Food and drinkRecipes

Cod under marinade

Everyone knows the benefits of any seafood: fish, shrimp, sea kale, etc. Among sea fish, cod is particularly popular. Cod meat is very tasty and nutritious, and most importantly - affordable. Cod cod contains many useful substances, so it is also recommended to use it in cooking. Do not forget that this fish is a little dry, and therefore the most correct solution is to serve cod with marinade or with sauce. Preparation of this option is not particularly difficult, the only thing necessary for cooking is time. One of the main advantages of the dish "Marinated cod" is that it can be served both as a hot snack and cold.

Cod under the marinade can be prepared in several ways with the addition of various spices, for example cloves, or bay leaf, but, regardless of the ingredients used, the main product in this dish still remains fish.

The first variant of preparation of a dish "cod under marinade" passes in some stages. The main components here are:

Cod (can be used as fresh fish or frozen fish),

salt pepper

If you want to serve a dish for dinner, then prepare for the fish should be in the afternoon. To do this, it is necessary to cut the cod into portions and put them into the marinade, which the fish must soak for 5 hours while being in a cool place. This marinade is prepared very simply and quickly. For this option, you will need:

250 ml of water (preferably purified or boiled),

200 ml of 3% vinegar,

1 celery root and parsley root.

Boiling water and vinegar, you need to add to this mixture chopped roots of parsley and celery. Then this marinade should be cooled and put the fish into it. After all the preparatory stages have been completed, the fish will be roasted on high heat (for several minutes on each side). Cod under the marinade is served with a ready- made fish sauce, which can be purchased in a store or with a self-made sauce.

The following recipe does not require much time and does not yield to any other method of cooking cod according to taste. For this dish you will need:

Cod fillets, 1 kg,

2 onions,

2 large carrots,

2 tbsp. L. Tomato paste or ketchup,

50 gr. Flour,

Greens (parsley, basil, dill),

Salt and black pepper (preferably peas).

Begin the preparation with the processing of fish. If you use frozen cod, then it is first defrosted at room temperature. The fillet should be cut into pieces, then a little salt and let it soak for several minutes. Now it is necessary to roll up the data pieces of fish in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on both sides over a large fire to a ruddy golden crust.

The next step in creating this dish will be cooking marinade. It is done very easily, and, most importantly, quite quickly. For it, you need to grate the grated carrots, chop the onions with onions and fry everything in sunflower oil, then add ketchup or tomato paste in a pan to this refueling, diluted in a glass of water along with the salt.

If you do not have ketchup or tomato paste, you can safely replace them with canned tomatoes in your own juice or ordinary tomato juice. Then we put the browned pieces of fish into deep dishes, from above we fill the cod with the prepared marinade. To finish the fish, you can in a saucepan on the stove, boiling everything for 5 minutes and at the end adding finely chopped greens. You can, by adding pepper, parsley and dill, put the dish for 10 minutes in a preheated oven to 180ºС.

And now the cod under the marinade is ready. The garnish for this dish is preferably vegetable. Adding a variety of spices or changing the components of the marinade, you can always create a unique and unique dish, infinitely pleasing loved ones.

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