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Implantation bleeding

Most often, implantation bleeding is a sign of pregnancy, thanks to which you can learn about conception long before the delay of the menstrual cycle. But, as a rule, women do not fully possess the necessary information, so they can not recognize the symptoms and signs of such manifestations.

Implantation bleeding is a normal process, indicating successful fertilization of the egg and a stable course of pregnancy. Initially, the ovule enters the fallopian tubes during ovulation , where it must meet the sperm, and then, fertilizing, moves toward the uterus. It is believed that after 10 days from the moment of conception, implantation of the already prepared egg into the uterine walls takes place. And only after this, the first signs of pregnancy begin to appear , in particular, implantation bleeding. In practice, it is very rare, so many women do not know about the existence of such a sign and ignore it when they manifest it.

In most cases, this symptomatic manifestation of pregnancy is detected during the onset of menstruation, so that a future mother may not even know about her interesting situation and about the grandiose changes expected in her life and the life of a partner. The presence of such bleeding is explained by a serious restructuring of the entire female body, as it is prepared for the bearing of the baby and the generic process. Despite the fact that this is a completely normal process, you should undergo an examination with a gynecologist, because there are cases when serious bleeding caused by various pathologies is confused with implantation.

Implantation bleeding: duration.

Its main manifestation is the presence of uninvolved bloody discharge. It should be noted that traces of implantation can last from a few hours to 2 days. As a rule, within a couple of hours, the bleeding ends. There are cases when after the implantation of excreta is not at all. This means that they just do not hit the surface of the vagina, so it can be detected only by a specialist on examination. Consequently, the absence of such a sign does not indicate a lack of pregnancy.

Abundant implantation bleeding foreshadows the presence of serious pathologies of a gynecological nature. Do not worry, if there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. But the manifestation of the painful syndrome is worth listening to, because the pain in the abdomen can become a threat to a natural abortion, in other words, a miscarriage.

It's no secret that after conception the basal temperature of a woman is significantly increased. During implantation, this indicator decreases slightly, but for a short period of time, after penetration of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall, the temperature may become higher than before. A characteristic feature is fast fatigue of the body. This is not surprising, because in this way the body signals to a woman about the need to protect herself even more. Now the future mother is responsible not only for her life and her health, but also for the health of the baby. Many women can not bear fruit only because of negligent attitude to their special situation.

Of course, pregnancy is not a disease, but still requires increased attention to the processes occurring in the human body. Implantation bleeding is a completely standard physical manifestation of the penetration of the egg into the uterus and the development of pregnancy. The embryo, getting into the uterus, slightly damages its walls, as a response to the mucus of a reddish hue. And in vain, many women panic, afraid of losing a baby.

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