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Champignon. Caloric content and taste

Magnificent and popular mushrooms mushrooms are available for consumption all year round, and for a tender taste are loved by almost everyone. History shows that cultivated mushrooms first appeared about a thousand years ago in Italy and quickly spread around the world. In the 17th century, the French were the first Europeans to grow champignons. Therefore, probably, their name is associated with the French language, "champignon" is a fungus.

It grows well on wet soil and is good in underground areas. Modern technologies have put the growing of champignons on stream, this process is almost completely automated, and as a result, their production is very profitable.

For today in all kitchens of the world it is possible to meet dishes where as an ingredient mushrooms are present. Caloric content of these fungi is small and amounts to only 27.4 kilocalories per 100 grams. This increases the number of food lovers cooked from them, since the bulk of consumers are women.

It is only natural that the amount of calories in the mushrooms excites in the first place people who follow their weight and those who want to lose weight. For fear there is no reason! Even the caloric content of fried champignons cooked in oil is only 43 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

Lose weight, which is important caloric content of fried mushrooms, and lovers of delicious food, you can prepare a delicious salad from French cuisine (only if you make a discount for the presence in it of a modest amount of potatoes).

A handful of mushrooms chopped into small pieces should be fried in oil. Then to a golden crust fry the slices of just two boiled potatoes. Put in a salad bowl, add sliced one cucumber and 2 radishes, as well as small cubes of green apple - halves. Plus finely chopped a few sprigs of dill, basil, parsley and 2 cloves of garlic. Ingredients mix, seasoning with oil, pepper and salt. Transfer to the table until the champignons and potatoes are still warm.

And other dishes from champignons differ in their low caloric content.

In a magnificent delicacy soup-puree, where the main ingredient is champignons, the caloric content according to the standard recipe is only 52 kilocalories per 100 grams of dish.

One of the recipes of soup-puree:

300 grams of fresh or frozen mushrooms fry with onions, salt, adding a bit of mushroom seasoning for flavor and soy sauce for taste. Beat in a blender and put into a saucepan, where to add a glass of milk and to taste for thickness and sweets creamy cream. Cook literally two minutes, pour into a deep bowl, putting the white crackers on top and sprinkling a little garlic butter. So simple, and the dish is ready!

And these figures for those who are interested in how many calories in mushrooms, cooked without an abundance of additional ingredients: boiled mushrooms - calorie content does not exceed 30 kilocalories per 100 grams, canned mushrooms - a calorie content of not more than 25 kilocalories per 100 grams.

In addition to low calorie, champignons are, first of all, famous for their abundance of useful substances. These are valuable proteins, organic acids, minerals, vitamins E, PP, D and group B, which in our enlightened age do not need to explain their beneficial effects on the human body.

For adherents of salt-free diet, mushrooms are just a find because of the low sodium content in them, and the absence of sugar in the composition of these fungi allows diabetics to eat such a tasty and satisfying product.

Another important aspect: champignons have an effective effect on the human body, increasing its immunity. Thanks to the research of biologists, they detected substances that increase the number of antiviral proteins produced by cells during the period of protection, as well as tissue repair.

Here they are, champignons, combining low calorie content and many useful properties.

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