HealthDiseases and Conditions

Cyst of the uterus. Her symptoms and therapies

Surely, every woman who is strictly monitoring her health knows about such a disease as a cyst of the uterus. Many have been treated for this ailment. And those who were fortunate enough not to face this problem, it will be useful to learn what we will tell you now.

First you need to find out what the womb consists of. Everything is not so difficult: it is her body, the bottom and neck. In order to protect this important organ from external influences, its cervix is covered on the outside with a flat epithelium. The inner part of the cervix is not endowed with protective properties.

A different level of protection in the uterus or its neck causes some pathology of the female reproductive system - pseudo-erosion of the cervix (so-called eversion). It can occur during childbirth, with hormonal failures, abortion. Real uterine erosion can also be caused by exposure to external factors, the use of contraceptives, any infection. This damage can trigger the onset of a cyst.

How does the cyst develop?

When the patient was cured of pseudo-erosion, a layer of flat epithelium appears above the cylindrical epithelium , which prevents secretion. As a result, glands, overcrowded with mucus, change their form, or rather stretch. These very glands look like a white or white-yellow rounded formation and get a new name - cyst.

Neoplasm on the cervix does not have any symptoms showing its presence in the female body. The cyst can only be detected by accident, during medical examination. Specialists have differences in their opinions about this famous female ailment. The cyst of the uterus, according to the first, is an absolutely safe phenomenon, which is the norm. The second believe that when a cyst occurs, surgical intervention is necessary. Still others believe that if there is a possibility, one should treat the disease.

To remove pus from the formed cyst it is possible, having resorted to puncturing, or, having defined, to what the originator of illness is sensitive, to resort to the help of antibiotics. But most often for the cyst of the uterus are used modern methods such as laser and cryotherapy. When cryotherapy (cold treatment), the cyst on the uterus is treated with a special solution - liquid nitrogen. This is a fairly gentle, non-scarring method of treatment. It is most suitable for women who have not yet given birth, who plan pregnancy. The method of laser therapy is good because it not only removes the inflamed layers of tissue, but also clogs the vessels, preventing the wound from bleeding. This method of treatment will suit all women, especially those who have plans to have children.

If during the next visit to the gynecologist a cyst in the uterus was found, do not get upset. After the necessary examinations, a treatment will be prescribed that is right for you. It will only be necessary to adhere strictly to the doctor's recommendation.

For those who trust folk medicine, there are several ways to treat the cyst of the uterus. One of them is quite simple. It is necessary to germinate and regularly eat wheat grains. Cysts in this case will significantly decrease. Even folk medicine welcomes washing with decoction of medicinal celandine with the help of syringes. These are proven methods of treating the cyst of the uterus, transmitted from generation to generation. If you trust folk medicine, you can safely resort to its advice. Well, and if you are not sure that the cyst of the uterus after that will stop bothering you, then it's better to contact an experienced doctor who, for sure, will explain everything to you and help you solve the problem. Remember that timely treatment started has a better chance of ending successfully. Be healthy.

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