
Cedar: planting and care. How to grow cedar in the country

Powerful and large cedar tree! Planting and caring for it, despite its parameters, is not at all complicated. The main thing is to find a place for this beauty. In our time, the cedar tree has become very popular due to the benefits it brings to man. On the question of how to grow cedar, for example, in the suburban area, the answer is: the breeders are derived dwarf varieties of this tree. Ordinary cedars in height can reach 30 and more meters, whereas dwarfish barely grow to 1 meter. They look beautiful both in solitary plantations and in group ones. Cedar Himalayan has perfectly proved itself in the form of a hedge, it perfectly transfers a haircut that allows to give vent to imagination and create various green forms. In addition to the fact that this tree gives beauty, it still brings health benefits.

From ancient times it is believed that cedar is the elixir of youth, it is a symbol of power. Especially its effect is important for men's health and strength. It is also established that this plant is a source of healing energy. If every day for an hour to rest near the evergreen miracle of nature, you can completely get rid of many diseases. So, cedar, planting and caring for which will not give you much trouble, can take a worthy place in your site. This article will help you learn how to grow a beautiful and healthy conifer tree at home.

Description of cedar

Cedar in the country looks great. This evergreen tree will enjoy its beautiful view all year round. It refers to a family of pine trees and can live up to 800-1000 years. This longevity, as it grows, acquires several peaks and a dense crown.

Old cedars differ in brown, with a grayish tinge, cracked bark in the form of rough scales. Young shoots of dark brown color with a huge number of long red hairs. Needles are dark green soft, grows in bundles of 5 needles, trihedral with small notches, in length reaches from 5 to 15 cm.

Cedar is a monoecious plant, it grows lumps of both female and male. Female cedar cone is at the end of the shoot, and the male is at the base. Thanks to the wind, pollination occurs. The conical kidneys are up to 10 mm in length. The matured cone reaches 15 cm in length and 5-10 cm in width. They are diamond-shaped, have a brown tint. Young cones differ in egg-shaped form and purple hue. Full maturation occurs within 15-16 months. Begins to bear fruit cedar, planting and nursing which are carried out by all rules, at the age of fifty years.

The seeds of the evergreen beauty are large, dark-brown ovoid in shape. In one cone, 50 to 150 seeds can ripen.

Types of cedar trees

Before you learn how to plant cedar, you need to know what species exist in nature and how each of them is characterized so that you can choose the best option for yourself. In total, the genus of cedar trees includes 4 tall species:

  1. Lebanese - is distinguished by the power and spreading of branches that grow horizontally. It looks very unusual Lebanese cedar, planting and caring for this species is very simple, since it is completely unpretentious to the conditions of growth. This tree is slowly growing and to 10 years of life it barely reaches 2 meters.
  2. Atlas - for this species will require a lot of space for growth, since it is extremely powerful. By the age of 10 reaches 3 m in height. After planting, the seedling needs a garter. Branches of plants are raised upwards.
  3. Himalayan - by 10 years it grows up to 3 m. The branches of the dropping type are drooping, the tip is sticking out.
  4. Cyprian - comes from the island of Cyprus. The crown is cone-shaped at the beginning of growth, then grows into broad-spread, in old age becomes umbelliform. In adulthood reaches a height of 40 m.

Place for planting

Cultivation of cedar begins with the selection of a suitable place for the plant. Plant a tree is recommended where the soil is not too dry and saturated with nutrients. Plants that are in the neighborhood should be lower than cedar, because as he grows he needs a large level of illumination. Trees that have reached the age of 7-8 years, can already normally develop further in the penumbra.

How to plant a cedar

The very first thing you need to know about is that the cedar seedlings must be 7-8 m apart from each other. Landmarking during planting is a very important stage of work. It is necessary to make sure that the distance from the tree to the house and nearby buildings is at least 3 m. It is necessary to observe these distances in order that the powerful root system of the plant does not destroy the foundations of structures in due course.

When finished with the markup, you can proceed to planting, this is not a complicated process. Cedar is not too picky to the soil, and it does not require additional litter. In a hard ground, it is recommended to fill a drainage layer (15-20 cm), consisting of large sand or broken bricks.

Watering and sprinkling

Cedar when grown in the garden usually do not need watering. Unless young trees and cedar seedlings are an exception, they must be watered in a dry and hot summer. Watering is moderate, so that moisture stagnation is not formed.

To dry air, evergreens are also calm. But while young cedars need to periodically spray in the summer days. In this way you will provide a rich color for your needles.

Care for cedarwood

How to grow cedar, that he was strong, beautiful and healthy? The answer to this question is simple - you need to look after it properly. While the plant is still young, it grows very slowly, giving way to growth in other coniferous and deciduous species. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that small and still weak cedar seedlings are not lost in the shade and thickets of their faster neighbors. It is necessary to remove self-sowing foreign plants in time.


The best tree will develop on the open sunlight of the territory. The evergreen beauty does not tolerate an excess of nitrogen, this can lead to poor development of the root system. At the same time he needs potassium.

Saplings need mulching, it will keep the roots in winter from frostbite in severe frosts. Every year it is advised to increase the layer of mulch, this will help to form additional roots.

In spring and autumn, the circle around the trunk can be covered with organic. In summer, twice a month, cedar is recommended to be fed with a complex organo-mineral fertilizer.

Reproduction by seedlings

Very carefully you need to choose seedlings of cedar. It is better to buy those that are sold in containers or with a large clod of earth on the roots. This condition increases the chances that the plant will tolerate the transplant well. It is recommended to buy 2-3-year-old seedlings. If the planting material shows open roots and yellow dried needles, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Having picked up the seedlings, you can proceed to planting, following the following recommendations:

  1. Dig up the soil in a radius of 3 meters around the landing pit.
  2. The landing pit should be 40 percent higher than the earth seedlings.
  3. Before planting, dip the roots of the seedling into a creamy clay solution.
  4. First, fix a peg in the pit, only after that you can put a seedling there. Bring the earth together.
  5. Tie the seedling to the pedestal with a string.
  6. Mildly pour the plant. If there is no rain for 14 days, then you need to continue watering every 2 days.

How to grow a nut from a nut

To grow a cedar from a nut, it is necessary to pick seeds for the beginning. Make sure that the planting material does not have an unpleasant odor and is not covered with mold. Now, when the material is selected, you can proceed to sowing.

Before sowing, so that the seedlings are not affected by the fungus, the seeds must be etched in a weak solution of manganese for two hours.

At once the seeds do not germinate, at first they undergo a long preparation, which lasts about 5 months. The first step is to soak the seeds in the water for 3 days, every day you need to change the water. After that, the nuts are mixed with sand, moistened and folded into a tissue pouch. Now you need to put them in a wooden box with holes on the sides and put in the refrigerator. Periodically planting material should be checked and moistened as needed. If the nut is seen mold, it is urgently thrown out, and sand is changed.

After half a year, the nuts are thoroughly washed and planted in pots to a depth of 1 cm. The land for this is sand. At room temperature, after 30 days, the seeds will germinate. Now shoots can be placed in a lighted place, only not under the direct rays of the sun.

With the onset of summer pots can be taken out to the streets, so that plants get used to little by little to the air and the sun. After a while, small seedlings can be transplanted into loose ground.

How to grow cedar in the country

When coniferous forests are far away from housing, it is very desirable to plant such a plant in your house that the congregation envelops in a heady and healing coniferous aroma. Cedar is the best suited for this purpose. Due to its large size it is often used for gardening of large parks and squares. On the countryside a tall, handsome man will also look great, especially in a pair with a birch, but what if you have a small cottage and the site does not differ in the vast expanses? The output can be found by planting a dwarf cedar at the dacha.

Here are some varieties of pygmy cedar:

  • Cedar of the Lebanese variety Nana;
  • Cedar of Atlas variety Aurea;
  • Cedar Lebanese variety Sargentii;
  • Cedar of the Himalayan variety Golden Horizon.

The Benefits of Cedar for Man

What benefit does the cedar bring to humanity, why, especially in recent times, has the interest in this evergreen plant so increased? This is explained by the fact that the tree has extraordinary properties:

  1. Throughout the year the cedar looks very decorative, especially in winter, when the green needles are combined with white sparkling snow.
  2. Useful and tasty cedar nuts are widely used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.
  3. Resin-gum resins due to its unique healing properties is one of the best means for healing wounds.
  4. Needles of cedar are also useful, for centuries it has been successfully used to treat many diseases.
  5. Your site will be filled with an amazing coniferous aroma inherent in the cedar, as a result of which the air will be filled with useful substances and freshness.
  6. Cedar wood is very valued in the construction and manufacturing of furniture. Just in this case, the Canadian cedar is priceless. Products from this tree have the highest price, as they are extremely durable, easily tolerate high and low temperature changes, are environmentally friendly and have antiseptic properties. So the Canadian cedar can be considered the leader among the trees used by builders and craftsmen-furniture makers.

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