HealthHealthy Eating

Because of these products, you can smell bad

What you eat can affect how you smell, and it's not just about the smell from the mouth. Products in which sulfur compounds are present can be specially processed in the body, which leads to the appearance of various odors. If you are planning a date or an interview, perhaps these products should stay away.


If at a hangover you feel that you smell the alcohol coming from your pores, you are absolutely right. Your body sends alcohol into the blood, so that it penetrates into the pores and sweat glands, causing a certain body fragrance. The best way to solve the problem is to drink in moderation. If you have already drunk too much, try to drink and drink more water to get rid of the high concentration of alcohol in the blood, this will help make the body smell less obvious.


Asparagus gives the urine a strong smell due to the fact that it contains the substance of mercaptan, decomposing in the digestive system. However, the effect is of an individual nature. Not everyone in the body has the enzymes necessary to digest mercaptan, so some may not notice any effect.


In the beet a lot of methyl, so that, although it is good for health, it also gives the body a strong smell. Such products can, when processed in the stomach, cause the aroma of fish, which many people seem to repel. Eat beets only in the evenings, so as not to encounter an awkward situation.

Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts

In these products, a lot of nutrients and antioxidants, cleansing the body of toxins and carcinogenic cells, yet because of them the body can smell unpleasant, and it will manifest itself in the most awkward way, because such food leads to gas formation. In addition, the gases smell like a rotten egg, which only worsens the situation. It is worth eating such vegetables only at home.

Chewing gum

You think that the chewing gum should solve the problem of an unpleasant smell, but not aggravate it, nevertheless it is a fact: the use of gum increases the amount of swallowed air, which causes the accumulation of gas in the stomach. It is better to use mint candies.


Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which activates the sweat glands. In addition, the coffee is very acidic, so it overdoes the oral mucosa. When the saliva is small, bacteria begin to spread, which cause bad breath. It is better to drink herbal tea, it's more useful.

Curry and zira

The aroma of curry will lead to an unpleasant smell. Spices like curry and zira affect your pores, and you can smell a few days in a row. Better use cardamom, it leaves behind only a fragrance of freshness.


The smell of the body occurs when sweat lipids are processed by bacteria on the skin. Bacteria release in the process gases. Lipids occur with the use of milk, yogurt and other dairy products. As a result, a characteristic aroma appears. Better use alternatives to milk - nut milk will be no less delicious. Tofu will help you avoid embarrassment!


If you at least once sniffed this fruit, you will not be surprised that he leaves stink everywhere. This Asian delicacy in a dense skin with spikes guarantees you an extremely bad breath. In this fruit, a lot of carbohydrates, protein, fat, there are also sulfur compounds, which guarantees a terrible smell. Scientists are trying to create a fruit without a smell, but for now it's better to just limit yourself to citrus fruits. You can add them to water or simply eat, one way or another, the body quickly processes such products.


Products with high fiber content ensure a long satiety. If you eat more than five grams of fiber, you can face increased gas production, besides, your sweat will smell more intensely, and all because of the different chemical compounds present in the cellulose. When they are processed in the gut, gases are gassed. Drink more water to balance such food. This will help you avoid an unpleasant smell.

A fish

Can not understand why your armpits smell so intensely? Perhaps the cause is the fish. Many people do not even know that they can have a metabolic disorder that does not allow them to digest certain types of protein. As a result, the smell is manifested in breathing, sweat and urine. Unaware of this, people deteriorate the aroma of their body with every use of seafood.


If you like spices, you should be careful with fenugreek. It contains aromatic components that can affect the smell of the armpits, making it sweetish. Of course, this is not the worst option, nevertheless, in a strong concentration, it can be nauseating. Neutralize these effects can by soaking the armpits with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice.


Garlic gives the skin a fragrance due to sulfur compounds. They are quickly processed after use and transformed into other substances that manifest through sweat. This guarantees a strong smell. Nevertheless, if you are on a date and eat garlic together, the problem will not be noticeable.

Fast food

It's delicious, but it's bad! Foods rich in sugar affect the hormonal background and metabolism. Did you know that they also change your smell? The chemical composition of such products affects the composition of the blood. New to her components are mixed with bacteria on the skin and cause an unpleasant smell. To get rid of it, give up sweets and sweet drinks.


Lentils - this is very useful, but also causes a smell. In this meal, a lot of fiber, so it activates the activity of bacteria in the intestines, which can cause the appearance of gas and bloating. If you go on a date, do not eat dishes with lentils, better choose something that is easier to digest.

Lack of vegetables

Looking for motivation for ordering a salad? A variety of vegetables can reduce the amount of sulphurous components in the body, and also reduce the likelihood of gingivitis, therefore, they make breathing more fresh. More often eat spinach and cabbage kale.


Onions have a sharp aroma that is pleasant in food, but not on the skin. When you digest such a product, spicy oils get into the bloodstream and manifest through the breath. The more onions you eat, the more you will smell. While the onion does not leave the body, the fragrance will not be lost. Do not eat onions raw, better stew - then the effect will not be so obvious.

Red meat

Studies have shown that people who eat meat have a more unpleasant body odor than those who eat on a vegetarian diet. Just give up the red meat or trim its consumption, replacing it with vegetable dinners.


When you eat certain foods, bacteria can secrete gas during digestion. For example, soy milk can increase gas production, so it is better to use milk from nuts, so that the intestines are in neutral state.

Spicy food

Sometimes sharp food does not smell, sometimes - strongly fragrant, anyway, sweating all the same increases. Better stop eating spicy food on a date.

Whey Protein

If you eat a lot of protein, your stomach has to work hard. Whey protein can cause particularly strong gassing. Try to monitor the level of protein intake. Perhaps you eat more than you should.

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