Spiritual developmentChristianity

Biography of the Matrona of Moscow. Predictions and help

In 1885, during the reign of the Romanov dynasty in Russia, many significant events took place in the world. The French microbiologist L. Pasteur, at his own peril and risk, tested the rabies vaccine on a painfully dying boy. The Germans patented the prototype of a motorcycle - a bicycle with an engine on kerosene. Russia, too, did not remain without significant incidents. The country broke off relations with Bulgaria, the first free reading room appeared in Moscow. But the most important event occurred in the Tula province, in the village of Sebino. There, in a simple peasant family, a girl was born who glorified the holy Orthodox Russia for many decades.

Blessed Matrona Moscow. Biography

Today it is difficult to find in Russia a person who does not know who Matron Moscow is. Biography, birthday, dates of veneration are known to most Orthodox Christians. It is difficult even to imagine the number of people who turn to the saint for help every minute. Long before the canonization of the old man, the common people realized who to go to in the most hopeless cases.

People still remember the words of the saint, uttered many years ago: "Come to me. Tell me about your grief as alive. I will help. Everyone who comes to me will meet at death. " And the Orthodox people go when worldly problems, incurable disease, paralyzed limbs, infertility, drunkenness, financial difficulties ... All requests can not be counted. People refer to it as a favorite grandmother, who will make everyone feel good, pity and always help.

The appearance of the light

The future holy old man was born the fourth child in the family of poor peasants. The biography of Matrona Moskovskaya began with the sad decision of her mother, Natalia Nikonova, to give the baby to the orphanage. The family was not able to feed one more child. However, shortly before the birth of the child, Natalia saw a dream that made her forget about her decision. The woman had a wonderful bird with a human face. The feathered beauty had eyes closed. Natalia interpreted the vision as a sign that the will of God to abandon the child is not. The newborn was born in 1881 on November 10 (22). After her birth, the prophetic dream was confirmed. The baby was blind.

A Wonderful Childhood

Since the beginning of the birth of the child accompanied by unusual events. The first such incident occurred during the girl's baptism.

The priest, lowering his child into the font, was amazed at the column of the fragrant fog that appeared near the baby. "The child will be a saint," said the minister of the church. On this strangeness in the life of the child did not end. Natalia told her friends that the newborn "fasts" on her own. The girl refused to breast-feed on Wednesday and Friday. The little girl spent the night with icons in a red corner. Matronushka played not with peers who laughed at her, but with images of holy people. While peers were amused as usual in the courtyard, the baby sang along with the church choir in the service.

The Blessed Youth

In the early childhood the future Holy Matrona Moskva became known among the people. Biography of the blessed as a healer and a visionary began at the age of seven or eight years. Since childhood, she has hosted many people who have been helped by prayer. To the poor peasant hut the people stretched endlessly. Grateful people left food for the child, gifts. So the child from the burden turned into the main wet-nurse of the family. Gifted by God, the child was pursued by the devil's attacks. One day Natalia invited the girl to come home, it was too cold outside. The matroness refused, explaining that Satan is tempting her. According to the stories of the child, the evil angel did not let her be in the hut, pricked with pitchforks and burned with fire.

A lot of joy in his youth Matron brought travel to holy places. A pious friend took the girl with her on pilgrimage trips. She managed to visit the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Kiev-Pecherskaya, other places that hold orthodox relics. One such trip was marked by an amazing event. In St. Andrew's Cathedral, Mother met with John of Kronstadt. He, noticing the 14-year-old girl in the crowd of parishioners, asked people to part ways so that the saint could greet his shift. "The eighth pillar of Russia", - called it John.


At the age of 17, a tragedy happened, forever changing the fate of my mother. Her legs were cut off. The woman knew in advance that one day a parishioner would approach her, because of which she could no longer walk. "I did not run from the will of God," Matronushka subsequently explained to those around her. However, this is not the end of her tests. Soon she had nowhere to live. The foretold holy revolution began, and with it the long years of persecution of believers. The biography of the Matrona of Moscow in times of persecution of Christians differed in fidelity to the charters of the Church and exceptional spiritual staunchness. The intense life was filled with prayers and compassionate attitude towards people. Blind, paralyzed, homeless, without a family, she found strength to console petitioners, to save them from suffering by their prayerful boldness for the Lord.

A difficult choice

In 1917 there was a difficult time of wandering and repression. The authorities disapproved of religious ascetics and pursued them. Matrona's elder brothers, ardent activists of collectivization, were hampered by the anti-Soviet activities of the younger sister. At that time, for religious propaganda it was possible to lose much, including life. The biography of Matrona of Moscow marks this tense moment as a period of hard choices between the family and the mission of God. And she chose the latter. In 1925 my mother moved to Moscow. Here, in the capital, she lived all the remaining 30 years of her life, homeless and unsettled.

Moscow period

Even in our time, it seems incredible that a person lives alone in the capital, being blind, unable to walk. What can we say about the post-revolutionary period. But in addition to physical ailments, the saint had problems with the police. At this point in life, the biography of Matrona Moskovskaya begins to resemble a detective story: problems with residence registration, the prosecution of custody order, total disorder, constant relocation. Every time she managed to hide from the pursuit, which she miraculously learned in advance.

Saint Matron could not look after himself. The Moscow biography of the old man is rich in the names of believing women who took care of her for Christ's sake.

Together with the blessed one they roamed the apartments, endangering themselves. From house to house, from one street to another. Once she managed to catch a law enforcement officer. But this meeting was not an easy one, but a commercial one. Blessed from the threshold, she sent the policeman home. Struck by the unusual reception of the old man, the man listened to her and therefore managed to save the dying wife. The last years of her life the saint spent in Moscow near her relatives. She knew about her death in advance. Before her death, she asked me to invite my father to the house. The priest who came was surprised when he found out that the blessed one was afraid to die. The old lady went to the Lord in 1952 on May 2.

Predictions and miracles of the Matrona of Moscow

From an early age Matronushka foresaw the calamities and dangers that await the Russian people.

  • Before the beginning of the revolution, a well-to-do woman turned to the blessed for advice on the construction of the bell tower. She told her that the plans of the patron of arts would not come true. The woman was perplexed. Well, what can prevent? The materials have already been bought, and enough money. However, soon the revolution began, and the construction of temples stopped for many decades.
  • One day the girl asked her mother to bring her a chicken feather. Natalya fulfilled the request of the child. The daughter plucked him. And then she said to her mother: "You see him. This is the way they will act with our king. " Natalia was frightened by such speeches of the child. After a while, news of the October coup reached the village.

  • To the people who came to her, my mother advised me always to rely on God's will. Pray, be sure to repent, take communion of the Holy Christ's Secrets, impose on yourself the cross sign, help the needy. "If the people do not live according to the commandments, they lose faith, great calamities come upon him. When in times of distress does not repent, then it completely disappears from the earth, "the ascetic said.

In 2012, the media published information about the old man's prophecy about the end of the world. Ostensibly humanity will perish without war, said Matron Moscow. Prediction of 2017 makes the most tragic in human life on earth. They will fall asleep alive, but reborn as disembodied souls. What these words mean is unknown. They say that the information was obtained from a friend of Matrona who did not want to give her name. On the prediction categorically expressed the ministers of the church. No Christian can accurately name the end of the world, it is clearly and specifically indicated in the Scriptures, explained the clergy.

Healing the Saints

Despite her infirmities, which Mother perceived as a cross given from above, she healed people in the most hopeless cases. There is a story about a paralyzed man living 4 km from Sebino. The matron advised him to come. A paralyzed man overcame a huge distance for such a sick man, and he returned home on his own feet. Eyewitnesses said that she met the visitors with traditional prayers from the morning rule, without any additions. So she healed the possessed and sick. My mother always said that she does not treat people herself, but that God does by her prayers.

Life after death

A believing soul can not be deceived. Those who come to her with love and a pure heart leave notes to Matrona of Moscow, turn to her in prayer, feel that the blessed old lady does not leave them in trouble.

The petitioners are healed of illnesses, arrange a personal life, give birth to long-awaited children, find work. The list of the blessings of the saint can be continued indefinitely. It is noteworthy that admirers receive not only help from my mother, but also spiritual support. People feel how the saint prays for them in difficult situations.

Finding the relics

The first years the road to the grave of the saint, as they say, "did not grow grass". Time passed, fans died, moved, forgot about the old man. Then came the time of perestroika, and with it the revival of the religious life of the Russian people, which for many years lacked faith and spiritual consolation, began. Fans blessed managed to publish memories of her. The news of the old man quickly spread through the country. "If there was a disaster - go to the Matrona, it will help," - said the believing people. Since then, the canonization of the saint has begun. For several years the special commission was working on checking the information about the life of the old man, and in passing its life was written by the chroniclers. In 1998, the exhumation of the remains was finally carried out. The relics of Matrona of Moscow solemnly were transferred to the cancer of the Intercession Monastery . The address where the shrine is located: st. Taganskaya, house 58. The old man was canonized on May 2, 1999.

Readable images

Prayer appeal to the great ascetic in front of her image, according to many people, does not remain unanswered. The icon of the blessed Matrona of Moscow is unusual in that the icon painters, when drawing it, face the difficult task of depicting the face of a blind old man. While the main detail in the classic image of a saint is the eyes.

Among the written images there is an unusual story. This is an icon where Mother blesses Stalin to protect the capital.

The appearance of the relic caused a stormy debate in the society. Representatives of the hierarchy consider this image not canonical, since the conversation between the saint and the ruler of the state, who allegedly came to her for advice, is not a proven historical event. Reliable information about the life of the blessed can be communicated to the official website of the Matrona of the Moscow Pokrovsky Stavropigial Monastery, where the relics of the saint are kept: pokrov-monastir.ru.

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