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Chromosomes. Haploid and diploid set of chromosomes.

Children inherited from their parents are transferred to certain genes. As you know, the younger generation "takes" the older person's face shape, features of the head, hands, hair color, etc.). For the transfer of signs to children from parents in the body is a substance such as deoxyribonucleic acid. This unique substance contains biological information about variability. It is written in code. It stores the chromosome.

The human cell contains twenty-three pairs of such structural-functional units as chromosomes. Each such "duet" contains two absolutely identical structural-functional units. The difference is that these pairs are different from each other. Chromosomes numbered forty-five and forty-six are sexually transmitted. Moreover, this duet is the same only for girls, for men they are different. All structural and functional units, with the exception of genital, are called "autosomes." It should be noted that the chromosomes mostly consist of such elements as proteins. They are different in appearance: some of them are thinner, others are somewhat shorter than others, but each of them has a twin. The chromosome set (or, as it is also called, the karyotype) of a person is a genetic structure that is responsible for the transfer of heredity. It is better to consider such structural-functional units under the microscope during cell division (metaphase stage). In this period, the chromosomes are formed from a substance such as chromatin, and are already beginning to acquire a certain amount, i.e. Ploidy.

As noted above, the human cell has twenty-three pairs of important structural and functional elements. Living organisms have their own individual ploidy.

Haploid and diploid set of chromosomes. The concept of ploidy is defined as the number of chromosome sets in cells (predominantly) in nuclei. In living organisms, chromosomes can be unpaired and paired. In human cells a diploid set of chromosomes is formed, then it is double. Such a set of structural and functional elements is characteristic for all somatic cells. It is worth noting that each person diploid set of chromosomes consists of 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes. The haploid set of chromosomes is a single set of unpaired structural-functional elements of the sex cells. This kit contains twenty-two autosomes and only one sex chromosome. Haploid set and diploid set of chromosomes can be present at the same time. This occurs mainly during sexual intercourse. At this point, the haploid and diploid phases alternate. With the help of division, the complete set forms a single set. After this, two single ones are joined and form a complete set of structural-functional elements, etc.

Diploid set of chromosomes is a set of chromosomes, which is inherent in all somatic cells. In it, all the chromosomes that are characteristic of a given biological species are represented in pairs. Each person has a diploid set of chromosomes capable of containing forty-four autosomes and two sex structural-functional elements. The diploid set of chromosomes is characteristic of the zygote and all somatic cells, except anzuploid, haploid and polyploid cells.

Sometimes there is a violation of a set of structural and functional units. Failures can affect the formation of chromosomal diseases (for example, Down syndrome - the formation of triosomy, i.e., disorders in the twenty-first pair and the appearance of an extra chromosome (third)). The study of chromosomes is very important, since these elements have a very serious effect on the human body.

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