HealthAlternative Medicine

Trepang on honey: useful properties and contraindications

Trepang, popularly called a sea cucumber, or ginseng, is a mysterious creature that belongs to the Echinoderms. In Chinese and Japanese cuisine, he, like many others, the same exotic and strange water inhabitants, are very respected. These creatures prefer to live in shallow waters in the southern seas.

A bit of history

In the medicine of the East trepang has long been used as an effective remedy against many serious ailments. Due to its curative effect, it was valued at the same level as ginseng. The healing properties of holothuria are reflected in the Chinese name of this water inhabitant - "Heiseni". In translation, this means "sea root", or "ginseng".

The first mentions of the magic properties of trepang are found in the treatises of the sixteenth century. The Chinese imperial dynasty used tincture of trepanga on honey as an elixir that could prolong life. Numerous studies have established that the tissues of trepanga are saturated with biologically active substances and microelements. This fact explains the unmatched rejuvenating effect.

An Amazing Animal

Holoturia is very interesting for study. It is established that they can regenerate themselves from a third of the trunk, and perform this action without any eating. If you cut the trepang into several parts, then each of them will be restored and become a separate animal in a couple of months.

The internal reserves of the sea creature are immensely rich. For this reason, the meat of the aquatic inhabitant is the bearer of unique properties. Regular use of it in food can increase vitality and immunity. The Japanese have discovered this for a long time and with great pleasure included in their diet tender meat of holothuria, containing proteins, fats, phosphorus, mineral elements, iodine and calcium, iron and magnesium.

Appearance and lifestyle

In Russia, of course, there is not enough fresh trepang to get. As a rule, it comes in canned or frozen form. Perhaps this is a big plus, because its not very attractive look very few people will like. This creature resembles a worm in its form. It has leathery growths on a yellow-green body. There are ten tentacles near the mouth that help this creature to grab food such as soil, plankton and algae. The length of the average individual is forty centimeters. Approximate weight - one and a half kilograms.

Holoturia leads a quiet lifestyle. The creature is unable to swim. Day after day it slowly crawls along the seabed. Water inhabitant consists of sterile cells, in which there is no hint of bacteria and viruses.

Trepang on honey. What heals

Such a medicine is absolutely natural. Tincture of trepanga on honey is able to have a curative effect on all internal organs and systems of the human body.

There are a number of improvements in the treatment of courses. Trepang on honey increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections, and also activates the immune system. Tincture relieves ailments and eliminates intoxication. The use of holothuria can reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors. The curious fact is that in China almost no one has cancer. The reason for this is just trepang on honey.

What treats the tincture, besides all of the above? With all kinds of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, trepang on honey speeds up the splicing of bones. It also regulates the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

Patients with diabetes mellitus are important to remember that tincture significantly increases resistance to such a type of starvation as oxygen. Trepang on honey helps to remove ammonia and slag from the human body, and heals the liver, normalizing its work.

Patients with skin diseases tincture helps in the regeneration of tissues. This remedy is indispensable for resorption of scars and adhesions, as well as in the presence of furuncles, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, burns and frostbite. When diseases of the teeth and gums, trepang on honey is used to treat the oral cavity.

Healing remedy from sea ginseng improves brain activity, blood circulation of the fundus, and also normalizes blood pressure and metabolism. This tincture will help get rid of inflammation in the male and female genital organs.

In addition, trepang on honey is indispensable for depression, insomnia and irritation. It has a positive effect on resorption of blood clots and plaques, helps with respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

So, we can conclude that the properties of this product are exceptionally healing and positive.

Restrictions on use

Trepang on honey, contraindications to which doctors were not found, is suitable for almost all people. However, there are some limitations. A person whose body is too sensitive to honey products should not take such a tincture. Also before using it is necessary to check yourself for allergic reactions when eating marine creatures, holothuria including.

Manufacturing of tincture

There are two recipes. In the first case for the extract use of live trepangs, in the second - dried.

Fresh individuals of holothuria with pre-extracted intestines are thoroughly washed and placed in a glass container. After pour honey. The solution is infused for two months in a dark and cool place. After this period, tincture must be filtered and poured over small jars or bottles.

If dried trepangs are used, they should be soaked in water and left in a jar for several hours. For this recipe will require trepang and natural honey in a ratio of fifty to fifty.

How to drink trepang on honey for prophylaxis?

The way of application is very simple. One to two tablespoons are used fifteen minutes before meals for a month. Then a twenty-day break is done. The number of treatment courses is unlimited.

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