
Formation of a grape bush. Ways of forming a bush

All your favorite grapes are liana, a long-term arboreal culture. In nature, where there is a support, the grape bush forms many lobes, overgrown with a large amount of foliage. A man grows this culture for sweet, juicy and fragrant berries.

Grapes are grown with a bush, tying shoots to the trellis. The elected formation system is supported, annually cutting off unnecessary branches. If the bush is not formed, the nutrients will go to shoot growth. As a result, a part of the inflorescence will wither away, and from the rest will develop incomplete clusters. However, pruning and forming a grape bush are associated with causing wounds to it, which often do not heal well. Therefore, this procedure must be done correctly, without causing much harm to the plant.

Choose a seedling

A beginner grower should know that grape seedlings have certain standards: the length from the heel to the top of the shoot should be at least fifty centimeters; Color - light brown; Necessarily presence of four or five ripened eyes; The length of the seedling itself (without escape) is fifteen to twenty centimeters, and the diameter is not less than five millimeters. In addition, it should not be dried or damaged, necrotic spots and growths are unacceptable. Roots should be at least three, and they should be located from different sides.

Select the desired form

It must meet a number of requirements:

  • To correspond to local climatic conditions and features of the chosen grape variety;
  • Ensure high yields;
  • Protect the bush and crop from temperature fluctuations;
  • Provide the opportunity to regularly rejuvenate, cut the bushes.

All forms are divided into six types:

  • Cup-shaped;
  • Head;
  • Fan-shaped;
  • One- and two-sided;
  • Semicircular;
  • Cordon.

The choice of shape depends on the place where the bush develops, and on its variety.

Necessary subtleties

Grapes do not like neighborhood with poplar, walnut and other breeds that have a powerful and developed root system. But perfectly gets along with bushes of currants and gooseberries, as well as with strawberries. Experts advise sowing under the bushes of grapes parsley, which protects it from defeat by the phyloxera.

We begin to form the bush: year one

For a good growth of the bush, the first planting year is especially important. The main task of the gardener is to grow one powerful and powerful escape over the summer. After buds are dissolved and young shoots appear on them, it is possible to begin the formation of a grape bush. The first year is the time when all the young shoots coming from the root should be cut or cut out. In this case, single out the single, the strongest. Later it will turn into a long-term escape (sleeve), which will be easier to cover for the winter after the autumn pruning. The base of it will become the head of the bush, from it will be diverged sleeves, from which, in fact, the bush will be formed.

Escape will need trellis. For starters, a peg, to which you need to tie off, is suitable. Periodically, at a distance of 1 meter from the ground along the entire length of the young vine, cut off the stepsons, leaving 1-2 leaves on them.

Types of formation

To increase the yield of the bush, it should be shaped so that all nutrients flow evenly to all branches of the plant. Ways to form a vine bush are different. For example, for a concealed grapes four-arm fan system was developed. With it, not only does the yield increase, but the constant balance of the root system and leaf apparatus remains. The bush becomes viable. In addition, the process of ripening of berries is accelerated. Agree, this is very important.

Formation of a grape bush according to a fan scheme is carried out quickly. This form is easy to maintain, but there are serious shortcomings. The most significant of them is unreasonably high labor costs in the preparation and shelter of grapes for the winter. More often use a shtamtambovuyu fan form, to cover a partial, without removing the vines from the trellis with high hilling.

Each horticulturist can decide how to conduct the formation of a grape bush, based on the conditions of his own plot. The form depends also on what kind of variety you grow - covering, not covering or half-hiding.

Cordon formation

In recent years, this method has become particularly common. Its main feature is the presence of one or two sleeves, which, as a rule, are located horizontally, vertically and even obliquely. On them there are fruit links. For high-yielding varieties, it is recommended to conduct such a formation of a grape bush. The horizontal cordon is created according to the following scheme.

In the first year, the seedlings grow one, a maximum of two young shoots. In the second year, one or two of the cordons growing on different sides are formed from them. Their length directly depends on the growth of shoots. The longer they are, the longer one can form cordons. After the buds on the buds bud and the shoots start to develop very quickly, they should be weeded out, leaving only the vegetative ones (in thirty to forty centimeters from each other). In autumn young shoots are cut off, leaving no more than three eyes.

On this, however, the formation of the vine does not end. In the third and subsequent years on the left knots appear young fruit links, which consist of shortened knots of substitution and fruit shooters. Formation of a grape bush by a cordon method is made on a vertical trellis. In the beginning, it can be replaced with a wooden peg.

Accelerated formation of the bush

The vine is different from other fruit plants by the rapid onset of fruiting. Often in a year he gives the first harvest. This feature can be used for even earlier fruiting. To apply this method, you will need a strong seedling in the school, which is then planted in a permanent place.

So, we need to grow from two to four shoots. At the end of May, their thickness should be at least seven millimeters. In early June, these shoots are left, and the shoots are cut out. By this time, the young twigs already have five to seven leaves. After the mating, the shoots are tied in an inclined position, spreading them apart and fastening them on the trellis. A week later, they have stepchings. Leave followed by the top two. They are tied vertically. The other stepsons cut out. The main task of this method is to grow as many strong vines as possible in the first year. Grapes must be regularly and abundantly watered, fed with mineral fertilizers.

The next year, depending on the strength of the young bush, leave the necessary number of shoots (so as not to overload it). The same can be said about the first harvest. Leave one or two clusters "to sample." And that's all.

The formation of a bush in the spring

Experienced wine growers pruning and forming young grape bushes spend only in the spring. In subsequent years, this work is desirable to perform in the fall, before sheltering the plant.

With the onset of the first heat, the grapes begin to grow rapidly and develop. Quite often dormant reserve buds wake up, new shoots grow that are completely unnecessary - they only thicken the bush. Stephens appear, which should be deleted after the first leaf appears on them. Vines are greatly elongated. The terms of their maturation are increasing, therefore, it is required to prick and chaminate the young shoots.

Garter of shoots

From the vine, tied last year in a horizontal position, in spring shoots appear. They should be tied to the trellis vertically. Gradually, the shoots become vines.

Bush load

Inflorescence appears on young vines. Depending on the variety, their number may vary. For a young bush, those that have increased yields are dangerous. All his strength he gives to the ripening of berries, so it is greatly weakened, as a result, the buds and vines do not have time to ripen. Therefore, next year the harvest will be weak, and the bush will not develop well. How many inflorescences are left on the bush? An exact answer and advice to you no one will not give in absentia. Such knowledge comes with experience. The main thing - to adhere to the golden rule: the young bushes harvest not to load. Everything has its time.

Embossing the vines

This procedure is also carried out in the spring. With a pruner remove the top of the vine to well-developed leaves, where the diameter of the vine is close to the diameter of its main part.

Grapes are loved in our country by adults and children. To get a big harvest of these fragrant berries, learn how to properly care for young bushes.

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