HealthHealthy Eating

Child's menu in 1 year

The health of a child always worries any parent, so first of all it is necessary to make a correct diet for a child. For children after a year, a lot of cooking options appear, so consider the child's menu in 1 year. It should be noted that the performance of a year of your kid does not mean that you should immediately wean him from the breast (of course, I mean those kids who have been breast-feeding since birth). As shown by numerous studies on this subject, breast milk is useful for the baby even after a year, because it has useful substances, in addition, the very process of "sucking", which is soothing to the baby, protects from the effects of stress.

So, the menu of the child in 1 year can look as follows.

BREAKFAST. An ideal breakfast for a one-year-old baby can be considered porridge. Studies of British scientists have shown that the level of intelligence in children who regularly eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge for breakfast is several times higher than in children who do not eat breakfast cereal. So, mothers, "shake your head" if you want the child to grow up smart and healthy. In addition, porridge has an enveloping property - that is, the intestine is reliably protected from various kinds of disorders.

Of course, every day there is a porridge the child does not want, so I suggest two options for breakfast. 1) Any porridge on milk in combination with butter. You can use a combination of cereals, for example - rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. In addition to cereal, you can add an egg yolk (1/2). From the liquid - a special tea for children (it can be found in any pharmacy or specialized baby food store), compote of dried fruits or juice. 2) Omelette, steamed. In addition to the omelette, a slice of cheese and black bread with butter. As a liquid - kissel, compote or the same tea.

DINNER. The menu for a one-year-old child assumes a meat or fish lunch. On the first you can make soup on a meat broth with vegetables. On the second (if you see that the child is not yet satisfied) mashed potatoes with fish cooked for a couple. Here, of course, you can experiment, instead of fish you can cook meatballs or cutlets. It is important to know that it is customary to give a fish twice a week to 70 grams, this is quite enough. Plus, do not forget about the dessert - it can be a fruit or a glass of juice with pulp.

The child's menu in 1 year can be supplemented with a FULLER. The snack is usually given light meals. For example, cottage cheese or kefir. A good afternoon snack can be fruit yogurt (by the way, it can be cooked at home using a special yoghurt starter).

Making your changes in each item, you can make a one-year-old child's menu for a week.

DINNER. There are also many options. 1) For dinner, you can prepare a vegetable stew with chicken for a couple. For dessert - fruit puree, as a liquid - tea, compote, juice or mors. 2) Carrot-curd casserole, fruit pie, tea, juice or compote. You can experiment with products, the main thing that all the components were from the list of allowed babies.

If your child goes to bed late, you can include LATE DINNER in the child's menu at 1 year. It can be a baby kefir, a sour-milk children's drink. And you can just replace the late supper with breast milk.

As for sweet baking, the menu should not include cakes, fatty butter cakes, chocolate and other chocolate products. Sometimes you can give your baby jelly, candy. As for citrus fruits, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, because each child reacts to citrus in its own way - some immediately begin an allergic reaction, others normally suffer without any consequences.

So the choice is yours, the main thing is to correctly choose a varied diet.

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