
Birch tar: application in gardening and truck farming

Our ancestors had no idea about pesticides and herbicides, but they grew excellent harvests in their gardens. It should not be naive to assume that in those days the grass was greener, and pests of orchard and vegetable crops did not exist. Still as existed! Simply people were able to fight them with the help of natural remedies that do not harm human health.

Alas, many of these folk methods have long been lost, and almost all modern gardeners use chemistry everywhere. However, there are also opposite examples. So, some people intensively use birch tar. The use of this tool in gardening has been going on for hundreds of years. It is worth using the experience of ancestors!

In this article, we list the main garden and garden pests, as well as diseases that can be defeated with this simple drug. As a result, you will not only save money without buying synthetic analogues, but also save your health and the health of your family members. And further. In some cases, birch tar in gardening and horticulture is simply irreplaceable. N 66-FZ provides for punishment for the excessive use of pesticides (especially if the beekeeper lives nearby), so this remedy can become just a wand-pin, if necessary, to protect its planting.

We are fighting the pests of apple trees

Most often, apple moths, an ordinary moth and hawthorn bring troubles to the gardeners. The most dangerous is the moth, since in the especially "lucky" year its caterpillars can actually and in fact almost half of the entire crop. The young generation of this pest is hidden beneath the bark, in the badly dug up land of the trunks, in the branches and fallen bark. Most pup pups begin about the middle of May, and this process lasts about 50 days. After the apple tree has faded, the mass flight of the adult (adult form) of the insect begins.

This lasts about 19 days. Butterflies lay their eggs, attaching them to the underside of the leaf blade. It takes two weeks, and from them appear voracious caterpillars, which with great pleasure pounce upon the fastened fruit. And at this moment birch tar comes to the rescue. Application in horticulture can reliably protect apples from moth. This will require not only the tar itself, but also water and soap, from which it is necessary to make a special solution.

Cooking method

A bucket of water is taken 10 grams, and then half of a bar of soap is added. But then you have to remember the hanging of Christmas toys for the New Year, as the ready solution is poured into small bubbles and hung in the crown of trees. The meaning of this action is that the smell of the resulting mixture very well frightens off the fruit flies. What else can birch tar? The use in gardening is not limited to just frightening off this pest.

Counteraction to hawthorn

Have you ever seen strange dry leaves on the apple tree wrapped in the form of a cocoon and wrapped in something like a cobweb? This is how hawthorn caterpillars winter. When the temperature rises to at least 15-17 degrees Celsius, they crawl out of their hiding place and start methodically devouring young buds: each day they eat one piece each! At the end of May, after properly eating, they pupate. Development does not take much time - about 20 days. From the middle of June, the year of butterflies begins, and in the beginning of July a new generation of caterpillars appears, continuing the black work of their predecessors. And what can birch tar help in this case? Application in gardening it is quite simple and this time.

To get rid of this scourge, you need, first, do not spare the time, collecting the remaining "bundles" on apple trees. Secondly, the trees should be sprayed with the tar pitch, the method of preparation which we mentioned above. To conduct this exercise is necessary at the beginning of flowering of apple trees, that is, at the same time, when processing of trees against the moth. Against whom else is birch tar used in gardening and gardening?

Pests, pear disease and control measures

Despite its name, the cherry sawmill does not mind eating the young leaves of the pear. Like other pests, the larvae of this insect winter in the soil near the trees, as well as in the garbage left by the poor autumn garden cleaning. As soon as it warms up and the soil warms up to the proper degree, they pupate, and then turn into adult individuals. Their departure coincides with the beginning of flowering of stone fruit crops. They harm both the pear and the cherry, they do not ignore the cherries, quince, raspberries and even strawberries. In principle, caterpillars can "lodge" almost on any fruit tree.

When and how to use tar?

Females lay their eggs in rows, placing them along the bottom surface of the leaf plate. When the larvae hatch, they first modestly peck the flesh, and then, growing up, gnaw through the leaves huge, through holes. The presence of a pest can be detected by the presence of cocoons on the lower surface of the leaves. In appearance they resemble spittle. What to do and how does birch tar helps here? The use of this tool in horticulture, and in this case, is not particularly complicated. As soon as the first green leaves appear on the trees, spray the previously described composition. Approximately a week later the procedure is repeated.

What if you noticed dark spots with concentric circles in the form of white dots on the fruits? After all, so dangerous fungal disease - scab. And here the birch tar will help. The application in horticulture in this case is completely analogous to all the situations described above, with the exception of one moment. The active substance (that is tar) on the bucket of water should be taken not ten, but approximately 15 g. Just do not overdo it! The fact is that birch tar, the application in the garden and vegetable garden which we are now describing, contains a lot of vigorous substances that, if used extensively, can completely burn the leaves.

Diseases and pests of plums

The plum moth is especially plagued on the plum. There are Transbaikal and Central Asian types, but, by and large, the only difference is in the way of wintering. The first type uses fallen leaves and branches for this, it can hibernate in the cracks of the tree itself. The Central Asian moth rides winter under a layer of bark. Be that as it may, adult butterflies appear in early June. By the middle of the month they manage to put a bunch of eggs in the inflorescence. After exiting the egg, the caterpillar starts the meal, first destroying the plum bone, and finally completely eating the flesh. As a result of the fetus remains a kind of pouch full of excrement pests.

To prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary in early May to properly sprinkle the plum with a solution of tar on soapy water, and a week later, do it again. Likewise, if a dappled patch of stone fruit crops "attacked" your plum plantation. In this case, birch tar, the application in horticulture in the spring of which we have just described, helps to save virtually the entire crop, without resorting to the use of aggressive chemistry.

Pests and diseases of cherries

Cherries are affected by the plumfruit plum, hawthorn, and also weevil. The most dangerous weevil is a beetle about five millimeters long, having a light gray color. He is engaged in nibbling the edges of leaf blades or simply gnawing the entire central part of the leaf. Do not disdain these insects also with young shoots, buds and buds; Massively eat ovaries, in some cases leaving farmers in general without harvest.

The pest especially loves the young nuclei of newly tied bones, for access to which gnaws through the young berries. Most often, the affected cherries simply fall away, and the remaining ones acquire an ugly form and a completely indigestible taste. Beetles hibernate in the upper layer of the soil, preferring to hide under a layer of fallen leaves and bark. Egg laying begins in the middle of June, and female pests are chosen for this purpose by those cherries that by that time had time to grow to half their size.

After the larva appears, she at first completely eats the young and tender nucleus, and then pupates. An adult beetle comes out of the ruined fruit in about August, immediately starting to look for a suitable place for wintering.

How can we cope with a harmful beetle by practicing the use of birch tar in gardening? In general, the measures are all the same. As soon as the first young leaves appear on the cherry, the tree should be sprinkled with a soap solution of tar. Immediately after the end of flowering, when clearly visible ovaries begin to appear on the tree, the event is repeated.

Diseases and pests of black currant

Black currant is not only one of the most common berry crops, but also one of the most affected by pests and diseases. Most common is a firefly, various kinds of mites, as well as rust and powdery mildew.

The most dangerous pest is the fire, which affects almost all varieties of currant. Her pupae hibernate in the garbage left after poor harvesting of the garden, as well as in the upper layer of the soil. Departure of young butterflies occurs from the moment of the first leaves opening and ending with the time of flowering completion. Most often they lay their eggs right inside the flowers. In a week there are caterpillars, which immediately begin to bite into young ovaries. Having finished with the first berry, the caterpillar crawls to the neighboring ovaries, marking its way with the help of a cobweb. For a whole month the larva devours the fruits intensively, then descends to the level of the soil and prepares for pupation.

How in this case is applied the use of birch tar in gardening? Before flowering, it is necessary to make a saturated tar tar (not less than 13-15 grams per bucket of water) with soap and carefully spray the bushes. Particularly carefully the composition is applied to the lower part of the leaf blades, since these places often remain untreated, because of which butterflies can lay eggs there.

There is one more nuance. Practicing the use of birch tar in gardening, many specialists are smeared with pure tar mixed with a small amount of wood ash, the currant trunks. This prevents the development of many bacterial and viral infections that may well leave you without harvest.

Pests of gooseberries

In addition to all the same fire, the measures of struggle with which we have described above, this sawfly cultivates especially violently. In addition to gooseberries, these beetles very often choose the object of attack red currant, bushes which as a result of their massive invasion may well die. As in all past cases, pupae hibernate in the upper layer of the soil, and the first adult insects appear already at the time of the opening of young leaves, on the lower part of which the female pests lay a lot of eggs. In just a week there are caterpillars that begin to scrape off the juicy pulp of the leaf. A month later they turn into pupae, and a week later a new generation of pests appears.

How in this case helps birch tar, the application in the garden which we describe in this article? It is recommended to slightly modify the solution, which has been repeatedly mentioned above. First, a couple of glasses of sifted wood ash are put on a bucket of water. The mixture is aged for about a day, after which the solution is filtered and there is added at least 15 grams of tar and half a bar of soap, crushed into small crumbs. When destroying sawfly, use birch tar in gardening should be twice: at the time of opening the first leaves and a month after that.

Pests of raspberry

The real scourge of this culture is the weevil-colorod. In appearance it is a tiny beetle, whose length does not exceed three millimeters. Most often winter in the layer fallen for the winter leaves. He prefers to eat buds, but before their appearance he does not disdain young leaves and shoots, in which he gnaws through his moves. Oviposition period is more than a month. Appeared larvae remain in the buds, along with them fall to the ground, where they begin the process of pupation.

In order to prevent the mass reproduction of parasites, even before the first buds are blooming, it is necessary to properly spray the raspberries with the composition, which we have repeatedly mentioned above. But not only for the destruction of these pests birch tar is suitable. Application - garden, garden. Aphids, ants and spider mites are also sensitive to the action of this amazing natural remedy.

In a word, using such a simple tool, you can reliably protect your land from many misfortunes!

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