
Cream "Healthy" from varicose veins: reviews, composition, instruction

Is the "Health" cream effective against varicose veins? Feedback from phlebologists and patients about this drug you can find at the end of this article. Also, it provides information on how much this drug costs, where it can be purchased, how to use the medication correctly in vascular pathologies.

Basic information about the disease

The use of the cream "Healthy" is recommended for a disease such as varicose veins. It should be recalled that this is a very serious vascular disease. You can not treat it lightly, because with untimely treatment this disease contributes to the development of many unpleasant symptoms and serious complications.

For quite a long time, varicosity was considered only a cosmetic defect, disfiguring the lower limbs, as well as other parts of the body on which it spread. But today absolutely all phlebologists assert that this pathology is fraught with numerous complications that can lead to prompt intervention.

To cure this unpleasant and aesthetic discomfort the disease requires an exceptionally complex approach. Along with the use of oral medication, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, many doctors recommend using a cream-wax "Healthy" from varicose veins. Experts say that only a combination treatment of this disease will return the patient lost health and save him from an unpleasant net on his legs.

Features of vascular disease and its possible complications

What helps the cream wax "Healthy"? This drug is designed to treat varicose veins. By the way, the mentioned disease belongs to that category of diseases that develop imperceptibly, but entail rather serious complications.

In the process of development of this ailment, the elasticity of the vessels considerably worsens. At the same time, they are very stretched. Vascular valves also undergo significant changes. Due to the violation of their function, blood in the lower limbs stays very long, and dangerous blood clots gradually form in the capillaries.

According to the statements of phlebologists, from the development of the spider veins to the appearance of visually conspicuous knots on the swollen veins, quite a different amount of time can pass. This is due to the fact that the disease in question is developing at an uneven rate. However, absolutely all patients with this problem are united by the fact that this pathology progresses completely at all. Moreover, its consequences can be the most unfavorable. Very often with this disease develop:

  • phlebitis;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Various bleeding;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Venous thrombosis.

Symptoms of vascular disease

When should I start using the cream-wax "Healthy" from varicose veins? The reports say that in order to prevent the development of serious complications with this disease, it is necessary to start fighting at its first signs. That is, with:

  • Swelling in the extremities;
  • The severity and pain in the calf muscles during or after walking;
  • Seals on the skin;
  • Cyanosis of the skin in various places (with varicose asterisks);
  • Itching in the area of passage of large veins on the legs;
  • The sensation of pain that develops when pressure is applied to the veins.

If you do not start using the cream-wax "Healthy", the composition of which will be presented later, on time, then the symptoms of such a disease as varicose veins will become much more. So, the patient can have convex veins on the lower limbs with nodes, after which the legs will be covered with ulcers and so on. It should be noted that such complications put a fatty cross on the full and normal life of a person. Therefore, with varicose veins it is very important to start treatment on time, using effective and only proven drugs, including on a natural basis.

General information about the medication "Healthy"

Does the cream "Healthy" help with varicose veins? The reviews claim that this medication is very popular with those who suffer from the aforementioned illness. At the same time, most consumers report that this drug effectively copes with the task. A similar opinion is shared by many phlebologists. They very often recommend using this tool to treat varicose veins.

So what is the cream of "Healthy"? The instruction informs the users of the drug that this medication is capable of providing anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, venotonic and other therapeutic actions.

This anti-varicose drug is allowed to be used both as an independent agent and for complex therapy of vascular patients. Its use contributes not only to the elimination of pain syndromes, but also to the restoration of lost health of veins and valves. In the future, this will lead to an improvement in blood flow, as well as to the elimination of blood stasis.

Thus, we can safely conclude that the drug "Healthy" (cream) helps to cure varicose at an early stage, until the disease has progressed and did not require urgent surgery.

Properties of the medicament

What are the properties of the cream "Healthy" from varicose veins? Reviews report that this drug has the following effects:

  • Helps to eliminate edema of soft tissues;
  • It stops inflammation;
  • Normalizes blood flow;
  • Restores the operation of valves;
  • Gradually tightens the trophic ulcers;
  • Strengthens the walls of capillaries and vessels, and restores their elasticity;
  • Completely eliminates the pain syndrome, which was previously localized in the lower limbs;
  • Clears the vessels;
  • Dissolves thrombi and prevents their formation.

Composition of the medicinal product

What does the cream-wax "Healthy" contain? The composition of this drug is completely natural. Let's consider the properties of its components in more detail:

  • Beeswax is the main active substance of the agent in question. It helps not only to repair the damaged vessels, but also to significantly strengthen them. Also this component has a hemostatic effect, eliminates unpleasant and painful sensations in the legs and significantly increases the tone of the vascular walls.
  • Extract of propolis is a natural ingredient, which shows a pronounced anti-edematous effect. Also this substance eliminates swelling of soft tissues and prevents the formation of blood clots. It is impossible not to say that the extract of propolis eliminates pain in the area of the affected vessels and eliminates irritation.
  • Horse chestnut extract is a tonic and firming ingredient. It helps to restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and also promotes the production of antithrombin and prevents blockage of blood vessels.
  • Extract of beeswax is also a product of beekeeping. It shows not only active anti-inflammatory properties, but also eliminates inflammation, renews damaged vessels and cells, and also has analgesic effect.
  • Cedar gum is a vegetable matter. It has a thrombolytic effect and normalizes the blood flow.
  • Olive oil is a nourishing and moisturizing substance. This component normalizes blood circulation. Thanks to this property, olive oil prevents vasodilation and the formation of stagnant phenomena.

Prohibitions for appointment

Are there any contraindications to the medication in question? What does the manufacturer of the cream "Healthy" (LLC "Health Group") say about this? According to his statements, as with any other medication, this drug also has some prohibitions against the use of varicose veins.

Therefore, use this cream should only after careful examination of the attached instructions. It says that the agent under consideration is undesirable to apply when:

  • Personal intolerance. The cream-wax is categorically contraindicated for those who have an allergy to honey and other beekeeping products, as there are plenty of them in this preparation.
  • Skin diseases, which have nothing to do with varicose veins, and are at the stage of exacerbation. Despite the fact that the structure of the cream in question is very gentle and soft, its use can significantly aggravate the course of some severe skin diseases, including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, cutaneous vasculitis and so on.
  • Severe complications of varicose veins, including long-term non-healing ulcers. With this pathology, the cream can aggravate the course of the ulcer. In this regard, before the use of medication requires mandatory consultation phlebologist or vascular surgeon.

How should I use Healthy Cream for varicose veins?

Experts say that this drug is very simple to use. Moreover, it is absolutely safe for humans, so the cream-wax is designed for regular use.

With the preventive purpose, this anti-varicose drug is sufficient to apply to the affected areas of the lower extremities 1 or 2 times a day (light massage movements).

If the medicament used for external application is used for the comprehensive treatment of blood clots and varicose veins, it is allowed to be applied to the skin as often as you wish. In this case, there are no restrictions. However, you should always remember that this drug is a product of beekeeping, so in some people it can cause allergic reactions.

Application Features

What should I know before buying a cream "Healthy" in pharmacies? According to the attached instructions, this remedy consists only of natural components, therefore it does not act as a chemical preparation. On the affected areas of the lower extremities, this medicine should be applied as it is absorbed. By the way, it is absorbed almost instantly.

One can not help saying that due to the naturalness of the medicine in question, it has a prolonged and accumulative effect. In this case, you will not notice any positive therapeutic results immediately. As practice shows, the visible effect after application of this remedy can be observed only after regular use of this drug for three weeks.

Also it should be said that for a lasting result, the mentioned varicose cream should be used regularly, for several months.

How much is it and where can I buy a cream-wax "Healthy"?

Unfortunately, the tool in question does not have all the pharmacies available. Therefore, many people are forced to order it via the Internet.

Those consumers who very often use a cream-wax "Healthy" from varicose, argue that in the modern pharmaceutical market there is a huge amount of counterfeits of this drug. Therefore, it is desirable to purchase it on the official website of the manufacturer. By the way, the latter very often holds various promotions and sales. Thanks to this, you can buy this cream very cheaply. The real cost of this medicine is about 900 rubles.

User Reviews

Now you know what constitutes and how much anti-varicose cream "Healthy" costs. The price of this drug is quite high. This opinion is held by many people suffering from diseases of veins and blood vessels. However, experienced phlebologists argue that the cost of this natural remedy is fully justified by its therapeutic effectiveness. After all, the regular use of this medication allows not only to cure varicose veins, but also to prevent the development of serious complications, as well as the conduct of surgical operations.

What do patients say about the drug in question? They argue that this drug has not only a curative but also a preventive effect. Its regular and correct use makes it possible to prevent an exacerbation of the disease. Also cream wax has anti-edematous effect. It effectively eliminates the existing swelling of soft tissues, and also eliminates stagnation.

Among other things, users report that the use of the agent under consideration contributes to the rapid elimination of inflammatory processes in the vessels and adjacent tissues. Also, this medication is very often used as an anesthetic. It effectively eliminates all the pain caused by varicose veins, removes the heaviness and discomfort in the legs.

Another advantage of this medicine is that it is able to normalize the circulation of blood in the vessels, and also to restore the disturbed work of the vascular valves. In addition, this medicine strengthens the walls of the capillaries, significantly increases their elasticity and clears from blood clots.

As for negative patient reports, they are not very common. Among the negative reviews, those who mention the high cost of this drug are particularly notable. It should be noted that on some resources this medication is sold quite cheaply. This fact should alert the patient. Most likely, the seller is selling a counterfeit drug that is not only inefficient, but can also cause irreparable harm to a person's health.

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