HealthDiseases and Conditions

Bacteria ureaplasma. What it is?

In our body, there are many bacteria and hidden infections, which we sometimes do not even think about, because they do not show any signs of their presence. But this is all for the time being. One of these hidden infections is ureaplasmosis, the causative agent of which is a specific microorganism ureaplasma. What is it, we now find out.

Ureaplasma is the causative agent of infectious disease ureaplasmosis. In most cases, it is transmitted sexually, less often by household. But there are exceptions, the child can get it from a sick mother during childbirth. The smallest bacteria live on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, or rather in the urinary tract, along which the baby moves forward to get to the light. As a rule, the ureaplasma bacterium can sit in the child's body for a long time and do not give any signs until a favorable soil for it appears - a decrease in immunity.


The incubation period of the infection, the causative agent of which is ureaplasma (what it is, you already know), can usually last from a week to a month. In men, it is in most cases localized in the urethra and foreskin. It appears as follows: in the mornings when you urinate, you may get dull discharge, itchy. If the bacterium has penetrated the prostate gland, then all the signs of prostatitis may appear in men: a decrease in erection, pulling pains in the perineum.

In women, everything happens a little differently. Ureaplasma settles in the vagina, this is evidenced by frequent and painful urination, copious discharge (initially transparent, and then with a yellowish tinge), an unpleasant smell appears. If she gets into the uterus, then you can be bothered by the pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which will intensify during menstruation.

After a while these symptoms may subside, but this does not mean that the ureaplasma has left you. As soon as a favorable soil emerges, it will immediately manifest itself. The reason for this may be a decrease in immunity, hypothermia, stress and much more. So do not delay with treatment. If the first signs appear, be sure to ask your doctor for help.


Confirm the presence of bacteria in the body can only analyze the ureaplasma. It is carried out in several ways:

  • Analysis of the tank-sowing. In women, it is taken from the walls of the vagina and the canal of the cervix, in men - from the mucous membrane of the urethra. With the help of this analysis, it is determined not only the species of the bacterium, but also its susceptibility to antibiotics.
  • The method of PCR (polymer chain reaction). This way of testing for the presence of a specific microorganism ureaplasma (what it is, see above) is used only at the first visit to the gynecologist. But as for the repeated analysis, which is taken after the course of treatment, it will no longer be informative. Because this bacterium can be present in small amounts and in the natural microflora of the vagina.

Indications for the study:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Inflammation of the urogenital tract.


If a patient has a ureaplasma, the doctor will have to conduct additional tests to determine the nature of the disease. For the treatment to be effective, a course of medications is prescribed immediately to both partners. Usually, in order to eliminate the infectious disease caused by a bacterium of ureaplasma (what it is, we already know), doctors prescribe antibiotics and immunomodulators. During treatment it is necessary to refuse alcohol, sharp and salty dishes. Also advise to abstain from sexual activity. At the end of the course of treatment, repeated tests are reassigned to make sure that the problem is solved.

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