HealthDiseases and Conditions

An upset stomach in pregnancy, in a newborn, in an older child.

Being pregnant, many women experience problems with their stomach. And this is not surprising, because the body of a pregnant woman is very vulnerable to all sorts of diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach upset during pregnancy can be caused by many causes, including malnutrition, chronic bowel and stomach diseases, and infectious diseases. The whole danger of this problem lies in the fact that the disease harms not only the organism of the future mother, but also the growing child. Therefore, if you are concerned about uncomfortable sensations in the stomach, a sour taste in the mouth or heartburn, be sure to seek medical advice to determine the exact causes of this disease and determine the methods of treatment.

Indigestion during pregnancy can be determined on several grounds. The first sign is heartburn or burning sensation in the stomach, which appears due to excessive secretion of gastric juice, irritating the mucous membrane of the esophagus, thereby causing unpleasant burning. Another sign is nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

To reduce the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms to a minimum, a pregnant woman should follow certain rules.

  • Eliminate the marinade, pickled cucumbers, fatty, sharp and fried foods, smoked foods, strong coffee or tea, as well as low-quality foods that cause stomach upset during pregnancy.
  • Drink liquid in large volumes and as often as possible, if there is no contraindication to this.
  • Try not to load the stomach with food, eat a little, but more often than usual.
  • When there is a feeling of hunger in a break between the basic meals, satisfy the hunger with fruit.
  • To prevent a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, chew food carefully and leisurely.
  • An upset stomach during pregnancy can also occur due to stress, tight clothing and smoking. Therefore, try to wear loose clothes, avoid psychological stress and stress as much as possible, forget about smoking.
  • From medicines it is recommended to use "Smektu", "Neosmectin", antibiotics should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Traditional medicine advises using this recipe: brew a tablespoon of pomegranate peel with 200 grams of boiling water. Give the broth some time to brew and drink a whole glass at a time. You can also use the infusion of oak bark. For this, a teaspoon of bark pour two cups of boiling water. Leave the broth for 8 hours, then strain. Drink a decoction half a cup before meals 3 times a day. Children decoction of the bark of an oak drink is not recommended.

Since the appearance of the baby, moms must closely monitor their diets. After all, a product eaten by a mother can provoke an upset stomach in a newborn baby. Usually babies suffer with colic in the abdomen before the onset of three months of age. After all, the digestive system of the newborn only begins to adapt to the digestion of food, and previously the sterile stomach of the baby is actively populated with microorganisms. Therefore, if in the first days of life the child has diarrhea, do not worry, this is an adequate reaction of the body crumbs. In addition, indigestion can be caused by frequent feeding, eating, eating by mom or intolerance to milk. To save the baby from pain in the tummy, try using the following methods:

  • Attach a warm, iron-ironed diaper to the tummy.
  • During colic, do the baby massage the abdomen or just stroke the stomach clockwise. If this does not work, use a gas pipe.
  • Spread the baby on the stomach every time before feeding, this helps to eliminate the gases.
  • Take care that during eating the baby does not swallow air.
  • To prevent colic use special children's teas with dill or fennel.

The older child's digestive system is already sufficiently formed, however, it is still difficult to fully digest food for her. Salivary glands, stomach, liver and pancreas are not yet ready to digest, followed by absorption of the food that an adult uses. Therefore, at the feast, try to cook dishes that are familiar to the child, which would not cause indigestion in the child. Do not feed the baby pate in vacuum packs containing nitrates and salt sausage products, shop dumplings, chips, chocolates and curds containing dyes. If, after all, indigestion arose, you can cope with this ailment with the help of:

  • Rice water or boiled rice without oil, tea from chamomile and freshly prepared jelly.
  • Raisin water. To make it, you need to brew white raisins and during the day give the child to drink some water.
  • Antidiarrhoeal preparation Smecta.
  • Abundant drink.

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