
Analogues of Estroela: "Tazalok", "Klimonorm", "Inoklim". Preparations with menopause and its complications

In the life of any woman comes a transitional period of age hormonal changes - menopause. As a rule, it is accompanied by a bad state of health: hot flashes, dizziness, sharp mood swings, nervousness, excessive sweating and other unpleasant symptoms. To facilitate the state in such a difficult life stage of a woman analogues of "Estroela" and the drug itself help.

About the drug Estroel

Composed only of natural ingredients, the drug is safe, normalizes the hormonal background in the female body. Thanks to such qualities, "Estroel" (its use is recommended in the climatic period, as well as in painful menstruation, after removal of the ovaries, to prevent premature aging) is popular in gynecological practice. It includes:

  • Soy isoflavones. Herbal component, similar to the female hormone estrogen.
  • Extract of cimisifugi of racemoma. Favorably affects the nervous system, saves from hot flashes, sweating, heart rhythm disturbances, dizziness, reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Extract of Dioscorea. An analogue of the hormone progesterone, protects against vegetovascular dystonia and atherosclerosis.
  • Indole-3-carbinol. Prevents pathological processes in the endometrium, thereby reducing the risk of developing uterine tumors.
  • Nettle extract. Improves the processes of hematopoiesis and protein synthesis.
  • Fructobarate of calcium. Responsible for mineralization of bone tissue.
  • Vitamins: E improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, B 6 is responsible for the synthesis of endorphins, folic acid weakens the symptoms of menopause, increases immunity.
  • Phenylalin is an amino acid that helps the process of thermoregulation.
  • 5-hydroxytryptophan is an analgesic.

Despite the natural composition, a doctor's consultation is necessary before taking the drug. Contraindications include children's age (under 14 years), pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance to the components. For women who are not allowed to take drugs, pharmaceutical companies offer analogues of Estroela, which differ from it in composition, but have similar effects on the body.


Such a drug is "Tazalok", the price of which varies from 800 to 2000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the volume of packaging. This dietary supplements are released in the form of drops. It has a complex effect on the body - analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and bactericidal. For the preparation "Tazalok" the instruction for use contains such indications:

  • Menopausal disorders;
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle, his soreness;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • Dysmenorrhea;
  • Algodismenorea.

As a complex therapy used for fibroids of the uterus, endometriosis, mastopathy, ovarian diseases.

The composition of the drug includes herbal ingredients: fresh celery root, the bed of the present ladybird, the root of the six-petalled motherwort, herb lenok ordinary, calendula flowers, fresh parsley root curly. Despite the natural origin of the preparation "Tazalok", the instructions for use before its reception should be carefully studied. There are contraindications for allergies to incoming components, pregnancy and lactation, cancerous tumors, under 14 years of age. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment.

In addition to its main purpose, "Tazalok" has a therapeutic effect on mastopathy (first or second degree), reduces nervousness and pain in PMS, normalizes the activity of the ovaries, and lowers blood pressure and has a diuretic effect. Judging by the reviews of the drug "Tazalok", the price of which is higher than other similar drugs, we can conclude that it is fully justified. Women note the positive effect and improvement of the condition.

"Tsi-Klim Alanin"

This drug is used in the menopause as a replacement for hormonal drugs. It consists only of natural components. "Tsi-Klim Alanin" is a Russian preparation from the company "Evalar". The main active ingredient is a cymicfuge extract, which is a vegetable substitute for female estrogen hormones, which does not cause weight gain. With menopause, the drug is used to eliminate the characteristic symptoms: hot flashes and sweating, dizziness, headaches. It also contributes to the normalization of palpitation and blood pressure, eliminates sleep disturbances, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. After taking the full course, an increase in working capacity is observed, the skin condition improves due to an increase in the level of collagen and hyaluronic acid. The effect of the drug is observed in full after 2-4 weeks of intake, since it has a cumulative property.

This biologically active additive is shown to be used during menopause as a general restorative, which has a beneficial effect on the female body, and can also be prescribed after the operation for reproductive organs. Contraindications to the use of the drug "Qi-Klim Alanin" is the individual intolerance of any component, pregnancy and lactation, malignant tumors. Admission of funds for uterine myomas and endometriosis is undesirable, but it is possible under the close supervision of a physician.


This sedative is a herbal product, which includes extracts of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. Has a soothing and easy analgesic effect. What is the relation Relaxil to the climax? Instructions for use include such indications: light forms of neurosis, neurasthenia, mental exhaustion, accompanied by sleep disorders, headaches, nervous tension, anxiety, fear, memory impairment. Thus, the drug is often prescribed in menopause to eliminate such symptoms. Also "Relaxil" is used for diseases of the digestive system (gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder) and tachycardia.

Among the contraindications to admission is hypersensitivity to components, age is up to 12 years. Pregnant and lactating women should first consult a doctor who will determine the possible risk and decide whether it is possible to take Relaxil. Instructions for use warns that the drug can reduce concentration and performance, so it is not recommended to drive the car during its reception. Simultaneous use with other sedatives, hypnotics and analgesics enhances their effect, and also increases the effect of ethyl alcohol on the nervous system.


Another protivoplimakterichesky drug - "Klimonorm", the instruction on which application says that this hormonal agent. It contains estrogen and progestogen. It is used for menopause and menstrual disorders. At course use helps to cope with psychoemotional and vegetative manifestations of advancing menopause: nervous excitability, irritability, sleep disorders, sweating. Slows down the aging process of the skin and prevents loss of bone mass, replenishes the deficiency of estrogen in the female body with the drug "Klimonorm". The instruction for use contains the following indications:

  • Menopausal disorders;
  • Deficiency of estrogen;
  • sterilization;
  • Dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • Prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Primary and secondary amenorrhea;
  • Menstrual cycle disorders.

The drug is available in the form of a dragee. Packaging means "Klimonorm", whose price is in the redistribution of 500-800 rubles, is calculated for 21 days. It can not be taken in the presence of such diseases:

  • Heart attack and stroke;
  • Acute arterial thrombosis;
  • oncology;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Deep vein thrombosis.

It is undesirable to use it for diabetes, endometriosis, arterial hypertension, uterine myoma, hyperbilirubinemia. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to the components that make up the composition. The drug "Klimonorm", the price and effectiveness of which attracts many women, can not be taken without the appointment of a doctor, before the start of the course, it is mandatory to undergo a medical examination.


It is a biologically active additive of natural origin. The main active ingredient is soybean extract, which contains isoflavones. These are vegetable substitutes for female sex hormones. The drug is used only with menopause and helps to cope with its negative manifestations, such as hot flashes, fever, excessive sweating, palpitations. It also helps to normalize the level of hormones in the body of a woman and improve overall health.

Take "Inoklim" for three months, one capsule per day. In the absence of the desired effect, you can increase the dosage to two capsules or repeat the course of treatment, but only after consulting a doctor. The drug is prescribed for women over 40 years of age during menopause. Despite the natural composition of the "Inoklim", the instructions for use, the reviews should be carefully studied before use.

Contraindications are hypersensitivity to components and pregnancy. If previously there were allergic reactions to leguminous cultures, it is better to exclude the preparation. Before applying, consult a doctor. If any side effects occur, it is also necessary to inform the specialist.


This drug, like some other analogues of Estroela, contains vegetable substitutes for estrogens. They make up for the lack of hormones in the body of a woman, while being safe and not having such contraindications as hormonal drugs. "Medicine" can be taken even before menopause, in order to delay its onset.

It is recommended for women whose body weight is less than 60 kg, for the prevention of osteoporosis and early menopause - up to 40 years, to improve the condition of the endocrine system, when using low-calorie and mono-diets. After the onset of menopause, the drug alleviates its symptoms and improves the general condition of the body. Helps cope with sweating, hot flashes, changes in mood, dryness of the vagina. Prevents the leaching of calcium from the bones. The composition includes soy extract - a source of phytoestrogens, calcium hydrogen phosphate, vitamins D 2 and D 3 . Although there are no contraindications other than hypersensitivity, one should consult a doctor before using Medizoy. The instruction assumes reception on one capsule in day during meal, the duration of a course will be determined by a specialist.

Klimaton Plus

The drug has a complex effect: sedative, anti-inflammatory, cardio-and angioprotective. Also helps with mood swings, has in its composition plant analogues of hormones. The preparation includes the following components:

  • The cuff grass contains flavonoids, steroids, vitamin C, lipids;
  • St. John's wort contains phenolic carboxylic acids, essential oil, hyperin, quercitrin, leucocyanides, tannins;
  • Yarrow contains vitamin K, tannins, alkaloid ahillein, saponins;
  • Motherwort - iridoids, alkaloid stahydrid, diterpenoid, cardenolides, flavonoids;
  • Concentrated cranberry juice - flavonoids, organic acids, catechins, pectins, saponins.

"Climaton Plus" is used to prevent and treat manifestations of menopause, such as:

  • Increased fatigue, weakness;
  • Nervousness, tearfulness;
  • Depression;
  • Hot flashes, sweating;
  • Syndrome of autonomic dysfunction;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease in the background of menopause.

The drug is taken three times daily before meals, dissolving 1 teaspoon of granules in warm water. The duration of the course should be determined by the doctor, but not more than 6 months. There are contraindications: diabetes, hypertension, allergy to the components of the drug.


This drug, like other Estorel analogues, relieves the symptoms of menopause and improves the woman's well-being in such a difficult period for her. It calms, having a positive effect on the overexcited nervous system, normalizes the pituitary and hypothalamus, restores the work of the ovaries. "Climact-Hel" allows you to significantly improve the state of health of a woman, without resorting to hormonal drugs. It contains such components as:

  • Binge drinking has a calming effect, it helps with mood swings, mental exhaustion, hysteria;
  • Sanguinaria Canadian - its effect extends to hot flashes and migraine headaches;
  • Zidron helps with neuralgia and fever;
  • Extract of ink cuttlefish is used to eliminate profuse sweating, lethargy, tides, depression, craving for crying, nervousness;
  • Sulfur also helps with hot flashes, excessive sweating;
  • Metallic tin relieves pain and soothes.

What do consumers think about the Climact-Hel product? Reviews of women speak of its positive effect on the body in cases of disorders of the nervous system, ovaries, with vegetovascular dystonia, which developed against the background of menopause. The drug is released in the form of tablets for resorption, take it three times a day, sometimes combining if necessary with other medicines. Contraindicated in allergies to ingredients, pregnancy and lactation. With extreme caution and only after a doctor's recommendation is taken for serious liver disease.


The composition of this antimycotactic drug includes red clover extract, which contains phytoestrogens, as well as auxiliary substances. The drug "Cleverol" instruction provides for the use of 1-2 capsules once a day. Dosage and duration of treatment are selected by a specialist individually for each woman. The course of admission should be at least a month, but usually has a longer time. It is possible to use the drug for two years before and after the onset of menopause.

"Cleverol" has an effect on the body like hormonal preparations, but contains as an active substance only the extract of red clover. This is due to the fact that the plant has in its composition substances similar to female sex hormones estrogen and successfully replacing them. Due to this, the drug fights against all the negative symptoms accompanying the menopause period (mental and emotional disorders, vegetovascular disorders). It is practiced before the onset of menopause for the prevention and alleviation of painful conditions.

It is forbidden to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation, with individual intolerance to the components. Sometimes during treatment, side effects occur: weight gain, tension in the mammary glands, menstrual discharge.


An antimaliotic drug consisting of the active substance sygetin (mesodiethylethylenedibenzenesulphonate, dipotassium dihydrate) and auxiliary components. It has a normalizing effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, stops the gonadotropic function of the adrenal glands, increases the content of beta-lipoproteins in the blood, increases uterine contractions and blood circulation in it, tones the muscles of the genital organs, restores urogenital functions. Due to its effect on the body, the characteristic symptoms of menopause are removed, the skin condition and general condition of the body improves, which is why the "Sagenite" received positive reviews.

When combined with folic acid, the therapeutic effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland increases. The drug enhances insulin sensitivity, which is important in diabetes mellitus. The course of treatment is 20-40 days (on the recommendation of a doctor). There are cases when the effect of admission in the first week does not occur, then you should abandon the use of the drug.

Contraindications to the treatment of "Sagenitis" are hypersensitivity, kidney and liver diseases, uterine bleeding, infections of the urogenital system, tumors. With caution and under the supervision of a doctor, take medicine for cardiovascular disease.

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