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An analysis of the poem "Dissolved the Golden Grove" by Yesenin

This lyrical work was written in 1924, that is, shortly before the tragic death of the poet. Sergei Yesenin is a bright figure of Russian literature. His poems are original, filled with love for living nature, touching on some historical events. By the time the poem was created, the poet is already experiencing a colossal longing, a disappointment in life. He does not build new plans, but sums up the results of his life. Let it was not long, but memorable (as we remember, Yesenin lived only 30 years). The analysis of the poem "Dissolved the Grove of Gold" will be useful for students of philological faculties and is interesting to connoisseurs of real poetry. Those who are not indifferent to art are consecrated.

A bit of prehistory

How strange and surprising that a person, being at a fairly young age, could write this letter of farewell in verse, addressed to himself. Sergei Yesenin like a premonition of his imminent death: he mentally pre-analyzes the perfect deeds, seeks meaning to what is happening, sums up. Such moods, most often, are peculiar to those who are at the end of their life path. After parting with Aysaidora Duncan, the poet probably remained completely without support, and even the last marriage with Sophia Tolstoy could not make him happy. This man did not find satisfaction in himself, was not satisfied with his real life, stopped noticing its value and significance.

A written analysis of Esenin's poem "Dissuaded the Grove of Gold" will help to understand the state of the lyric hero, to track his emotional experiences. Feelings are of enormous importance. This lyrical work is very strongly related to another poem - "I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry," written several years earlier.

Composition of the poem

This lyric work consists of six separate stanzas. The general tone of the poem brings to sad thoughts, makes you think about many serious things: the meaning of being, is there real joy, what is the purpose of man? The plot develops against a background of overwhelming melancholy: the lyrical hero lives with memories of a lost youth. Perhaps he simply regrets that he could not keep his almost childish spontaneity and was too carried away by the enchanting deceit of life? Analysis of the poem "Dismissed the Grove of Gold" according to the plan can not be done. Each of us has his own understanding of the essence and meaning of this work, here one should rely on his individuality.

The state of the lyric hero

What happens to him, can not but frighten and not be misleading. The lyrical hero speaks of himself in the past tense, as if he is about to leave this world in a short time, as if he no longer exists. He is both self-confident and confused. The lyrical hero is in the end of his journey, does not know what to strive for in the future. This is a terrible state when you are young, but there are no forces and desires to do anything, to fulfill cherished aspirations. Lyric hero Sergei Yesenin lost his dream. The general mood of the poem is calm indifference and indifference. Do not pity the past, the present, spent in vain for years, but this is only because there is nothing more to strive for. Once the wide road suddenly became a narrow path and gradually came to a standstill.

You can understand the state of the lyrical hero and as a farewell to his youth. He reconsiders the past years, realizes his mistakes, mentally celebrates victories and defeats. The analysis of Esenin's poem "Dissolved the Golden Grove" can be attributed to the category of the most mysterious and mysterious works of the poet. Again and again we turn to long familiar strings to feel our participation in the work of the great poet.

Symbols and their meanings

In this poem, special attention should be given to the images, behind them are important details necessary for a holistic understanding and alignment of the overall picture.

"Birch cheerful language" means an easy life, which the lyrical hero formerly led. That is, you did not have to think about the meaning of being, over the fact that one day everything will come to a logical conclusion and you will have to pay for your own mistakes.

The theme of "cranes" deserves special attention. Their sad flight sounds like a hysterical song, to which you want to cry. They are at the same time part of the present and the past, which inevitably recedes. Cranes are closely connected with the poet's youth, his wonderful impulses and hopes.

An analysis of Esenin's poem "Dissolved the Grove of Gold" shows how profound and significant this drama of the artist, who lost himself, was.

"Golden Grove"

It symbolizes the spiritual wealth of the lyrical hero, his desire for knowledge of the world. Each tree has its roots, and every person - an individual story. Perhaps, comparing himself with the grove, the poet says about the commitment to the Russian people, the connection with the national consciousness, traditions and customs. Why does Yesenin choose this particular metaphor? Perhaps this image was close to him because of the fact that very few people understood it during his lifetime. In addition, there is a similarity with the blond hair of the poet ("golden" color). He himself was an entire universe, which lived by its own laws. Unable to adapt to the circumstances, he very soon made himself a serious enemy in the face of the Chekists. The analysis of the poem "Dissolved the Grove of Gold" can be briefly presented as a revelation that does not end.

"Rowan fire"

It embodies the lofty dreams and aspirations of the lyric hero. The poem mentions that this fire burns, but no one can warm it. Why did it happen? Is the soul slowly dying? Most likely, here Esenin speaks about the coming indifference and slow forgetfulness of the heart.

The flame of freedom gradually fades in it, it becomes calmer, more reasonable, loses its desire and the opportunity to act foolhardy as before. A person can exist as long as dreams and aspirations are alive in him. A lyrical hero does not want anything, except rest. An analysis of Yesenin's poem "Dissolved the Golden Grove" reveals the deepest tragedy of the poet who has lost his taste for life.

Eternal Wanderer

Among other things it is mentioned that each of us comes to this world as a lone wanderer and must leave it at his own hour. The traveler of Sergei Yesenin is inextricably linked with his own life. The poet seems to foresee the inevitability and the proximity of death. The traveler symbolizes the theme of finding the meaning of life.

Sergei Yesenin was particularly keenly looking for an answer to this question in recent years. There is nothing worse for the poet than to feel his uselessness, uselessness and rejection by society. The analysis of Yesenin's poem "Dissolved the Grove of Gold" briefly emphasizes the general drama of the situation.

The meaning of being

Many creative individuals searched, but did not find their own destination, their own unique way. The fact is that not everyone had the strength and perseverance to go through it to the end. Sergei Yesenin "burned out" much earlier. He left a mark in history - his beautiful poetic creations, but his life ended abruptly.

The analysis of the poem "Dissolved the Grove of Gold" shows how short a person's life can be if it is not backed by high aspirations, if it is so foolish to squander itself for nothing. The loss of one's own personality was associated with frustration and loneliness, which, like a snowball, gradually grew and absorbed the soul.

What does Yesenin write about?

Of course, about yourself. About the experienced moments of joy and bitter disappointment, about their own victories and defeats. Who knows why he was left alone at the end of his life, why he suffered from a deep depression? Analysis of the poem "Dissolved the Grove of Gold" leads the reader to a deep meditation, which may prove useful. Each of us wants to live his life as fully and meaningfully as possible. And for this it is necessary to learn to appreciate every moment, any of its manifestations.

The poet writes about his ruined life, about the impossibility to return to the past and to correct past mistakes. An analysis of Sergei Yesenin's poem "Dissuaded the Golden Grove" contains wise thoughts that may prove useful to genuine intellectuals. Creativity of the poet and he himself is alive in his immortal lines.

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