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Culinary illiteracy: harm and benefit of shrimp

For our people shrimp remain exotic, although they appeared on the shelves of local supermarkets dozens of years ago. We know that it is delicious and healthy, but we do not always indulge in this seafood, as it is not so expensive. The damage and benefit of shrimp for most of our people is a minor matter, because they appear infrequently on the table of the average Russian. And it's a pity, because by its composition it is one of the best products that we can offer to our body.

Vitamins and proteins, minerals and amino acids, in the end so all the necessary iodine shrimp contain in an optimal and balanced amount. So those who daily pamper themselves with a small portion of this delicacy can safely refuse at any time of the year from multivitamins in tablets.

However, as is known, most of the products for our body are both harm and good. The shrimp is the least affected. Negative consequences for the body can occur if a person really realizes them. As they say, all is well, that in moderation. But, in the first place, overeating is generally harmful to the body. Secondly, some people may have a congenital allergy to shrimp. But you can get it by eating this seafood. A large amount of iodine in these arthropod crustaceans is contraindicated in people with Graves' disease. Their shrimps cause irritability, shortness of breath, the goiter may increase. This product is rich in proteins, which can also harm the body when overeating. And the benefits of shrimp will be zero. Excess protein in the human body has a bad effect on the work of the kidneys, the central nervous system, joint mobility.

In nature, there are about a hundred kinds of shrimp. They can be of different color and size. The last indicator depends on the species, not on the age of the shrimp and ranges from two centimeters to three dozen. By the way, in recent years fans of exotics began to breed shrimp in their own aquariums. True, not to eat them, but just to admire, like a fish. Some types of shrimp are very colorful and interesting habits.

But still they better not admire, but eat. And regularly. They are especially necessary in the diet of losing weight. For them, the damage and benefits of shrimp are not so important. Since they do not need to overeat a priori, this seafood for their greedy for useful substances of the body is simply irreplaceable. In shrimps, there is almost no fat, which means that their calorific value is almost zero. They combine well with vegetables, some salads based on them - just vitamin bombs!

Not all women know that by regularly eating seafood, they prolong their youth and beauty. So, for example, red shrimps have astaxanthin in their composition. This is a natural carotenoid. It provides this product with a red color, and for people who use it, youth and beauty, stimulating the synthesis of new cells.

In general, the damage to shrimp can only occur after gluttony, but this process itself has a bad effect on the body. So do not skimp and though occasionally pamper yourself with this delicacy. Believe me, this will only benefit you. Shrimp, by the way, is one of the few seafood that even young children recommend.

Bon Appetit!

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