
Perennial phlox for beauty and aroma

In nature, perennial phloxes grow in forests, in humid lowlands and in rich humus soils. Most often these are tall shrubs, under which naturally formed mulch accumulates, protecting the roots from winter frosts and feeding plants in all other seasons. Hence, perennial phloxes are not whimsical plants at all. In principle, they grow well on any soil, but the most lush and beautiful are on loose, moist, breathable and nutritious. Take care of this, and perennial phloxes will "breathe" your whole garden with its strong, rich southern fragrance, as if reminding of the fragrant Crimean summer nights.

Planting phloxes of perennial

Choose a site with a slight slope or even. The main thing is that the melt water does not linger on the plantings. The height of the flowerbed is usual, up to fifteen centimeters, but if groundwater is close , it is better to make it higher. In winter, snow must necessarily cover the root system, with little snow phlox freezes. It is better if large trees do not grow next. Flowers do not have enough food and light. They also do not need any heat, because they love penumbra. For tall plants the distance between plantings should be up to half a meter, phloxes perennial undersized planted every thirty centimeters and the same between rows. You can do this in the spring and autumn. Spring planting is very different from the autumn one. It begins immediately after the thawing of the soil. Saplings need to be watered properly, the ground must be covered with humus. Every two or three days, water is abundant. Top dressing is not done immediately, but when perennial phloxes begin to grow. So, they are rooted. You can pour a solution of mullein or slurry, you can use ammonium nitrate. Watering now as necessary. During the summer, additional fertilization is made three to four times. From time to time phloxes require weeding. Autumn planting is somewhat problematic due to the fact that you can not guess the weather. If frosts occur before phloxes take root, you can say goodbye to these flowers. You can not be late with the landing. Saddle them directly with stems, cutting off only a third of the plant along with the inflorescences. If bushes are purchased in October, plant them late. There is only one way out: to dig at a depth of twenty centimeters where the largest amount of snow accumulates in winter. When the soil freezes, it is necessary to cover the pricked seedlings with dry leaves. In the summer, you can also plant phlox, but with a very large clod of earth, and in this case it is better not to divide the bushes.

How to propagate perennial phloxes

Cuttings are held all summer - from mid-April to September. Donors can only be healthy plants. Seeds need to be sown in autumn. However, the simplest and most effective way is to divide the bush when shoots start growing. Until mid-September you can safely share perennial phloxes. Later - undesirable, may not have time to take root and become frozen. Sometimes an accelerated method of reproduction is used: the bush is digged and a part of the root is separated in the usual way, extracting the plant from the ground, leaving part of the root with the kidneys in place. Replace the vacant place with fertile soil and watered. The remaining roots will sprout, and eventually grow the same large bush as it was. Split and transplant phloxes every 3-4 years.

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