
The largest aircraft in the world - comfort and efficiency

The competitive spirit will never leave humanity. In any sphere of life people try to surpass previous achievements, to become the first, to win a pedestal. No exception - and aircraft construction. The title "the largest aircraft in the world" is one of the goals that was not motivated by a single aircraft manufacturer. Today this honorable place among passenger airliners is occupied by the development of European aircraft builders - Airbus A380. Its development took more than 10 years, but the work of aircraft designers was not wasted, the largest aircraft is also one of the most economical, fuel consumption - 3 liters per 100 kilometers per passenger. This is due to its small specific weight due to the use of composite materials during construction. The share of carbon fiber in the A380 is 40%, made of wings and fuselage.

The largest aircraft in the world used for passenger transportation, the dimensions are impressive: the length of the aircraft is 73 m, the height is 24 m, the wingspan of the giant is 79.8 m. The liner consists of two decks. The lower one is designed for economy class passengers, the upper one is for business travelers and the first class. The crew of the ship is 27 people for a seven-hour flight and 30 people for a 14-hour flight.

Because of the giant dimensions, only very large airports of the world can take the Airbus A380 , and in our country only two - Domodedovo and Novosibirsk Tolmachevo. The range of non-stop flight is 15,2 thousand km. At one time the largest passenger aircraft can carry from 525 to 853 passengers, depending on the comfort of their accommodation in the cabin. And in terms of comfort in it a lot is done. The liner provides two bars, 15 toilet rooms, two shower cabins for first class passengers. The armchairs can be transformed into horizontal beds, they can be massaged. In addition, the largest airplane in the world can offer a refrigerator for drinks, a multimedia system with a 17 "screen, access to satellite communications, and any passenger can get a picture from an external video camera mounted on the largest The plane in the world.

The first flight of the Airbus A380 was performed in 2005, and in January 2006 the airliner made a transatlantic flight. Commercial use of this aircraft began in October 2007 after passing a complex of acceptance tests. In order to reimburse all the funds spent since 1994 for the development of the liner, the aircraft manufacturer - the concern "Airbus SAS" - will need to sell at least 420 aircraft. However, as some experts estimate, the number of airliners sold in order to recoup the spent 12 billion euros should be more.

In addition to the main modification of the A380-800, today's airspace is surfacing, another five modifications of the airliner are planned: the A380-900 with a length of 79.4 m (to be presented to the world in 2015); A380-1000, which will become the longest aircraft (87 m) and will be able to carry simultaneously more than 1000 passengers, (A380-800F - cargo modification); A380-800ER - the aircraft with the increased range of flight; A380-700-short version (67.9 m).

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