on breastfeeding is somewhat different from the regime of those children who eat the milk formula. If you give your baby mother's milk, then he can do without adult food (complementary foods). So, let's consider what the regime of the child's day is at 7 months by the hour.

Morning time

Awakening of the baby occurs at about 7 o'clock in the morning. It's worth starting the day with a vigorous charge. Of course, the crumb should not be circled or thrown up. Chop his hands and feet, give the baby a sweet pull. The allotted time for exercises should not be more than 10-15 minutes. Then you need to conduct water procedures. Wash the baby and change his diaper.

At 8 o'clock comes the time of the first meal. If you are already giving the child a lure, then you can cook a baby mush. After charging and water procedures, the child enjoys eating a treat with pleasure.

From 9 to 10 o'clock comes the time of games. Entertain the child. Perhaps he has some favorite toys. If the weather is good on the street, then you should prefer a walk. Go with a crumb in the park or square to get some fresh air.

At about 10 o'clock the baby will want to sleep. He was awake for more than three hours and was already very tired. Allow him to rest. When breastfeeding it is necessary to feed the baby with milk. If the child is eating a mixture, give him a bottle. Sleeping baby will be about 11-12 hours. If at this time you are in the open air, then the rest time can increase.

What does a child do during the day?

The regime of the child's day of 7 months should be built so that after each awakening the baby receives a portion of useful food. Wakes up from the first snooze of the crumb at about 12 o'clock in the afternoon. If he is hungry, then offer him breast milk or a mixture. Children who are on artificial feeding, during this period can already eat vegetable dishes. However, even after such a dinner it is worth giving the child the opportunity to drink a dairy product.

In the period from 13 to 14 hours the time of active games begins. Here you can include massage, swimming or any other your hobby. Perhaps you will leave this time for games with cubes or pyramids. Remember that all toys should be as safe as possible for the child.

About 15 hours the baby again wants to sleep. It is better to organize this holiday at home. In the near future your baby will go to one day's sleep, which should take place in his own bed. Accustom the child to this pattern, and you will be much easier then. The baby sleeps about 1 hour. At 16:00 the baby will wake up and ask to eat.

During a snack, you can give the child a cottage cheese or yogurt. When breastfeeding is adjusted, mother's milk can be completely handled.

At 17 o'clock recover with the baby for an evening walk. Do not forget to bring some water and some snack for the baby. Surely the kid on the road wants to eat something. Evening walk should be active. In this case, the baby will sleep well at night. It is necessary to stay in the open air for at least two hours, which means that you will return home at around 7:00 pm.

Evening schedule of the child in 7 months

Immediately after returning from the street you need to feed the baby. It will be dinner. If you already eat well the adult food, then you can offer a scrambled vegetable stew. Meat at this age, pediatricians still do not recommend. The exception are only those children who have a shortage of weight.

To bathe a baby is better in the period from 20:30 to 21 hours. After that, change the crumbs into your favorite pajamas and offer him milk. The baby falls asleep at about 21: 30-22: 00. During the night, the crumb can wake up from one to three times in order to eat.

Summing up and a small conclusion

So, now you know what the regime of the child's day is at 7 months. The table shows an approximate schedule. Remember that all children are individual and can choose their own regime. Never force a child to do what he does not want. Remember that up to a year the crumbs can change the schedule of the day several more times. Stick to the daily routine and be healthy!

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