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Characteristics of Khlestakov: everything is honest

In the county town of N, from which "three years of download, no state you can not reach," came Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov. As Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol remarked: "... a young, stupid man ...". However, the writer Gogol expressed himself mildly, because of his innate delicacy. In fact, Khlestakov was a categorically stupid person, a high-ranking dude and a completely unsophisticated adventurer. This very unflattering characterization of Khlestakov is deduced from observations. He traveled to his father on an urgent call, and even at heart wished to see the result of this trip a certain amount of parental money, for he had lost his money in Petersburg, lost, and prosecuted.

Khlestakov was 25 years old, he had a servant who had not eaten for two days, and snapped his teeth with hunger . Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov was unable to click his teeth, not according to rank. And then he would be happy, because he also did not eat for two days. The reason for the hunger strike of these two gentlemen was very simple, Khlestakov on the way safely sank all the money into the cards. And before the description of Khlestakov is written in the framework of this article, I will note that it is hunger that best describes a person. At the root of the change in character, there is ingenuity, in an empty place there is something like intelligence.

And, most interestingly, the new qualities that have appeared in a hungry person, for some reason remain with him for about a week after he drops out to eat. Mr. Khlestakov came to the county town N four days ago, without a penny in his pocket. He managed to rent a hotel room for tearful requests for payment on the day of departure. The money, they say, is lost, but will soon be sent again. In the restaurant, too, he was credited with credit and given a dinner, and then dinner. On the second day, Mr. Khlestakov and his servant brought breakfast, lunch, and evening dinner. And Ivan Alexandrovich at supper take it and tell the waiter that they did not serve it that way, or they did not. The waiter, chuckling quietly, shared the Khlystakov's sentiments with the host.

The next day, both Mr. Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov and his servant were denied the ration. And now what to do, he had no idea, two days without food, there's nothing to go, there's nothing to pay for the number. And I do not want to go to jail. Position peak. And suddenly some kind of incomprehensible type comes up with incomprehensible conversations. The governor with some other subject. During a tense and confused conversation, Khlestakov suddenly became illuminated and he realized that he had been mistaken for an important person. If he were not hungry, he would never have guessed. And when I understood, the conclusions were immediately made - the important persons of what they ask, everyone will get. The characterization of Khlestakov begins to appear: he is a respectable person, he decided to play along with new acquaintances, did not disappoint them, upset them, telling the truthfulness of the uterus. And, believe me, Khlestakov is a crystal-honest man, if he takes the money, he will certainly turn them on the way back.

The hungry Khlestakov took an important pose, and the mayor turns in a small demon and offers money, turning pale with fear, and invites him to dinner at his house. Ivan Alexandrovich went to the governor, he met his wife and daughter, and then could not decide which of these two worthy women to make an offer of a hand and a heart. At dinner I began to talk about my importance "in this little town Petersburg", about the upcoming "though much higher! ...". The governor and the rest of the guests were smiling, listening to the smooth story. And no matter what characterization Khlestakov Ivan Aleksandrovich, he still remains a skilful narrator. And if he marries the wife of the mayor (the mayor seems to have already agreed), he will also be a wonderful family man. This brief description of Khlestakov can be completed.

Then Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov got a lot of money into debt, that's why his recklessness was where to go for a walk. In his spare time he wrote a letter to his friend in Petersburg with a detailed account of the general stupidity of the population of the city of N and his wisdom. About how an incident happened called "Inspector", the characterization of Khlestakov was not affected, but on the contrary ennobled. This letter was then read by the stupid population, and what happened next, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol says nothing about this.

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