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How can I find out the surname at the person's address?

At the moment, you can find out the surname at the address in several ways. Thanks to the development of social networks on the Internet, this search is carried out as simply as possible.

However, in case of failure, it is possible to consider other methods. Today we will tell you how to find the surname at the address of residence through directories and via the Internet.

Social networks

This is perhaps the most acceptable and progressive way to find a specific person. Initially, you can start with search engines by typing in the string the name and surname of the person. However, not all social networks allow you to view user profiles, if you do not have an account. In addition, if the person you are looking for is not registered on the site, then it will simply not be possible to find it. Therefore, to increase your chances, you should register in one of such social networks. The most popular of them are the following:

  • "In contact with".
  • "Classmates."
  • "My World on Mail.ru"
  • "Facebook" (mostly refers to foreign countries).

If you do not know in which network the person of interest can be registered, try to choose a site depending on the age of the person. For example, the social network "VKontakte" is popular mainly among young people under the age of thirty-thirty-five years. Older people prefer to register with Odnoklassniki.

Information service

A year-proven way to find out the name at the address is a city reference. It exists in almost every village. In order to get there enough to call on the official website of the city, specify the number and dial it. However, here it is necessary to note the fact that all reference services do not provide free services, and, accordingly, you will have to pay for the information received. How many, it determines each service in a separate city.

How correctly to learn or find out a surname to the address through help? It's very simple - after the set you will be asked to name the name of the person you are trying to find. Instead, you can provide the address of his residence. Thus, in a few minutes the service itself will name the person's name.

A telephone directory is a way that has been tested for years.

In the Soviet era, the telephone directory was a thick book that kept information about all residents of a particular city. However, now it is not necessary to purchase such volumes. It is enough simply to find the electronic version of the directory through the World Wide Web, using the same search string. To do this, you need to drive a keyword into the string (for example, "telephone directory of St. Petersburg") and go to one of the sites that have all the information about those people who are registered in the city (phone and name).

By the way, in the electronic version you do not have to browse through hundreds of pages with names: you just need to enter the address of the person in the search string of the site.

As you can see, it's not so difficult to find out information about a person at the address.

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