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What are the bacteria: names and species

The most ancient living organism on our planet. Its representatives not only survived for billions of years, but also have enough power to destroy all other species on Earth. In this article, we will look at what bacteria are.

Let's talk about their structure, functions, and also call some useful and harmful species.

Discovery of bacteria

Let's begin our excursion into the realm of microorganisms from the definition. What does "bacteria" mean?

The term comes from the ancient Greek word "wand". He was introduced into the academic lexicon by Christian Ehrenberg. These are non-nuclear microorganisms consisting of one cell and not having a nucleus. Earlier they were called "prokaryotes" (non-nuclear). But in 1970 there was a division into archaea and eubacteria. However, until now, more often than not, this term is used to mean all prokaryotes.

Science bacteriology studies what bacteria are. Scientists say that at this time, about ten thousand different types of these living beings have been discovered. However, there is an opinion that there are more than a million varieties.

Anton Leuvenook, a Dutch naturalist, microbiologist and member of the Royal Society of London, wrote in 1676 in a letter to the United Kingdom that he described a number of the simplest microorganisms he had discovered. His message plunged the public into shock, a commission was sent from London in order to double-check this data.

After Nehemiah Grew confirmed the information, Levenguk became a scientist with a world name, the discoverer of the simplest organisms. But in the notes he called them "animalkuli."

His business was continued by Ehrenberg. It was this researcher that introduced the modern term "bacteria" in 1828.

Robert Koch became a revolutionary in microbiology. He in his postulates connects microorganisms with different diseases, and defines some of them as pathogens. In particular, Koch discovered a bacterium that causes tuberculosis.

If previously the protozoa were only studied in general terms, then after 1930, when the first electron microscope was created, science made a leap in this direction. For the first time a deep study of the structure of microorganisms begins. In 1977, an American scientist Karl Veze shares prokaryotes on archaea and bacteria.

Thus, it can be said with certainty that this discipline is only at the very beginning of development. Who knows how many more discoveries await us in the coming years.


About what bacteria are, class 3 already knows firsthand. Children study the structure of microorganisms in the classroom. Let's go a little deeper into this topic to restore the information. Without it, it will be difficult for us to discuss the following points.

The bulk of bacteria consists of only one cell. But it can be of different shapes.

The structure depends on the way of life and food of the microorganism. So there are cocci (round), clostridia and bacilli (rod-shaped), spirochetes and vibrios (sinuous), in the form of cubes, stars and tetrahedra. It is noted that with a minimal amount of nutrients in the environment, bacteria tend to increase the surface area. They grow additional education. Scientists call these outgrowths "past".

So, after we found out what kind of bacteria there are, it's worth mentioning their internal structure. Unicellular microorganisms have a permanent set of three structures. Additional elements may vary, but the base will always be the same.

So, each bacterium necessarily has an energy structure (nucleotide), non-membrane organoids, responsible for the synthesis of protein from amino acids (ribosomes) and protoplast. The latter includes the cytoplasm and the cytoplasmic membrane.

From the aggressive external action, the cell membrane is protected by a shell, which consists of a wall, capsule and cover. Some species also have surface formations like villi and flagella. They are designed to help bacteria to move effectively in space to obtain food.


After we have figured out what bacteria are, the kinds of their food become obvious. These microorganisms are divided into two groups - heterotrophic and autotrophic. The first include a variety of parasites that can not process the received substances from the outside. They simply use ready-made compounds created by the host organism. The latter are capable of producing the necessary of inorganic compounds.

Especially it is necessary to stop on heterotrophic bacteria. Different species need a certain amount of substances. For example, Bacillus fastidiosus is found only in urine, since it can receive carbon only from this acid. We will discuss these microorganisms in more detail later.

Now we need to focus on the methods of replenishing energy in the cell. Such modern science knows only three. Bacteria use photosynthesis, respiration or fermentation.

Photosynthesis, in particular, can be both with the use of oxygen, and without the participation of this element. Without it, purple, green and heliobacteria are avoided. They produce bacteriochlorophyll. Oxygen photosynthesis requires the usual chlorophyll. These include prochlorophytes and cyanobacteria.

A recent discovery was made. Scientists have discovered microorganisms that use hydrogen produced for the reactions in the cell, resulting from the breakdown of water. But that is not all. For this reaction, it is necessary to have a number of uranium ore, otherwise the required result will not be obtained.

Also in the deep water layers of the world ocean and on its bottom there are colonies of bacteria that transmit energy only by means of an electric current.


Earlier it was said about what kind of bacteria there are. The types of reproduction of these microorganisms will be considered now.

There are three methods by which these creatures increase their number.

This sexual reproduction in a primitive form, budding and equal transverse division.

During sexual reproduction, progeny is obtained by transduction, conjugation and transformation.

Place in the world

Previously, we figured out what bacteria are. Now we need to talk about the role they play in nature.

Researchers say that bacteria are the first living organisms that appeared on our planet. There are both aerobic and anaerobic varieties. Therefore, single-celled creatures are able to survive with various cataclysms occurring with the Earth.

The undoubted benefit of bacteria is the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen. They are involved in the formation of soil fertility, the destruction of the remains of dead representatives of flora and fauna. In addition, microorganisms are involved in the creation of minerals and are responsible for maintaining oxygen and carbon dioxide reserves in the atmosphere of our planet.

Total biomass of prokaryotes is about five hundred billion tons. It stores more than eighty percent of phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon.

However, on Earth there are not only useful, but also pathogenic species of bacteria. They cause a lot of deadly diseases. For example, among these are tuberculosis, leprosy, plague, syphilis, anthrax and many others. But even those that are conditionally safe for human life can become a threat when the level of immunity decreases.

Also there are bacteria that infect animals, birds, fish and plants. Thus, microorganisms are not only in symbiosis with more developed beings. Next we will talk about what are the pathogenic bacteria, and also about the useful representatives of this kind of microorganisms.

Bacteria and humans

We have already figured out what bacteria are, how they look, what they can do. Now we should talk about what their role in the life of modern man.

First, for many centuries we have been using the tremendous ability of lactic acid bacteria. Without these microorganisms, there would not be kefir, yogurt, or cheese in our diet. In addition, such creatures are also responsible for the leaven process.

In agriculture, bacteria are used in two ways. On the one hand, they help to get rid of unnecessary weeds (phytopathogenic organisms, like herbicides), on the other - from insects (entomopathogenic unicellular, like insecticides). In addition, humanity has learned to create bacterial fertilizers.

Also, microorganisms are used for military purposes. With the help of various types, deadly biological weapons are created. For this, not only the bacteria themselves but also the toxins released by them are used.

In a peaceful way, science uses unicellular organisms for research in genetics, biochemistry, genetic engineering and molecular biology. With the help of successful experiments algorithms for the synthesis of vitamins, proteins and other substances necessary for man were created.

Bacteria are also used in other areas. With the help of microorganisms, ore is enriched and the reservoirs and soils are cleaned.

Also, scientists say that the bacteria that make up the microflora in the human intestine can be called a separate organ with its own tasks and independent functions. According to the researchers, inside the body is about one kilogram of these microorganisms!

In everyday life we are faced everywhere with pathogens. According to statistics, the largest number of colonies is on the handles of supermarket carts, followed by computer mice in an Internet cafe and only third in the handle of public latrines.

Next we will talk about what useful bacteria are just necessary for a person for optimal functioning of the body.

Useful bacteria

Even in school they teach what bacteria are. 3 class knows all sorts of cyanobacteria and other unicellular organisms, their structure and reproduction. Now we will talk about the practical side of the issue.

Half a century ago, no one thought about such a question as the state of microflora in the intestine. Everything was OK. Nutrition is more natural and healthy, a minimum of hormones and antibiotics, fewer chemical emissions into the environment.

Today, in conditions of poor nutrition, stress, overabundance of antibiotics, dysbacteriosis and the problems associated with it come to the forefront. How do doctors propose to fight this?

One of the main answers is the use of probiotics. This is a special complex, which re-occupies the human intestines with useful bacteria.

Such an intervention can help with such unpleasant moments as food allergies, lactose intolerance, gastrointestinal disorders and other ailments.

Let's now touch on what useful bacteria are, and also learn about their effect on health.

The most thoroughly studied and widely used for positive effects on the human body are three types of microorganisms - acidophilus, bulgarian rod and bifidobacteria.

The first two are designed to stimulate immunity, as well as reduce the growth of some harmful microorganisms such as yeast, E. coli and so on. Bifidobacteria are responsible for the digestion of lactose, the production of certain vitamins and the reduction of cholesterol.

Harmful bacteria

Earlier we talked about what bacteria are. The types and names of the most common beneficial microorganisms have been voiced above. Next, we will talk about the "unicellular enemies" of man.

So first of all let's learn the characteristics of pathogenic bacteria. Their main weapon against more advanced beings are toxins. With the help of such substances they poison cells of organisms on which they parasitize. It is a large number of representatives of the flora and fauna due to the diversity of bacteria.

There are those that are harmful only to humans, are deadly to animals or plants. People have learned to use the latter, in particular, for the destruction of weeds and bothersome insects.

Before delving into what are harmful bacteria, it is necessary to determine the ways of their spread. And there are a lot of them. There are microorganisms that are transmitted by contaminated and unwashed products, by airborne and by contact routes, through water, soil or by insect bites.

The worst thing is that just one cell, hitting a favorable environment of the human body, can multiply to several million bacteria within just a few hours.

If we talk about what are bacteria, the names of pathogens and useful are difficult to distinguish the layman. In science, Latin terms are used to denote microorganisms. In common parlance, abstruse words are replaced by concepts - "E. coli", "pathogens" of cholera, whooping cough, tuberculosis and others.

Preventive measures for the prevention of the disease are of three types. These are vaccinations and vaccines, interruption of transmission routes (gauze dressings, gloves) and quarantine.

Where does the bacteria in the urine come from?

Some people try to monitor their health and take tests in the clinic. Very often the cause of poor results is the presence of microorganisms in the samples.

About what bacteria are in the urine, we'll talk a little later. Now, it is worthwhile to dwell on where from, in fact, single-celled creatures appear there.

Ideally, the person's urine is sterile. There can not be any extraneous organisms. The only way to get bacteria into the secretions is at the site where the waste is removed from the body. In particular, in this case it will be a urethra.

If the analysis shows a small number of inclusions of microorganisms in the urine, then until everything is normal. But with an increase in the indicator above the permitted limits, such data indicate the development of inflammatory processes in the urogenital system. This can include pyelonephritis, prostatitis, urethritis and other unpleasant ailments.

Thus, the question of what bacteria are in the bladder is completely incorrect. Microorganisms fall into the discharge not from this organ. Scientists today identify several causes that lead to the presence of unicellular creatures in the urine.

  • Firstly, this is a promiscuous sex life.
  • Secondly, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Thirdly, disregard for the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Fourth, a decrease in immunity, diabetes and a number of other disorders.

Types of bacteria in the urine

Earlier in the article it was said that microorganisms in wastes of life activity are found only in case of diseases. We promised to tell you what bacteria are. The names will be given only those species that are most often found in the results of the analyzes.

So, let's begin. Lactobacillus is a representative of anaerobic organisms, a gram positive bacterium. It should be in the human digestive system. The presence of it in the urine indicates some failures. Such an event is uncritical, however it is an unpleasant little bell to the fact that it is worth seriously tackling yourself.

Proteus is also a natural inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract. But the presence of it in the urine indicates a failure in the output of stool. This microorganism gets from food to urine only this way. An indication of the presence of large amounts of proteus in the waste is the burning in the lower abdomen and painful urination with a dark color of the liquid.

Very similar to the previous bacterium is enterococcus fecalis. It falls into the urine in the same way, multiplies rapidly and is difficult to treat. In addition, microorganisms enterococci are resistant to the bulk of antibiotics.

Thus, in this article, we have figured out what bacteria are. We talked about their structure, reproduction. You have learned the names of some harmful and useful species.

Good luck, dear readers! Remember that compliance with personal hygiene rules is the best prevention.

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