HealthHealthy Eating

Cooked beans: caloric content. Caloric content of canned beans. Caloric content of boiled red beans

Beans are known throughout the world for many millennia. Due to its unique composition, it is the most important component of proper nutrition. Dietitians advise eating it at least twice a week. Giving the body the richest set of trace elements and a large supply of protein, it does not contribute to a set of excess weight, since the boiled bean calorie content is low enough.

Chemical composition

Beans deservedly enjoy such a high position among cereals, vegetables and even other leguminous crops. A significant protein content (20%) puts it on a level with meat. A large supply of carbohydrates (58%) gives a rush of energy, and thanks to the fiber for a long time there will be a feeling of satiety. Bean protein includes vital amino acids: lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, arginine, methionine.

A separate line should be noted the content of vitamins (A, K, E, B, C), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron) and trace elements: zinc, sulfur, copper. You can not worry about the fact that the body loses important substances, if the basis of nutrition is boiled beans. Caloric content of the product allows you to use it for various diets.

Useful properties of beans

  • Kidney problems are familiar to most people. Due to the effect of mocha, bean dishes can alleviate the condition with exacerbations.
  • Sulfur protects against many skin and intestinal infections.
  • The most important element is iron. Only 100 grams of beans give half the daily dose. Without iron, the formation of erythrocytes and the transport of oxygen from the lungs to other tissues and organs are impossible.
  • Excellent beans proved in the prevention of many serious diseases. Among them, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease, pyelonephritis and others.
  • Increase in the general immunity of the body.
  • Normalization of metabolism. In particular, zinc leads to carbohydrate metabolism, and copper regulates the production of hemoglobin and adrenaline.
  • For diabetics, beans must become a daily dish, because the contained arginine has an insulin-like effect.
  • When correcting excess weight and obesity, the real find is cooked beans. The calorie content of dishes from it is so small in relation to nutritional value that it can be used even in a mono-diet and safely dump excess kilograms.

How many calories are in the beans

A man who watches his weight, very useful in the menu of cooked beans. Calorie content is not the last factor, which should be taken into account. The body receives about 100 kilocalories of 0.1 kg of cooked beans. The same amount of energy a person spends in 15 minutes of fast walking or 30 minutes of cleaning around the house.

Depending on the variety of beans and how it is prepared, the amount of calories received varies in one direction or another, but it still remains a useful dietary product. Let us consider this in more detail.

Red beans

This is the most affordable variety that is available in every store at any time of the year. Caloric content of boiled red kidney beans - 93 kcal per 100 grams. It should be noted that it is the leader in the number of vitamins of group B. The high content of cellulose (100 g of product contains 25 grams) completely covers the daily requirement.

Another reason to introduce red beans into the diet is antioxidants, which are also present in the composition. These elements remove toxic substances and slow the aging process. There is a small disadvantage, it is this variety that has more to excess gas generation. This can be corrected if, before cooking, soak the beans for several hours in water with baking soda.

If you want to calculate the energy value of your menu, be sure to note that this product increases when cooking three times. At the same time, the calorie content of the boiled red bean remains the same. Brewing 100 grams of dry beans, you will get a large portion of healthy food, containing only 93 calories.

White beans

It has a more delicate structure and boils well, so it is great for soups. This variety is the leader in the content of mineral substances: calcium, magnesium and iron. It is easier to digest and gives a less pronounced effect of bloating. Beans white boiled caloric content has almost the same - 102 kcal per 100 g of product.

String beans

This is a real standard of healthy, and especially dietary nutrition. Vitamins of group B (the whole composition), A, C, E, minerals (magnesium, calcium, folic acid, chrome), fiber - all this is beans . Caloric content of this product is simply negligible - about 25 kcal per 100 grams.

It is well absorbed, a large amount of fiber works like a brush, removing toxins and toxins. String beans improve the function of the liver and kidneys, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is prepared not as an example to other species: 5 minutes in boiling water - and you can start eating.

Ways of preparation: we will save all the most useful

After reading about the beneficial properties of beans, the housewives often think: how to cook this product, so that more often on the table there were various dishes with its contents? The most simple is boiling, beans can act as the basis of the first dish, salad or as an independent garnish. It is the long-term heat treatment that significantly reduces the gassing effect in the intestine.

Stewing beans with vegetables in a pot or pot, you get a mouth-watering dish. In addition, it gives great variability, a set of vegetables can be changed every time, add meat or other legumes. Although white, although the red beans stew caloric content is approximately the same - 130 kcal (including butter and vegetables).

There is not always the time and the desire to tinker with a long cook, in such cases the canned beans are preserved. Caloric content of this dish is 99 kcal per 100 grams. A huge plus is that it is already ready and seasoned with sauce. On this basis, you can easily cook soup, cook sauce or put it out with vegetables. When canning, 80% of all nutrients are stored. But be sure to pay attention to the composition, best of all, if it only contains water, salt, sugar, vinegar and beans.

Contraindications to the use of beans

Despite the obvious usefulness, there are some precautions. Do not try to eat raw beans. Toxic substances contained in it, are destroyed only by heat treatment.

In case of severe liver damage, the consumption of beans should be strongly limited, since the gases formed in the intestine are absorbed into the blood and give a load to this organ. This rule applies to older people, as there are age-related changes in the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

When should I completely stop using beans?

  • With acute cholecystitis and colitis.
  • With peptic ulcer of stomach with high acidity in the stage of exacerbation.
  • With pancreatitis.

The beans are digested long enough, so it is better to combine it with vegetables (except potatoes) than with meat, and especially by-products.

Let's sum up the results

Beans have low energy value, 90-120 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the variety and method of preparation. Approximately the same indicators have canned beans, its caloric value is 99 kcal. Exceptions are pods, they contain more fiber, and only 25-30 kcal. Any bean is the richest source of vitamins and microelements and should be present on the table at least twice a week. Depending on the health status, there may be restrictions in the consumption of this product, so consult your doctor.

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